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  1. just found some music albums on my hard drive that I dont remember buying. Looks like I've been drunk downloading. Might explain why I keep thinking I shoud have more money than I actually do.

    1. SeriousToni


      Haha I do the same with games!! xD

    2. ungoliant


      few months ago i got drunk and downloaded chessmaster9000 from Gog. Actually ended up getting some good utility out of it

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. demagogue


      (We can leave the thread for journalism corruption, but just on this...) Then the issue in academia is money flowing to the more corruptable fields like science & engineering with the big corporate grants & revolving door with staff. The humanities might not get that, but OTOH they are getting pressured to "justify their existence" financially. I could probably agree it's rife in almost any human field though, as long as there are incentives there will be corruption.

    3. demagogue


      Or then we have the "uncorruptable" critical academics, but then they're basing their work on Derrida or Marx and are so detached from reality they throw their credibility out the window. It's good to be critically detached, not so good to be derailed from reality. My position in law sometimes is something like a critical realism, but it's practically an orphan position. (You want to protect victims *and* think science works??? Wha...?)

    4. Sotha


      Who is uncorruptable anyways? I cannot convince even myself that I would be uncorruptable in every situation. And I perceive myself to be situated in the more-reliable-than-50%-of-the-general-population side in the gaussian distribution curve of corruption. Problematic, yes?

  2. For the last 1-2 weeks the forums have been really slow and unresponsive for me, when I type a post half the time it just sits there etc.. is anyone else having the same issues..?
  3. Loa4ever


    This topic is for you guys tell the music style you are listening or you enjoy listen , give enough examples for reference it doesn't need a specific order. Personally I like to listen a bite of everything: Metal - Dimmu Borgir - Dethklok (I know I know isn't a real band, but even for an animated series they are cool) - Linkin Park - Metalica - Rammstein Punk - The Offspring - Dope Pop - Madona (more her old musics not her recent ones) - Depeche Mode (again their old ones XD) Electronic/Tehcno/House - Scooter (nessaja anyone ?) - Combichrist - Celldweller (this person have some styles mixed but still on this category) Epic Music - Two Steps from Hell - X- Ray Dog Hip-Hop/Rap - Eminen - Mind da Gap (is a portuguese group) Classic - All composers
  4. Le wild pusianka, Master Diego's loyal slave and doom bringer, makes this thread (though he feels like a very beginner) to stock the music he creates: http://soundcloud.com/pusianka The above is the key to his storage, HOWEVER he will put up the songs that he finds more interesting in the posts here and allow for criticism and judgemental thoughts of yours. Don't be afraid, me won't cry after a bad review(I just might set your house on fire, but nothing more then that), so let me begin. http://soundcloud.com/pusianka/cradle2 - an enhanced version(there probably will be more...). http://soundcloud.com/pusianka/say - I am still working to enlarge the theme, so stay tuned... http://soundcloud.com/pusianka/sth2 - no matter how many times I try, I always have a feeling that this song sounds better when I'm not recording... http://soundcloud.co...ianka/kindofsad - well it was one of the first attempts to match classical guitar and elecrtic one http://soundcloud.co...latinlikeaboss1 - I must admit this was quite random and chaotic but well I can't resist the feeling that it sounds here and there spanish. http://soundcloud.com/pusianka/song1 - apparently some of you found this one niceee... http://soundcloud.com/pusianka/song4 - it's the same as sth2 but on classical guitar and an old recording. http://soundcloud.com/pusianka/amp33 - the background guitar is a friend from finland. I was tryin to get him into coop guitar play so I took one his recording and added second gutiar on top. http://soundcloud.co...lytrue2/s-wKhcE - probably the best I recorded so far but it's still WIP so I hope you enjoy this! Be back with criticism or I SHALL STRIKE THEE WITH FURI... I mean I await your opinions .
  5. Another music pieces I made and feel like revealing to the audience: http://soundcloud.com/pusianka/say http://soundcloud.com/pusianka/notdoneyet

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sir Taffsalot

      Sir Taffsalot

      some really nice tunes there

    3. SiyahParsomen


      really nice tunes!


      I guess, lol

    4. Sonosuke


      Got thru the first page, I really like "Say", very nice feeling, too bad its so short.

      Ãœberbadquality2 is pretty good too!

  6. I can't login to Steam forums. Please visit the Thief release threads and mention TDM Thanks!

    1. Bikerdude


      Ive done the honours over on TTlg.

    2. stumpy


      its already been mentioned there last year, and bumped this year, but not by me.

