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Mortem Desino

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Everything posted by Mortem Desino

  1. JPG diffuse maps effectively get turned into giant lossless texture files at load time. DDS files stay nice and small in memory. For projected textures (I assume you mean light textures) here's the definition for doom 3's defaultProjectedLight lights/defaultProjectedLight { lightFalloffImage _noFalloff // by default, stay bright almost all the way to the end { forceHighQuality map lights/squarelight1.tga colored zeroClamp } }
  2. Displacement maps are useless, because we don't use displacement or parallax shaders. The best way to implement it is to use material-specific shaders, but that's not possible without the doom 3 source code. Heightmaps automatically get turned into normalmaps at load time. All that does is waste loading time and generate an inferior normalmap. You can check out iddevnet for more info.
  3. Good. I have a SUPER-SECRET mission for you. Details coming in a PM...
  4. Doom3.exe frontloads almost everything (no idea why id Software did this, other than that it's easy). Games like Crysis frontload some, and then trickle in the rest of the resources as needed. It's not an easy system to make.
  5. No, I can't recreate the crash. Everything worked fine. Hrm. This makes me think it's more of a drivers or hardware issue. Possibly a bad FM package, too.
  6. Actually, video games are very much an art medium. My avatar? It comes from an old DOS game "Betrayal at Krondor", written by a critically acclaimed novelist -- Raymond E Feist. The story is one of my favorites, even if the technical graphics are primitive, and the gameplay is only OK. My taste for literature ties in with video games more than you might think, Shadowhide. I loved reading "A Clockwork Orange" many times over, and I also loved playing "Amnesia: The Dark Descent". I've read Orson Scott Card, and I've played countless Sci-Fi RPGs. I enjoyed H.P. Lovecraft's "Shadow Over Innsmouth", and I loved playing "Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth". Video games (if a person wants them to be) can be treated as nothing more than toys. Some toys are rusted clunkers, but still a lot of fun to play. Some toys are space-age with shiny chrome, and may not be any fun to play. But -- only if a person allows -- they can be so much more than that. Tastes change and mature over time. My ex-girlfriend admitted that Half-life 2 EP 2's ending was the first time a video game made her cry.
  7. Wow, Shadowhide. Feeling personally insulted over Thief, are we? Go outside, cool off, take your girlfriend out to lunch. I think your boohoohoo'ing temper tantum is "letting down classics" right now. Besides, if I planned on letting down and disrespecting thief, I probably wouldn't have been a TDM dev.
  8. Part of me wonders whether or not the entire physics engine is already included in the DLL. The LCP solvers are already right there. No matter, if someone does rewrite and replace physics, he would likely still need source access. I'd also love to see the memory allocation problem kicked. It's baffling to see doom3.exe tank on my desktop once it reaches 999,999K.
  9. So far, so good! The scale of this project is quite daunting.
  10. Hee hee. Yahtzee was right: the character models still look like badly folded origami.
  11. I suppose I could query the spawnarg "skin". We'll see. I have some doubts whether or not the def parser allows for conditionals.
  12. I'll experiment. I can't think of any way to emulate plate armor. I've suddenly realized that there is no script event that returns the name of a skin. There's only a script event that sets a model's skin.
  13. Those savegame screenshots are actually game textures. We're limited to TGA or DDS there.
  14. I like the skirt rustling that you committed recently, so I might try chainmail rustling on the proguard. The OGGs and the shaders are committed to trunk, but not yet implemented in the anims. Also: Bowl impacts are done. And more wood impacts are done (mostly for furniture, chairs).
  15. It's a common misconception. LOD is not at all hopelessly intertwined with SEED. LOD is detail handling. SEED is entity handling.
  16. SEED can definitely help (link fixed). My outdoor scenes' draw calls get an extra 5-10% shaved off, especially when you're combining same-model func_statics. Six or seven ferns, turned into one merged call.
  17. That's some nice moody lighting. It looks like a real-life old 1700s church. All it needs is a big hammer "crucifix" on the back wall.
  18. set volume to -1. No sense making the OGGs quieter.
  19. I like freesound, because there are always some SFX I just can't make myself (like electronic bleep-bloops, gunshots, etc.)
  20. Actually, I think I've KO'd bikerdude at least a dozen times in various missions already.
  21. It's a complete game. Everything in it (including intellectual property, like the characters & factions) is protected by copyright. So you don't have the right to copy. Personally, I'd rather play new missions than re-play thief for the dozenth time.
  22. Hiya, and welcome to the forums! This cropped up once before on someone running Steam's Doom 3. Take a look in the darkmod directory and see if there's a file called currentfm.txt. If it's there, make sure it's not set to read-only. If there isn't one, create your own blank txt file. Possibly related: how are you starting up TDM? Are you using the provided tdmlauncher.exe?
  23. Hooray! Just in time, before autumn! Should make a lightmap (and corresponding light texture) and turn that into a jack-o-lantern!
  24. No doubt. Piracy is a stupid choice.
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