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Everything posted by HMart

  1. No problem now make us more fantastic missions with this technique.
  2. Nice experiment, i already knew that from school is just like the potato experiment that makes a digital clock work, is just a DC battery, salt water acts like the electrolyte in lead acid batteries.
  3. I will be honest, imo is not bad i especially like how the castle looks, you could of course improve it even more for example by making that floor surface less plane and more varied, use dirt decals, a small water puddle, tree leafs on the floor etc. BTW Don't let your age or lack of time be a deterrent, if you have no intention of being a professional level designer then do what you like to do, take the time that you want to take and don't care if people think your work is good or bad, do what you love. p.s - But i do recommend auto critic and will to improve.
  4. Ok lets hope this continues being a mature and civilized discussion, but like Springheel said I will do so, forget that i was even here.
  5. Sorry for the of topic and not really giving anything useful for the subject at hand but there's a reason for that, right now nothing serious has happened on this thread but i need to say this, i would not encourage this type of discussion on the forum, not that i'm asking for censorship far from it, but because from my experience conversation about religion, politics or even philosophy are very sensitive (religion vs atheism even more) and can lead to very hot discussions and make people hate each other in a very serious manner, and i would hate that because of this, two members of TDM team or even forum users become separated and angry because of ideological ideals, like the old say, says, "want to keep your friends, don't lend them money and don't speak with them about religion or politics", no one started a war over disagreements about music, movies, sports, games, tech, etc, but many started wars over religion and politics, just my two cents.
  6. Is really maddening to me that a third party not in anyway supported by Creative (even one time threatened with litigation by them) is the one that gives better driver support for Creative sound cards, including making old sound cards work on new OS's, why people still buy Creative sound cards is beyond me.
  7. For multiple images (animation frames) you can use this two options. textures/anim_caustics { qer_editorimage textures\sfx\caustics_ed.jpg noShadows nonsolid //noimpact //twoSided translucent { if ( ( time * 24 ) % 23 == 0 ) blend add map textures\sfx\CausticsRender_001.tga } { if ( ( time * 24 ) % 23 == 1 ) blend add map textures\sfx\CausticsRender_002.tga } { if ( ( time * 24 ) % 23 == 2 ) blend add map textures\sfx\CausticsRender_003.tga } { if ( ( time * 24 ) % 23 == 3 ) blend add map textures\sfx\CausticsRender_004.tga } { if ( ( time * 24 ) % 23 == 4 ) blend add map textures\sfx\CausticsRender_005.tga } { if ( ( time * 24 ) % 23 == 5 ) blend add map textures\sfx\CausticsRender_006.tga } { if ( ( time * 24 ) % 23 == 6 ) blend add map textures\sfx\CausticsRender_007.tga } { if ( ( time * 24 ) % 23 == 7 ) blend add map textures\sfx\CausticsRender_008.tga } { if ( ( time * 24 ) % 23 == 8 ) blend add map textures\sfx\CausticsRender_009.tga } { if ( ( time * 24 ) % 23 == 9 ) blend add map textures\sfx\CausticsRender_010.tga } { if ( ( time * 24 ) % 23 == 10 ) blend add map textures\sfx\CausticsRender_011.tga } { if ( ( time * 24 ) % 23 == 11 ) blend add map textures\sfx\CausticsRender_012.tga } { if ( ( time * 24 ) % 23 == 12 ) blend add map textures\sfx\CausticsRender_013.tga } { if ( ( time * 24 ) % 23 == 13 ) blend add map textures\sfx\CausticsRender_014.tga } { if ( ( time * 24 ) % 23 == 14 ) blend add map textures\sfx\CausticsRender_015.tga } { if ( ( time * 24 ) % 23 == 15 ) blend add map textures\sfx\CausticsRender_016.tga } { if ( ( time * 24 ) % 23 == 16 ) blend add map textures\sfx\CausticsRender_017.tga } { if ( ( time * 24 ) % 23 == 17 ) blend add map textures\sfx\CausticsRender_018.tga } { if ( ( time * 24 ) % 23 == 18 ) blend add map textures\sfx\CausticsRender_019.tga } { if ( ( time * 24 ) % 23 == 19 ) blend add map textures\sfx\CausticsRender_020.tga } { if ( ( time * 24 ) % 23 == 20 ) blend add map textures\sfx\CausticsRender_021.tga } { if ( ( time * 24 ) % 23 == 21 ) blend add map textures\sfx\CausticsRender_022.tga } { if ( ( time * 24 ) % 23 == 22 ) blend add map textures\sfx\CausticsRender_023.tga } { if ( ( time * 24 ) % 23 == 23 ) blend add map textures\sfx\CausticsRender_023.tga } } Or more simple using a image strip textures/particles/caustics { qer_editorimage textures/particles/causticsstrip_ed.jpg noSelfShadow translucent noShadows twosided //deform tube { blend add map textures/particles/caustics.tga scale 1 / 24 , 1 scroll table32[ time * .2 ] , 0 rgb 0.1 //clamp } } About memory consumption i don't really think using .roq's is that heavy as they tend to be very low in size and very compressed. Using this two options above tho, can be heavy, depending of course on the image's resolution, they make better image quality compared to .roq but for effects like caustics that is not that important imo. Btw GPU's can only render power of 2 imagens, when you give it a non power of two it automatically converts them for you on the background (wasting precious cycles) so is better and more efficient to work with power of 2 imagens only period. Some engines don't even let you use non power of 2 images. And you can have any kind of image size with power of 2 1024x1024 512x1024 128x1024 64x1024 etc And you can mix match then at will.
