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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/06/23 in all areas

  1. My new mission, A Night in Altham, is available. We are already up to version 2! @Dave the Tafferfound an problem that deserves a fix, so here is version 2: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/y4r1dmziuq6clh2im3qz1/altham2.pk4?rlkey=m3cv5v6v70lxbc9xha61nuxoj&dl=1. I will ask @nbohr1more to update the databases. A special thanks to JackFarmer for several pieces of custom ambient music. They "complete" the mission, providing a unique feel to its locations. Also thanks to the many beta testers (jaxa, Shadow, wesp5, Cambridge Spy, thebigh, datiswous, Mezla, MirceaKitsune, Melchior, Acolytesix, TheUnbeholden, prjames, Bergante). Thanks to @peter_spy for his beautiful Builder Compound assets. This is a large mission, so be ready to take some time. I recommend that you do named saves occasionally (I actually implemented auto-saves for this mission, but it was causing crashes on Linux, so I removed it). This mission has a lot of keys, so it implements a key management mechanism. Keys are removed from the game when no longer needed. This includes when you use a key to open a door, or if you pick a door/lock that also uses a key. Most keys are automatically removed, but there are a couple that aren't (for example, if they open up more than one door). In a certain area, this mission uses the Keyhole Peek feature of TDM. Typically, this is when you lean forward (F key) into a door keyhole and you can see into the next room. But in this case you don't lean into a keyhole. It's a hole of another kind. It's an unconventional use of something that isn't used a lot in TDM; hopefully the mission context will make it clear when to use it. The mission does not use Keyhole Peek for regular doors. Be aware, there is a known problem on Linux, where the peek feature can cause a crash. Peeking is not required for mission completion. This has been tested on TDM 2.11a and the current dev build of 2.12 (dev16854-10518). Scary things warning: Difficulty settings make a difference. Things that are affected by the difficulty level: Enjoy!
    2 points
  2. @joebarnin version 2 is up in the mission database now.
    2 points
  3. I'm happy to present my first FM, The Spider and the Finch. There may be a spider, but no ghosts or undead. It should run a couple hours. It's now available on the Missions page or the in-game downloader. Many thanks to the beta testers Acolytesix, Cambridge Spy, datiswous, madtaffer, Shadow, and wesp5 for helping me improve and making the mission to the best of my abilities. This would not be have been possible without Fidcal's excellent DarkRadiant tutorial. Thanks also to the many people who answered my questions in the TDM forums. Cheers! 2023-12-13 Mission updated to version 3. Fixed a bug where the optional loot option objective was not actually optional. Updated the animations for Astrid Added a hallway door so the guards are less likely to be aggroed en masse. 2024-05-31 Mission updated to version 4. Adjusted tower guards Added voices for conversations Improvements to objectives 2024-07-12 Updated to version 5. added dialog subtitles small bug fix
    1 point
  4. Sixty years ago the famous deLisle family fell into ruin. The last heir of their house believes an ancient heirloom will restore their fortunes. Retrieving it should be worth braving a haunted house for... Get it from the in-game mission downloader.
    1 point
  5. Now fixed in code rev 10543.
    1 point
  6. Oh: I remember tipping over that lantern when I walked out of the starting boat, it turned it off and it fell somewhere in the boat... wonder if that might be related. Version: 1.1.10
    1 point
  7. Boom. This was the suggestion that fixed my problem. Adding 3 to the frobbox_size arg on each coin made them comfortably frobable in this situation. Now I can easily get the frob dot. Very much appreciated.
    1 point
  8. I think your problem is not the water patch itself. I just tested this and a coin is frobable by default though a patch with a water texture (even if you made it a func_static). My guess is your fountain has a clip box that is covering the coin. What JackFarmer or datiswous suggested would likely work. (edit) Also, make sure the coins are actual loot items and not just a func_static, otherwise they are not frobable! [Use Create Entity to add loot items to the map, don't use the coins found in Create Model as they are not frobable].
    1 point
  9. Is it possible to have a triggerbox that changes a spawnarg on every entity that is moved in/through there? Edit: I guess via Stim/Response . I have not worked with that yet.
    1 point
  10. Maybe increasing the frobbox_size of the loot item might help? https://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=Frobbing
    1 point
  11. Not sure if I understand correctly. However, you could try that: 1. make a clip brush and cover the item in question 2. convert the clip brush into func_static 3. give the func_static the property "frobable - 1" 4. bind the new func_static with the loot item
    1 point
  12. Is there any reason you can't fill the fountain with a brush and turn that into a proper water entity?
    1 point
  13. I accidentally found a bug that's easy to miss but likely also to fix: Select an arrow, in my case I was using the water arrow. Hold down the fire button to charge your shot, wait until it's fully charged but before getting tired and having to abort it. Press esc to enter the main menu without letting go of the left mouse button, then press esc again to resume. If you look and move around, the position of the hand and bow will no longer update until you let go to fire, you can see your first person hands floating in mid-air from a distance till you release the mouse button which will fire and update the hands again.
    1 point
  14. Very nice as a quality small FM, clear and well set up. Definitely didn't get everything but found most of what there was to find. Sadly also a few bugs, makes me a little sad I missed the beta testing to catch them earlier. Other bugs involve the secondary main character...
    1 point
  15. Hi, happy to post again in this forum! I presented myself a couple of years ago, if you can remember, and now I'm quite an experienced player. I hope that I'll be able to post more frequently now, if it's well accepted as I probably will never find the time to directly contribute to this project...but never say never. I also found what I suspect is a bug:
    1 point
  16. Congrats on the release! ( Those beta testers made you really work for this one. )
    1 point
  17. I can't say I like it But many missions seem to work fine with new optimizations. Even New Job, which I guess was the showcase of "architecture modules" (models everywhere instead of brushes), looks fine. Even if you set "disabled" as default, you will still have to playtest all the missions in order to enable it back where it works. The same seemingly impossible task. Except that getting a report for wrong lighting is very likely, while getting a report for a missed optimization opportunity is basically impossible.
    1 point
  18. I think this tab allows you to see VCS commits. In case of DarkRadiant, git repo is integrated into bugtracker, in case of SVN, it is not integrated. You should search bugtracker using "View Issues" tab, the second from top.
    1 point
  19. In addition to voting for TDM, let's help our friend Skacky garner some Moddb recognition for the momentous release of "The Black Parade" https://www.moddb.com/mods/thief-the-black-parade
    1 point
  20. Stim/Response confuses the heck out of me.
    0 points
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