  7. skacky's new Thief 1 mission, Shadow Politics: http://www.ttlg.com/forums/showthread.php?t=139048 Just wonderful!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Bikerdude


      Just finished playing this morning, this was awesome, in an old skewl way - would love to make a TDM homage to it...

    3. Sir Taffsalot

      Sir Taffsalot

      I'm using the CD with TG, T2 and T3 on it. Darkloader doesn't like it. I can't get TG FMs to work

    4. Sir Taffsalot

      Sir Taffsalot

      I assume it works with a TG only CD

  8. Strange. I just can't get the music that plays in Sneak&Destroy tavern out of my head... It just keeps playing non-stop.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. demagogue


      Funny you should post that Fieldmedic. I only have a few classical YT videos locally saved, but that exact one is one of my favorites. Very evocative; I listen to it all the time.

    3. SeriousToni


      Wow that sounds pretty nice!

    4. grayman


      Nice. Went to Amazon and bought the '99 Most Essential Grieg Masterpieces'.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ladro


      It will be really cool if a super talented editor like Gaetane will try TDM.


      I really hope this one :-D

      (and also Sterlino another editor that a like a lot)

    3. Melan


      I've been waiting for it for a while. :)

    4. demagogue


      Gaetane along with Lady Rowena are my favorite 2 authors.

  9. Following the topic, here is my soul crying silently: http://soundcloud.com/user68932/sadlytrue2/s-wKhcE
  10. Awesome. The forums support transparency in avatars. :)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sonosuke


      very nice stifu^^

    3. GameDevGoro


      Doomguy is the coolest guy ever.

    4. jaxa


      hah well the feathering isn't the best but i'm sure it will do for now.

  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mLo8h3tlyvo&feature=related Here's another interesting demonstration I found. This guy connects a laser pointer to the speaker output of a mp3 player. Along with a battery, he broadcasts the music through the laser to a photocell (or something) on the other end. This cell is attached to an amplifier. The music then plays out of the speakers. Now, it is obvious you can transmit data with a laser as digital pulses (on and offs). I did not know you could transmit an analog stream of music and then actually use a photocell to receive it though without converting to digital or doing any special processing on the sound. He also demonstrates the process with an LED. I guess it makes sense though because it is just another way of converting energy. It would be like connecting a microphone to a meter and measuring the current generated as you yell into it, or measuring a motor as you spin it with your hands. There will be something there.
  12. I miss the brown borders dividing up the sub forums. This great big block of grey looks ugly.

    1. modetwo


      Back in the days it was actually dark-red. Let's call it evolution :-P

  13. Yes, you are still viewing The Dark Mod Forums I've just finished the upgrade of our IPB Board Forums to the latest release. Packed with new features, rewritten code and all that. Have a look around. The skin is currently the default one, but will sooner or later be converted to a darker skin, to fit the Dark Mod universe. Also note that the forums have been moved from http://modetwo.net/darkmod to it's own sub-domain: http://forums.thedarkmod.com - all forum links will still work tho, thanks to Apache's rewrite-plugin. Please report any bugs, requests and comments in this thread. PS: The forums will run a bit slow the first hours as the cache is being rebuilt.
  14. So... What was up with the forums all day yesterday..?
  15. Welcome to the Dark Mod forums! I enjoyed browsing your gallery. =-)

  16. Hey what is the name of this music in the main menu of the dark mod? it's awesome.
  17. Currently, TDM does not have any medieval tavern music. We do have pub ambience with voices, but no music. I tried to find some such ambients from the net but it seems difficult to find medieval tavern ambience anywhere. Is it impossibly difficult to make some? Would there be anyone interested? I think the mod might benefit for a few simple medieval bar tunes since that need is not covered at all currently. Here is something to inspire: http://www.youtube.c...h?v=wT4M7_j2-po http://www.youtube.c...feature=related
  18. when i do a search, it give me some results, I click on a result and exspect to get taken to the post it specifies - but no..... I get taken to the first post of the bloody thread it is in..ggrrr
  19. The first time I heard the sweet music box playing in the background I knew I was going to end up being haunted by its melancholic beauty. Thing is, I have a thing for music boxes and their melodies, so I wanted to know whats the name of the music that plays at the menu and where can I get it? I don't plan on using it on anything, its just I want to add it to my playlist I freaking love the Dark Mod, I found it recently when I was browing for mods for Thief and at first I thought it was an actual game or expansion pack, but this is amazing too, already finished two missions. Keep em coming! Good job TDM team and fan-mission creators I apologize for my english, but I'm not a native speaker. Its not that I don't know how to write it, its that I try to type fast and don't check for typos xD
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