  8. I patiently wait for HDR monitors to come, for now i stay with my two cheap LED monitors one of them is even capable of 3D (petty that only works on DirectX games and Doom3 BFG).
  9. Like Bikerdude said this is already possible with roq videos, and you can even use them has a normal texture, for example i used a roq of a caustics animation to simulate water caustics projections on walls in a test map of mine, btw you never played Doom3? It is filled with in-game videos (but most are just world GUI's). Exemple material video/caustics { nonsolid noimpact nodamage noShadows noSelfShadow translucent qer_editorimage textures/editor/video.tga { name "Stage 1" blend add videomap loop video/caustics.roq } }
  10. Thanks greebo for your work. First i'm must say i tested this on Doom 3 not DarkMod so take this with a grain of salt, on the model preview, navigation was choppy, on Normal DR 3D window you click on the arrow and it glides smoothly, on the model viewer i add to constantly press and release the button for the camera to move, ( imo a orbital type of camera with the view center on the model could be better for this not a fly camera) second right now when you click on the lighting preview, on the model viewer, everything gets black, i'm sure thats because you made it so it shows lights that come with the model but when a model has no light then is just black, imo this mode should have a default 3 point light system, that you can enable/disable if needed, that way you can inspect the normal maps and other effects even on objects with no light.
  11. First option for sure. Like Bikerdude never add any problem saving but more options and safeguards is never a bad thing.
  12. Ah ok, but Bikerdude why let that option be there for so long? It doesn't do anything and just crashes the game, imo you guys should remove the EAX menu option and instead use something like "Enable OpenAL" for the ones that want it, at least that is somewhat useful.
  13. That looks fantastic "at that scale"
  14. To anyone interested in modular design Skyrim's Modular Level Design - GDC 2013
  15. No need to use Alchemy on TDM it already uses OpenAL (the Creative one not the OpenAL soft one) is just a matter of enabling it on the Darkmod.cfg BUT there's no reason to, like said above none of the TDM missions use EAX, there was a demo map back then, was awesome on EAX, but none used it to make EAX for their missions (because many players don't have creative sound cards) and right now after many engine modifications it is just unstable so forget it. BTW why is that option still visible on the menu? If is very unstable and do not work then imo it should be removed also for the sake of TDM reputation, we don't want people think it crashed because of bad programing on TDM team part do we? p.s - I remembered You can enable OpenAL separated from EAX it's good if you want to use it instead of the OS sound system, i use it to make Rapture3D work on TDM, for people that don't know is a software that makes sound using HRTF on headphones (search on google) for a fantastic Virtual surround sound.
  16. When i did my models for idtech using Modo 601 i just used the material smoothing option at 180ยบ and exported to .lwo worked fine in game. But modo was one of the tools used by id software so maybe that is why it worked fine. Theres also this -> http://www.katsbits.com/tutorials/idtech/what-are-smooth-groups-and-mesh-smoothing-on-models.php
  17. I don't think TDM will change engine to the BFG version any time soon if ever.
  18. Very good work, modular building wins. Btw after seeing the video one thing came to my mind, the insert prefab really needs a key shortcut. lol
  19. IMO glass shards should not interact with one another in the first place, they should only care about the world geometry and other meshes, is better for performance that way and enables the use of more shards, yes they will interpenetrate each other but imo is something that does not break immersion that much, that is also how Nvidia PhysX does its particles effects and people don't seem to mind.
  20. Ah ok i stand corrected, never tried to hit one till it died.
  21. Afaik Undead are immune to your sword attacks, the only way to kill them is using fire arrows and holy water flasks, imo is better to avoid fighting them. Btw the fighting mechanics of TDM are very similar to mount&Blade that means you can lead your strikes with your mouse movements.
  22. It looks the shards use the regular doom3 rigid body physics and we all know how finicky they are, so no wonder calculating that many shards makes the system really slow. The only solutions to this are: 1 - Update the idtech 4 physics system to be more stable, multithreaded or run on a separate thread. 2 - Replace the physics system with another one like Newton (used on Penumbra and Amnesia) or ODE (used on stalker). But both options i'm afraid will never happen because they need someone very knowledgeable of idtech 4 and physics systems.
  23. Height overlapping lights? Imo that's overkill, that means a single surface and object on that entire scene is being rendered eight times per frame, on idtech 4 the single feature most capable of killing performance is overlapping lights. The old rule in real time lighting based games was to not have more than 4 dynamic lights visible per frame, on deferred renders only true for shadow casting lights, the later not relevant for Darkmod tho because the engine (idtech 4) uses the "old" forward rendering technique. quote from Frictional games developer very relevant for Darkmod p.s - Darkmod engine does prefer small non overlapping and non shadow casting lights so in a sense it can almost replicate a deferred rendering engine, the later strength being its capability of rendering a large number of small non shadow casting lights, so the popular small points of lights jumping around demos.
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