It was mainly the overhead mantle with its long initial hang-phase, that was shortened, while everything else was just minor adjustments. The hang-phase really was extremely long and shortening that was a good suggestion in my opinion. However, I do agree that we went a bit too far with the adjustment. One might argue that a very short hang-phase is realistic, when jumping upwards with high velocity. Conversely, it is rather unrealistic when falling fast, which is why I had internally proposed to keep a longer hang-phase when falling fast. That suggestion didn't gain a lot of traction, 'though, and I did not want to stretch the discussion even further, so I just did not follow up on this.
By any chance, did you also try the extension of the new frob system where the hold-type-grabber is used not only for limbs, but for all junk etc.? You can enable it with tdm_holdfrob_drag_all_entities. What are your thoughts? I had implemented that in order to make the new system a bit more consistent.