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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/03/23 in all areas

  1. After a long time waiting for the right moment, here's a remastered playthrough of Requiem, which happens to be my 100th video covering The Dark Mod:
    2 points
  2. Knock it off! Down and Out on Newford Road was fantastic! (I know you're just joking around, but still...)
    1 point
  3. Hi all! paying my seasonal visit to see all the cool screenshots you guys are working on
    1 point
  4. Yes, the TOR network was created by US defense and secret services as system for secure intern communication. Already is used by them, also by universities and research centers (apart of drug dealers, pedofiles, hackers, weapon dealers, killer services and curious unwary with his shabby insecure laptop with TOR)
    1 point
  5. Hello thieves, the other day I realized my last Volta release was in 2017! Time really flies. After years of fiddling with this project, I'm ready to announce the remaining missions in the Volta and the Stone Campaign: Volta 1 : The Stone* Volta 2 : Cauldron* Volta 3 : Gemcutter Volta 4 : The Lost Forge Volta 5 : Buried Streets Volta 6 : Traitor * I have redux versions of Volta 1 and 2 in the works. More on those later. I'm going to start beta testing Gemcutter and The Lost Forge this summer, so those will be ready this year. Buried Streets and Traitor are coming along, but won't go into beta until sometime in 2024. WIP screenshots! Seeya around- Kingsal
    1 point
  6. Version 3.14.15926 General Changes: Added a new game mode where all AI are replaced with clowns. All loot items now make a "boing" sound when picked up. All in-game text has been translated to Pig Latin. Players now have a 50% chance of slipping on banana peels. Guards now have a 50% chance of sneezing, alerting nearby enemies. AI Changes: Guards now randomly break into song and dance numbers. Thieves now occasionally stumble and trip over themselves, making them easier for guards to catch. Zombies now wear silly hats. Level Design Changes: The player's objective is now to steal a giant rubber chicken from a noble's mansion. All buildings in the game world now have exaggerated, cartoonish proportions. The game now takes place entirely in a giant ball pit. Audio Changes: All sound effects have been replaced with foley sounds created by mouth noises. The soundtrack now exclusively features kazoo covers of popular songs. Bug Fixes: Fixed a bug where players could get stuck in a wall by crouching and jumping repeatedly. Fixed a bug where players could "swim" through the air by rapidly jumping while falling. Fixed a bug where the AI would sometimes try to speak in emojis.
    1 point
  7. It is correct that the portraits are AI generated, but I would stop short of saying I “made” them. While there is a method to guiding and getting results which are consistent using these ai art tools, it isn’t really an art or craft. That belongs to the artists the “training” algorithm has stolen from. Pictures of AI posed in game were used as a starting image for all of the portraits. From there it was a combination of text prompts and other images being blended together by the ai into each iteration. I am not exactly sure how many times it needed to run through, but it was a lot. I did not use images from other games to influence the result, just old oil painted portraits (such as those by Rembrandt Peele) and feeding the images back into themselves. Sometimes I would feed a siblings portrait into another result in effort to create some kind of sense familial resemblance and bring in more consistency between the portraits without completely losing their relationship with their in-game counterparts (where they had one). Hopefully this makes it feel like the individual portraits of the Leicester family members were all by the same artist. All post processing as well as the frame and canvas materials and height information were made in substance designer. It is very difficult to use technology like this and not feel conflicted about it. Were we not a very small team working on a non commercial project I would not have done it. We did obviously all really like the portraits, but probably did not expect them to be the seemingly standout thing in a mission rather crammed with new assets.
    1 point
  8. The recent changes removed a lot of constraints on the entity limit, and now it is free to be raised up. Technically speaking, it is not removed, but it can be raised so high that it won't bother you anymore. On the screenshot, you can see the game working fine with 120022 entities (almost all of them func_static): These changes are included in the latest dev build, which can be freely obtained via tdm_installer. In the end, I set the limit to 65536 entities. I hope you won't need more The main point that I'd like to make here is: optimizations against entity limit should not be used any more! You don't need to worry that something would occupy an entity slot. You should never inline entities --- that's a very bad idea! Of course, many of known optimization techniques have other benefits. For instance, combining several models into one manually or via SEED reduces rendering overhead and should make the game faster. Just make sure that the merged objects are very close to each other. Good news is that now you are not forced to do so, and can postpone it indefinitely.
    1 point
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