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Status Replies posted by SeriousToni

  1. Was checking out old translation packs and decided to fire up TDM 1.07. Rightful Property with sub-20 FPS areas yay! ( same areas run at 180FPS with cranked eye candy on 2.12 )

    1. SeriousToni


      Your mission is finally playable - congratulations 😜

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  2. Turns out my 15th anniversary mission idea has already been done once or twice before! I've been beaten to the punch once again, but I suppose that's to be expected when there's over 170 FMs out there, eh? I'm not complaining though, I love learning new tricks and taking inspiration from past FMs. Best of luck on your own fan missions!

    1. SeriousToni


      Yeah I still remember her too and the Seven Sisters FM...

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  3. Maybe a bit of advice ? In the FM series I'm preparing, the two main characters have the given names Toby and Agnes (it's the protagonist and deuteragonist, respectively), I've been toying with the idea of giving them family names as well, since many of the FM series have named protagonists who have surnames. Toby's from a family who were usually farriers, though he eventually wound up working as a cobbler (this serves as a daylight "front" for his night time thieving). Would it make sense if the man's popularly accepted family name was Farrier ? It's an existing, though less common English surname, and it directly refers to the profession practiced by his relatives. Your suggestions ?

    1. SeriousToni


      Thank you for sharing this! As I said it was just my first though on this when I read the name. Of course feel free to use it as you see fit! :)


    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  4. Maybe a bit of advice ? In the FM series I'm preparing, the two main characters have the given names Toby and Agnes (it's the protagonist and deuteragonist, respectively), I've been toying with the idea of giving them family names as well, since many of the FM series have named protagonists who have surnames. Toby's from a family who were usually farriers, though he eventually wound up working as a cobbler (this serves as a daylight "front" for his night time thieving). Would it make sense if the man's popularly accepted family name was Farrier ? It's an existing, though less common English surname, and it directly refers to the profession practiced by his relatives. Your suggestions ?

    1. SeriousToni


      Is Toby a typical mediaeval name? At least for me it sounds pretty modern.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  5. Congrats to all the busy Dark Mod developers! TDM 2.12 is here!

    1. SeriousToni


      Thanks for all the hard work guys. Playing this game since the early versions and wow - so much has changed to the positive!

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  6. Why do we see people selling fan art and models from games online? How and why do they not get ripped a new one by publishers? I mean there are some companies who just sit on franchises and do nothing with them; they tend to be the most litigious, while more active ones who have actually made good games in the last 15 years seem to ignore it? I guess sitting around, hoarding franchises and not developing games all day means you have more time to go after fans. :) But still, I do feel that profiting off of someone else's work without their permission is wrong.

    1. SeriousToni


      Well, there are even people who sell tshirt prints of the thief games for their own profit without legal pursue. I think doing fanart without profit is fine, but selling them for their own pocket to be printed on clothes and posters by using the fame of games other people / companies made is not right.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  7. The day of reckoning is upon us.

    The day of... forum login changes.

    1. SeriousToni


      Yeah the big banner finally is gone and I always love to see updates to the forum software. I would bring myself up as a co-admin to keep the site and features useful and up to date (as a web designer by profession) - but I am not sure who runs the forums.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  8. No need to get yourself infected with malwarefor that good old Windows experience of ads and nag screens.


    1. SeriousToni


      I seriously don't understand why this would make sense. Also the occasional update screen before you can use Windows. Where you must click carefully through 5 screens trying to avoid installing Office Demo or set Edge as your standard browser and all that shi...

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  9. The Dark Mod 2.11 is out!

    1. SeriousToni


      Congrats - gonna test it out ASAP. Thanks a lot for your hard and constant work. It is great to see the game evolving further!

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  10. I love playing The Dark Mod when it's cold in my place. Bonus points when it's a bit (or even very) dark and it's raining, too.

    1. SeriousToni


      Me too, I noticed that I'm playing Thief and TDM mostly on autumn and winter time. Less in summer and spring. The rain is always a bonus for most games, haha. Not to mention distant rolling thunder!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  11. Tried to make a tdm advertisement commentpost at one of civvie11 youtube videos about T2. Post got marked as spam. His problem (to not discover TDM for himself),..not my problem.

    But some help of some fellow TDM yt-videocomment posters would be nice. To ask him and others, to play TDM. To get more players/creators. 

    1. SeriousToni


      I don't understand why this was considered spam at all.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  12. Currently Profile Information has 3 fields, these are shown in forum posts under your avatar:

    1. Gender

    2. Location

    3. Interests

    I think that it could be useful to have an extra field called "Operating system" (under location). It can be useful for tech support and to see what people use.

    Alternatively it could be a more general term, like PC system, so that you can for example state that you use an AMD gpu.

    1. SeriousToni


      If people then keep it by themselves updated it makes sense. Otherwise it's confusing if you forgot to update your profile and everybody thinks you're talking about Linux but you already switched to Windows :o

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  13. Greetings fellow kids.

    1. SeriousToni


      Yes that's true. But it was the perfect opportunity to greet your fellow forum members 😁

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  14. I just dreamed that I was on a Dark Tranquility concert and then the vocalist took me out of the massive crowd on the stage just to leave it with me and the band together. We went to the back stage where they showed me a game they were developing with the crowd outside waiting for the next song. Then we went out for dinner and ice skating in an abandoned mall. lol

    1. SeriousToni


      @freykWell I'm not sure what to search for in the dictionary, since it was a pretty complex situation. My guess would be that I miss the guys from DT and the live concerts.. and the alcohol haha :D

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  15. Muahaha!!! :D

    1. SeriousToni


      Dann zahle ich gern zu deiner Sekte wenn ich mal hier bin! :) Ich wünschte ich hätte mehr Zeit, umso mehr hoffe ich, dass du uns treu bleibst und mit weiteren tollen neuen Erfindungen bereichern wirst! Im Ernst, mit deiner Hilfe war sehr viel möglich, ich würde mich freuen wenn du weiter für die TDM Community da bist.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  16. Muahaha!!! :D

    1. SeriousToni


      Oh okay, nagut, dann habe ich nichts gesagt. :D Schön dass es dich (noch) hier gibt! :)

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  17. Server is still on shaky legs while I arrange a disk replacement. More downtime to be expected when that happens.

  18. The Playing Field is going to be streaming himself developing a map for the Dark Mod every Sunday:

  19. Best community I've ever been, didn't expect less from Thief fans <3

    1. SeriousToni


      I've been around here for many years and never experienced so much politeness in an online forum. :)

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  20. Back to fixing bugs for a little while. A whole day to find a tiny little missing 'else' statement. Gotta love it.

    1. SeriousToni


      Glad somebody finally found it! :)

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