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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/07/22 in Posts

  1. Why even consider editing the existing materials to respond to the _color spawnarg? This seems totally unnecessary - just make a new material and skin definition for your colorable material and then if you want to color an ai you can select that option from the skin browser without altering the look of any core assets at all.
    2 points
  2. I do have some cut content from a mission originally intended for my Shadows of Northdale campaign. I have wanted to rework it for a while and this seems like a perfect opportunity to put it to good use. So provided folks are okay with that, I will enter. Half of the mission will be brand new and half will be from the existing map. And of course, I have prepared a video!
    2 points
  3. Historically, there were several inefficiences in the way stencil shadows were combined with antialiasing. The first improvement landed in 2.10, and fixed most of the slowdown (not even tracked, I suppose). The second improvement landed in the just released dev16617-10107 (5851), and further reduced bandwidth. Now turning antialiasing on increases stencil bandwidth by constant multiplier. So regardless of scene, the different between antialiasing Off and 2x and between 2x and 4x should be more or less the same. Another improvement is about soft stencil shadows (6076), also landed in dev16617-10107. It can be turned on and off by cvar r_softShadowsMipmaps (turned on by default). Unfortunately, this cvar can improve performance, but sometimes it can worsen it too. It would be great if players could test it in various scenes and various hardware and report their results. Here are the gory details about the new optimization:
    1 point
  4. I got a feature in the works, allowing to select and manipulate only "focused" items, which should hopefully be useful for manipulating grouped items without having to disband the group. There's a demo video here: https://www.darkradiant.net/images/videos/selection_focus.mp4 It works like this: You select some items in the map. It doesn't matter what it is, it can be a group or many groups or just two unrelated brushes. Hit Ctrl-F to enter focus mode (the command is called "ToggleSelectionFocus" if you want to bind your own shortcut) Your actions will be restricted to just that selection You cannot select other items that are not in the group (unless you use Layer or Filter selections, or Invert selection) You'll get a visual indication about the focused items in the ortho view Grouping information is ignored while in focus, you can select single parts of any group You can select, move, rotate, delete, edit vertices etc. Hit Ctrl-F again to exit, or (maybe more intuitively) hit ESC until you left the focus The previous selection (before entering focus) is now active again, you can proceed manipulating that I'd appreciate if you folks could have a go and try it and then give feedback about it. There's no release yet, but you can grab a portable release from Github: https://github.com/codereader/DarkRadiant/actions/runs/3403010325
    1 point
  5. It's been fixed for the next release it looks like. As a workaround, make sure the 'Media' tab isn't selected when you do the 'copy shader' operation: https://bugs.thedarkmod.com/view.php?id=6151
    1 point
  6. There is a makeIntensity keyword to change textures to grayscale.
    1 point
  7. I'll definitely investigate and see what's up - those fireballs are heavily customized. Thanks for identifying the problem.
    1 point
  8. Thanks for confirming. I thought I was experiencing some rare bug, new releases usually don't break this sort of thing, maybe something changed with collisions or radius detection. If you can and wish to, mention what you found the issue to be so we know it's not a bug that needs to be fixed in TDM, maybe on another thread or PM so this can stay on-topic to the FM. I'm probably going to put this one on hold for now and get back to it later: I already feel I ruined my run by using noclip and will want to start over. Loved what I've seen so far though, will likely post my full thoughts when I finish it but great work
    1 point
  9. I'm going to ask about a couple of things here because they are related to grouping - feel free to tell me they should be part of a different discussion/feature instead. Perhaps they may factor into how this works. with selection focus on, grouping information is ignored. Makes sense as you want to manipulate the individual objects. But what if you want to clone one of the objects and include it in group (if it is in fact a group you are focused on)? Say you are working on a staircase and need to add a couple more steps. Could cloned objects just be automatically added to the group? I kind of wish there was an 'add to group' or 'merge groups' command in the mouse context menu. Unless you want a bunch of nested groups, you need to select all the objects, then 'ungroup' followed by 'group' to do this. (probably a separate thing but will ask anyways): Is it possible to disable drag select in the camera view? Frequently I'll be selecting objects one-by-one in the camera view to add to a group. The mouse will drag very slightly and all of a sudden loads of stuff in the background will get selected. You then have to press escape and start all over again. Gets tedious.
    1 point
  10. @Baal@datiswous Okay that should be enough. Thanks guys. I'll send you the stuff in the next 2 hours as soon as the little monster is asleep..
    1 point
  11. I'm having this weird issue where copy/paste shader stops working properly. It will paste the texture, but not the position/scale from where it was copied. If you copy/paste between two surfaces with the same texture but different offset/scale, the result is it appears to just do nothing. If I restart DR, it goes away for a while but then comes back. Is there a setting for this anywhere? Anyone else getting this? Because it's random, a bug report probably wouldn't be very helpful without proper steps to reproduce. I don't remember ever seeing this before 3.5.0.
    1 point
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