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Everything posted by Springheel

  1. Best advice is to make any angled brushwork into func_statics, and use regular prism brushes for sealing brushwork.
  2. Yes they would. However, if a plumber joined the forum and posted a lengthy post about ancient sewers and how sewers you could walk through were completely unrealistic and there were an unholy amount of poorly-created sewers in TDM missions, and that his goal was to do away with such sewers in future TDM missions because it was important for mappers to make their sewers "grounded in actual reality" so that players didn't mistakenly assume they were historical....he'd probably face the same kind of response you're getting.
  3. They might be better and more interesting for you, in the same way an architect might find missions that have ultra-realistic ceiling supports "better" and a plumber might find ultra-realistic pipes "better". The vast majority of people wouldn't notice or care about those details, so the mission isn't actually any better for most people. The reason you might be getting some pushback is because it sounds a lot like you're trying to tell everyone that they should care about the same thing you care about, as opposed to dozens of other issues they could (and maybe already do) care about.
  4. You can create a light, use the light colour selector to get the colour you want, and then just copy the color values to your candle.
  5. Sliding down a chain doesn't strike me as very realistic, but I think you're right that the rules allow it.
  6. I think the only materials needed would be metal ladder, wooden ladder, rope, and foliage. Our thief model has leather gloves (at least on the palms). I'm not sure how the sound would be played...presumably a loop that starts and stops by code, which could make things more difficult.
  7. Assuming it's his own work or work he has permission to use, I can't think of any reason it wouldn't be.
  8. Pimping your own work while pretending to be someone else is cute and all, but making new accounts to get around a ban is obviously not permitted.
  9. Given the game has been out for a decade now, I'm having a hard time making sense of that argument.
  10. You could make the same argument about the game's use of steam power or electricity. They're not used in ways that are realistic or historically accurate, but to evoke a particular mood. Torches serve the same purpose.
  11. I would think anyone worried about the historical accuracy of TDM would find dozens of things more egregious than the overuse of torches.
  12. I don't think this feature will let AI see through transparent textures; it's just for shadowcasting.
  13. http://bugs.thedarkmod.com/view.php?id=4986
  14. Someone will need to write up an explanation of what needs to be done to get them to work. I had no idea they were already available.
  15. I preferred the previous comparison...in this one I agree I can't see much difference at all.
  16. This place has been drama-free for a few months now, and I'd like to keep it that way. Snarky comments are one thing (likely to be met in kind), but personal attacks are specifically against the rules.
  17. Realistically, yes, but the code doesn't track different kinds of wood. If we were redesigning the footstep sounds from scratch, tile would be the quietest and old wood and gravel the loudest.
  18. Wood is louder to AI than stone in TDM (I think stone is the quietest of the hard surfaces).
  19. I don't know if that's the cause of your issue, but yes, there is a sound like that and for some reason it got turned on by default for some people in 2.07. I forget what the cvar is to turn it off at the moment, but do a search for "sound" related posts over the last few months and you should find it.
  20. I'll record my objection to any kind of meta-alarm that tells the player whether they have been spotted or not. If the player is being lit up to "almost full brightness" without an obvious light source, that is a map issue that should be corrected. Also, if a guard can get to you in a second or two but you couldn't hear his vocal barks, that also suggests a bug of some kind.
  21. Doing the test near a door is going to give skewed results, as the door-handling routine is likely to make the AI lose track of you.
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