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  1. xpnsve


    Hi there guys! This is Jim from DoomCast.com. I've been talking to Fingernail and offered him hosting and some space on our forums! Just wanted to say hello and meet the people who are going to bring out this awsome thief mod! I still remember the first time I played thief, lol, getting chased around the first manor and scrambling up a rope to hide hahaha Hopefully this mod turns out great! Anyway, gtg Jim Doomcast
  2. I'm back from my trip to the castle with a bunch of photos. The 1st texture is already on the ftp: @renz I don't think we should downsize the textures, just that they fit easier. IMO there won't be any problems with huge high-res textures, cauze 1. our mod will take some time and people will have even better hardware than today 2. HD space also shouldn't be a problem - today almost everybody has more than 100gb HD.
  3. I'm not a part of the Dark Mod team actually, I can't code, do models or textures anyway. Kinda dedicated to Black Cat Games aswell... I'm just hosting the forums for Fingernail and the crew.
  4. Renz: Nice as your room is, and 1337 though your skillz be, there are some problems. Did you test the map in game mode? You can't have done, seeing as it is not buildable in it's current state. Even though I added an end wall, it still 'leaked', because the other walls were too thin. Make them thicker. And no gaps. Also, the scale is a bit off, as seen here: I know walk-in fireplaces might be considered a luxury. Anyway, otherwise it looks great. Put in a scientist for Great Scalability.
  5. Short sword. No problems.
  6. great work man I hope I get D3 tomorrow in the computer store, where I buy my new computer components. If everything works fine I'll be able to play D3 on highest-details in 2 days BTW: as soon as you've got your ceiling we should post this screen in the ttlg-forums, I think people will be really impressed.
  7. There's nothing wrong with the window, looks perfectly thiefy to me. A moon? Never! No time to modify. Springwheel's stuff's perfect anyway. (Runs away with the artwork to the Imperium forums.)
  8. Guest

    I Want To Help

    Arg. Sorry forgot to include contact info. God_is_my_goldfish@yahoo.com Or PM me in ttlg or ionstorm forums.
  9. WOOHOO! I CAN POST AGAIN! lol, anyway...I have a few wallpaper textures of my own to contribute. None of them are quite as Thiefy as Blackthief's, but I'm sure they'll have their place in the game somewhere. This one turned out great ingame, but alas...it's sort of a funky hell of an ugly wallpaper. Could fit for bathrooms, though. This one is more intheme, but it looks more like a carpet than a wallpaper. They're not bad, but I like the ones posted above a helluva lot better. So far I have about 27 textures from various sources ingame with about 5 or 6 of them refusing to show up properly. Originally I thought tweaking the color levels confused the editor, but after some tweaked textures showed up I'm starting to believe it has more to do with either the directory structure or just plain randomness . Since some of the default Id textures refused to show up even before I started modding it's hard to say. Edit: Once again I have to bring up how much better it is to do normalmaps by hand... In the end it makes it far cleaner and looks a good deal better. It's not that hard to do either, I've never done any texturework before I started this project so I'm sure some of you photoshop pros won't have any problems at all.
  10. A cool tutorial from the D3W forums about creating new creature models. http://www.doom3world.org/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?t=5133
  11. I've made you an administrator now, Fingernail. Set up the forums how you want it.
  12. Since when was Object making not under Art? Yes, more art forums: Objects Concept Art Characters Textures and another forum for levels/test screenshots.
  13. I won't be avalible this weekend, just so you know. We can make the arrangements to the forums next week, before we open it to the public.
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