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Zerg Rush

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Everything posted by Zerg Rush

  1. Yes, but not change that te Picture has a copyright. Before in the other thread I post this image also without watermarks. But that the image circulates on the net, because someone has copied it, does not invalidate this copiright. You can use this image perfectly for your private use or post it here in the forum, but you cannot use it for public use for TDM, without getting into possible problems.. The same if someone copies TDM images, while doing it to use them in private use, wallpaper or posting it on another site in a particular way, nothing happens, but it do, when they copy it to make another game or use it publicly for some campaign, this will violate this right that TDM has. For this reason, it is better to avoid any possible problem and make our own images, which is not that complicated either. We have all the components to do it
  2. That is the problem, for private use you can use every image, but for a public game not. But I think the own game editor Dark Radiant include all the components we need for make an image that we can use without problems and copyright crap. (speed build contest? no game only a scenary, screenshot and done, maybe an oilpainting filter)
  3. In Stock images there are images like this with Copyright, that is to say that you can use them for any purpose, even commercial, but only after paying for the license. Another thing are images licensed from Creative Commons, in these enough to indicate the author, but these images do not usually have much quality and are mostly photos of some furniture or streets, fashion and things like that. I've already looked for it on all sides to find something worthwhile and in the end I came across this paint generator and I think it's the best solution to do something, but some screenshot of some WS scene that can serve, maybe previously staged with some sword, or directly make a scrrenshot of a scene designed with DR
  4. Yes, this is the problem with this type of images, free to use for everything, but paying the license. Because of this I searched other alternatives to create a image. This way we don't have problems with own pictures, more, we can use our own copyright. Everybody, without great artistic skills can creat an image in this online edito and add easy a rock with a sword or similar at this image (usin incluse a Sword from the TDM resources) whith any paint app. If you like, putting below "Copyright by TDM"
  5. Indeed, if we use a grave, it maybe one of William Steele. But I think more in a nice Landscape with the Sword in it. As base one created with Artbreeder, so its a unique image, created by us. In Artbreeder you only has to select the type of Landscape and modify the parameters, the rest is don automatic by the AI. It's very easy to use. This are some examples which I have created
  6. It's not so easy, this image seems to have copyright, I've post another one free in PM, but I 'll try to paint a own one, using Krita and Artbreeder (online AI art generator). What others may also try, both are free to use. With Artbreeder you can generate high quality landscape paintings, among others, and with Krita retouch it easyly as you need, using its brushes with rocks, vegetations, etc.. Swords are downloadable as vector clips for free. This avoid every copyright problem.
  7. In the TDM it can be only a vertical contest, with Garret startin from above, when you like to finish it without pressin nothing . But this will be a very short mission. LOL Most similar mission is Swing.
  8. The title invariably reminds me of a famous poem by Jean de Lafontain, which was even portrayed by various painters, like this oil, which we can admire in the Hermitage in Saint Petersburg The Pack-Saddle A FAMOUS painter, jealous of his wife; Whose charms he valued more than fame or life, When going on a journey used his art, To paint an ASS upon a certain part, (Umbilical, 'tis said) and like a seal: Impressive token, nothing thence to steal. A BROTHER brush, enamoured of the dame; Now took advantage, and declared his flame: The Ass effaced, but God knows how 'twas done; Another soon howe'er he had begun, And finished well, upon the very spot; In painting, few more praises ever got; But want of recollection made him place A saddle, where before he none could trace. THE husband, when returned, desired to look At what he drew, when leave he lately took. Yes, see my dear, the wily wife replied, The Ass is witness, faithful I abide. Zounds! said the painter, when he got a sight,— What!—you'd persuade me ev'ry thing is right? I wish the witness you display so well, And him who saddled it, were both in Hell. https://internetpoem.com/jean-de-la-fontaine/the-pack-saddle-poem/
  9. Awaiting the Storm is also very easy, only one guard outside and few in the Tabern. The Creeps, only 1 Ghost at the end, but a lot of scaling, good for training In a Time of Need Few Guard which can be easy avoid (or blackjacket), little tricky to find the loot. Mother Rose One guard and one friendly ghost (no will atack you, but don't get too close, why the aura will kill you) The Builder Blocks But not all small misions are easy Spring Cleaning is a good example, short but deadly, only try it, if you are good with lockpicks and stealth skill. Some skeleton, a big spider and without more than the lockpicks, no tools or weapons. Another small but very tricky mision is the Bakery Job, a lot of people surrounding there.
  10. You can download all missions in the game menu, you don't need them download from here. Below in the Main Menu you find the Option to download the missions. The title is WS1: In the North
  11. This i Intended, but I don't know what the kid has done, anyway TDM was no longer starting and some files were in another directory. Sure I could have used the TDM installer, but this one didn't work either. That is why I have decided to start a clean slate, before to lost a day to recover it, and next time I will be more careful with this two-legged virus. Kids can be terrible, like these little trolls that caused exposed PCs in shopping malls to no longer be tested unsupervised for pranks like going into the BIOS and disabling the screen.
  12. Don't worry, it can maybe a handicap for new users though. On the other hand, as they say around here 'One does not look at a given horse's teeth'. I have assumed that the economic capabilities of TDM are not the most suitable for acquiring a High Speed Host. Apart from this minor inconvenience, it works as it should.
  13. The day before yesterday I had a computer accident (he was five feet tall and his name is nephew) that left the TDM directory corrupted. Instead of trying to fix it, I have decided to completely uninstall it and reinstall it again, thus testing the new installer in the process. It worked as expected, but exasperatingly slow, the installation took almost 48 minutes with the 3 missions by default (I use fiber connection with a minimum of 100 Mbs).
  14. Yes, I know, but I use also Double Commander (FOSS), which has also a very fast search function. Besides, I do not use the function to search for files more than only in leap years and therefore it is not worth using an app specifically for this. Besides, I know where my files are.
  15. Well, it isn't so important, you can interpret it as a metaforic prelude to the warehouse scenery. It don't rest quality to the mission which I like. I know commercial games with worse glitches than this.
  16. Since long time ago inocent people are killed because "military errors", called with the euphemism "Colateral damage", often annoying periodists, which observe violations of human rights. Real smart weapons are those that explode in the hands of their manufacturers
  17. In games there is nothing that can scare me, this is already taken care of by the electricity company bills
  18. There is no doubt that I am going to give it a try, since Requiem and House of locked secrets are among my absolute favorites.
  19. Yes, the headless guy floating over the top of the house, but seems for me more like a scary gag as a glitch. I just finished it right now with all the loot and quite a few guys with headaches tomorrow. Nice little mission.
  20. I think that for our creative geniuses it is an excellent exercise. I also think that, after the contest, there should be the possibility of perfecting the best works without a time limit, expanding them as good mission as it can be, like @thebigh 's mini mission.
  21. I found the key after the guy faced the ground, but yes, its very hidden, seeing only two little red points.
  22. In the Vivaldi forum we have a Forum Mod, created by an user. Its OpenSource and maybe you can fork it and adapt it to this forum https://github.com/luetage/vivaldi_forum_mod (also in the Chrome Store if Kiwi admits Chrome extensions)) Is naturally a Vivaldi (Chromium) desktop extension whitch permit several page settings of the forum (editable each). But i think that it can be adapt a other browser and to this forum, beeing principally CSS sheets.
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