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Everything posted by datiswous

  1. How the tunnel is presented the first 2 seconds it does look a lot like one, but I don't know a lot of tricks. I don't exactly understand what you mean with that. Do you have an example?
  2. Does he just do one of these Prey portals here?
  3. I would like the Sound Alert & Blackjack Trainer mission be added to core or even better, added as a section to the main training mission.
  4. we can still laugh fortunately. Edit: I see this isn't an april 1 joke apparently
  5. Nice, although the blood animation is a bit strong..
  6. Hey @OrbWeaver I saw your name added in the bugtracker. Before this gets forgotten (the new version 2.0 doesn't mention a fix), I wondered if anyone took a look at it. Seems like a missing feature since 2.14 .
  7. So is it possible to make walls and ceiling of a room look transparent through an x-ray screen? It seems to be possible at least through skins. If a bigger room is put around it, through the x-ray screen it would look like it has the bigger room size, looking through transparent walls.
  8. I use Ublock origin for pure adblocking, Privacy badger for tracking protection and Stylus for custom (css) modification of websites. It's also good if you can't find a way to block an element with the custom element block function inside adblockers. And it's also good for fixing broken websites. You do need some css knowledge. Basically I press F12 and look for the thing to block/change in the code and then I test that there. When I'm done, I copy that code to Stylus.
  9. replacing the CMOS battery dousn't fix that?
  10. Is there a way to keep com_allowConsole 1 on restart? Currently on every restart, I have to open the console to set it to 1. Btw. the description is wrong. It should be: Don't open game console by tilde if com_allowConsole is 0 on Linux . Default it is set on 0 on Linux
  11. What is a glprogs folder? I had the same issue.
  12. Yeah I had this issue too. I think I rope-climbed over him somehow. @DeTeEff maybe something to look into if you ever find time for an update. I guess you're busy with your upcoming fm right now.
  13. So you have to convert it back somehow, back from valve220 to regular .map, if I understand correctly..
  14. Would the D3 port of Trenchboom possibly be a better version? https://github.com/RobertBeckebans/TrenchBroom
  15. I saw a test of these cooled stands, the conclusion was that is doesn't give so much higher performance. Better is to improve the standard applied cooling paste of cpu.
  16. You can also take the computer apart and take some of the components with you (or do you have to pay for transporting those?). Leaving the chassis and power unit behind will save a lot of space and weight and they're not the most expensive. I don't know what (external) gpu you have right now, but I would definitely keep that if it curently has good performance.
  17. If opening things that come toward you: Doors, drawers, etc. it would be nice if the player gets moved back automatically a certain distance so that the player doesn't block the object moving out (this especially happens after unlocking with lockpick). I guess you can't universally apply this because then a lot of missions have to be checked for not having stuff behind the player when moved back. Alternativly this can be partly fixed by increasing the minimum frob distance even for using lockpicks.
  18. I think you can see it in the main menu under new mission or in the darkmod.txt in the specific fm folder, if it is correctly written down by the fm-author. That can't be the case, only 3 fms are automatically included during install and The Black Mage is not one of them.
  19. Except if there was a party at hand. So if you don't kill the bodies, put some empty bottles around and a note of a guards-party then you should (realistically) fool guards..
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