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Status Replies posted by kyyrma

  1. Winter nights are coming, and I've got that mapping bug again. Time to catch up on TDM!

    1. kyyrma


      It's a contrast thing. Cold and miserable outside, warm and comfy inside. Nothing better than hot cocoa, a warm blanket and your favorite book/music/movie /game in wintertime.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  2. Winter nights are coming, and I've got that mapping bug again. Time to catch up on TDM!

    1. kyyrma


      Ha, my town just got first snow last week. Glad to see this might be turning into proper winter, last few have been rather disappointing.


      Not here to enjoy the weather then, Airship? Where you at? Drop me a PM will ya'!

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  3. Just wanted to recommend The Swapper to you guys. It's a semi casual teleportation puzzle game with great soundtrack and atmosphere.

  4. And nu Thief is on sale already! That was fast. Is 33% off good enough? I'll have to think about it :)

  5. Astroturfing sucks. I'm trying not to let paranoia take hold but so many portents are in the corners...

    1. kyyrma


      I know man, its everywhere. You know what you should try? Valium! I too was doubtful of medication, but then my doctor prescribed me this wonder medicine. I know a very good online store I could share with you if you want!

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  6. Played MGS: Ground Zeroes over the weekend, not sure if I like the shift in tone from goofy yet philosophical to grimdark torture porn.

    1. kyyrma


      I did kinda' think that the emotional downfall of Snake was well done however. With Kiefer doing the VA and Snake appearing apathetic to all sorts of crazy shit in the new game, you lose empathy for him real quick. Good set-up for those inevitable MG1&2 remakes ;-)

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  7. Played MGS: Ground Zeroes over the weekend, not sure if I like the shift in tone from goofy yet philosophical to grimdark torture porn.

    1. kyyrma


      Did you play GZ yet? Some of those scenes got me squeamish, and I've got a pretty good stomach for this sort of thing. I guess violence against children is just something you don't really expect in games out of all mediums. While it was handled well, I can't help shake the feeling that all those scenes weren't exactly necessary. It's clear there is no more room for comedy in MGS.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  8. Not Quite There Yet, But The FPS Is Decreasing In A Satisfying Way. 850 Brushes!

    1. kyyrma


      I'm stuck here staring at my puny 190 brushes. But they are my finest brushes yet!

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  9. In Soviet Russia... Crimea conquers YOU!

    1. kyyrma


      Seems like the Cold War is heating up again.

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  10. I've been thinking of asking this earlier: is it a known engine quirk that the player can clip through walls by strafe-running along them in TDM?

  11. I've been thinking of asking this earlier: is it a known engine quirk that the player can clip through walls by strafe-running along them in TDM?

    1. kyyrma


      I seem to be able to reproduce it quite often. Basically what you need to do is run against a wall at an angle while holding both forward and strafing (like when collecting speed in classic Quake-engine based games). Once you hit the right speed and angle, you will clip slightly through the wall. You can then continue until you come out on the other side.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  12. Would a video explaining proper city visportalization be useful?

  13. Thief has its flaws yes but holy fuck is it fun to play! I'm very impressed so far!

    1. kyyrma


      The actual loading times are really fast even on my ye olde HDD (5 - 15 seconds). I could imagine them being a breeze on an SSD.

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  14. Thief has its flaws yes but holy fuck is it fun to play! I'm very impressed so far!

    1. kyyrma


      The loading screens get annoying really fast, especially when navigating around the city. Lets say you want to buy new items: You start from the clocktower. From there you have to walk to the Crippled Burrick, go through a loading screen, buy your stuff, then go through another loading screen to get back. For focus upgrades there are two loading screens, so if you go back and forth that makes four loading screens total.

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  15. Thief has its flaws yes but holy fuck is it fun to play! I'm very impressed so far!

    1. kyyrma


      Has the embargo lifted already? Been playing all weekend, mixed feelings.

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  16. Realtime water sim in a browser: http://madebyevan.com/webgl-water/

    1. kyyrma


      As a person who simply adores water, I love this. Even if its not completely accurate or anything, its still pretty mesmerizing to just play around with. Thanks for sharing, you just killed my productivity :D

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  17. Live with the flow, Baby http://mir.cr/XQVH23EV

    1. kyyrma


      I was really disappointed with Space Dandy. Naturally with Watanabe in helm I was expecting something along the lines of Bebop or Champloo - instead we get this trippy junk aimed at late night Adult Swim audiences.


      I might be a bit harsh, but after all the hype it was just such a letdown. I dropped the series after ep. 3. Maybe I'll give it another shot one day.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  18. So did someone ping modetwo via email, or did he just discover the forum was down? If the latter, we need to get his email address so we don't have long outages again.

    1. kyyrma


      Seconding that the site was unreachable a few hours ago.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  19. Decided to try some games I picked up on Steam sales. Ended up playing through Call of Juarez: Gunslinger in one sitting. Absolutely the best shooter I have played in years. If you like FPS games even in the slightest and haven't played it - just do it. You'll thank me later.

    1. kyyrma


      Looking back, despite 2013 being a pretty bad year for PC gaming in general, it was a good year for FPS games with old-school spirit. We got Gusnlinger, Blood Dragon, Shadow Warrior, Metro: Last Light and probably a few others I can't remember now. Apparently the ROTT remake was good as well?

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  20. I've got the next two weeks off for my Xmas holidays so I've decided to attempt a speed build. I'm going to try and build a haunted manor FM over a twe week period. As the manor consists of 10 rooms and I'll be using the modular building technique, this should not be too difficult. I'll be taking inspiration from The Cradle and Rose Cottage :)

    1. kyyrma


      I see your point there. If you have the time, try Sotha's method. A build-log, especially for a smaller build like this, could be very valuable for new mappers!

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  21. I've got the next two weeks off for my Xmas holidays so I've decided to attempt a speed build. I'm going to try and build a haunted manor FM over a twe week period. As the manor consists of 10 rooms and I'll be using the modular building technique, this should not be too difficult. I'll be taking inspiration from The Cradle and Rose Cottage :)

    1. kyyrma


      Cool! It would be great if you'd chronicle your progress / experience as you go, like Mellan did with Fiasco at Fauchard Street.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

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