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  1. They're using rainbow tables, a sophisticated method that uses knowledge of the password hash and the hash method to break a password. In order to use this method, you need to have access to the password hash, which a run-of-the-mill attacker won't. So it's only really useful in limited situations. For example, cracking Windows login passwords when you have physical access to the machine. It won't help you at all if you're trying to brute-force password guesses over a network, for example; that will take a long time, for decent passwords. Times for doing so are typically cited on the order of "it would take longer than the age of the universe", though I've never seen the calculations that form the basis for such claims. Also, many network-accessible systems enforce a delay between password attempts, or lock you out after a small number of incorrect guesses, which makes even dictionary attacks quite infeasible. Linux systems make you wait a few seconds between incorrect attempts, and Windows domain logins will be temporarily locked after ~5 incorrect guesses. (The latter approach makes a petty and limited form of denial-of-service attack possible, so it's not ideal, but it works for its intended purpose.)
  2. It's pretty trivial to drag the brush back so long as the grid is active, though. Making it optional is fine (I'm all for configuration) but I think it should be (1) enabled by default and (2) configured through an XML file only -- there is a usability issue with adding every little tweak to the preferences dialog.
  3. Nothing official yet, just the videos. I'll post anything that comes along in this thread though.
  4. I wasn't suggesting we stop and change it. From what I've seen so far,it looks excellent! If your right about the D3 engine, I would say definately keep the D3 engine. Yeah, releasing the source code could do wonders. Hey NH, what about the audio trickery stuff I made pasts post about. Don't give me any speciffics, but is that going to happen? Are you guys invovled with audio environmental work? And, if there is no Garrett, is there a new charactor with a conscious we can hear? My point was it was a haunting presence to hear Garretts thoughts. Will there be another charactor based in that way? Thanks for your answers in advance.
  5. You could do something like T3 with the neutral guard in Garrents home (2nd mission I think), who at first sight says "Oh its you", but if you hang around too long, tells you to move along etc. Or the thug who offers knuckle sandwich. Neutral, but appear hostile... so you have either a positive or negative reaction to them. The important thing though is their reaction when you do something wrong... like pull a weapon, or are somewhere you shouldn't be.... or caught picking a lock, hurting some1 etc. Still, this thread is more about a ghost ...
  6. Interesting. Be aware that both the func_static and the child brush will be queried to render, so in fact there are 512 objects being rendered in the second test. Also, the scenegraph structure is different (1 child per entity, 256 entities) to the first one (1024 child objects of 1 entity), where less scenegraph overhead is happening. What happens if you try to render two func_statics with 128 or 256 child brushes each? edit (just saw your post): This is the actual traversal function, which calls the render walker, it doesn't surprise me that this takes the same CPU time as the rendering itself (this is the front-end rendering after all). However, if the std::vector::size() call can be cached and saves time, we should give that a try.
  7. Looks like this is the culprit so far: void CompiledGraph::traverse_subgraph(const Walker& walker, InstanceMap::iterator i) { ScopedDebugTimer t(" traverse_subgraph()", true); std::stack<InstanceMap::iterator> stack; if (i != m_instances.end()) { // Initialise the start size using the path depth of the given iterator const std::size_t startSize = i->first.get().size(); do { if (i != m_instances.end() && stack.size() < (i->first.get().size() - startSize + 1)) { stack.push(i); ++i; if (!pre(walker, stack.top())) { // Walker's pre() return false, skip subgraph while (i != m_instances.end() && stack.size() < (i->first.get().size() - startSize + 1)) { ++i; } } } else { post(walker, stack.top()); stack.pop(); } } while (!stack.empty()); } } I don't really understand all that is going on in this function, but it is possible that the repeated calls to stack::size() are slowing things down, since std::vector::size() is actually O(n) in the length of the vector (it counts the elements each time).
  8. As long as the script cann query the status if the AI, that should suffice. If the AI is alerted at the time the objective is triggered, he can delay the objective until the AI has calmed down again and the player still alive. This should be rather simple to implement, with a simple loop. obejctive_complete() { while(AI_Status() != calm) objective = false; objective = true; }
  9. It should be eventually possible to make an "exit with no AI chasing after you", using the ways we talked about. There are certain things we could do to make it easier for them, like an AI alert callback to a custom script or something. Already though, they can do that in a roundabout way by creating an optional, hidden objective to alert an AI, then having a custom completion script for that objective that logs the alert time and distance from that AI to the player for their purposes and toggles the objective back to incomplete. Then they could use the information from that script to enable/disable the "exit the map" objective based on how long ago the player alerted an AI. Because objectives can call an arbitrary script when they're completed or failed, the objectives system can be used "creatively" to set up conditional scripting without actually having to script the conditional test yourself.
  10. Have any better luck with this yet? I'll try to check this out tonight; I'm running out in a few mins and am on my work machine at the moment. Edit: nm, I see your post
  11. I thought the subtext in the previous post was obvious enough: I'm bored. <== Besides, just look at my avatar. Doesn't he look just so angry?
  12. Has anyone tried the demo yet? It came out recently and it's very short but it really showcases the strong points of the game I think. The way it's set up really gets you into the game, I love how the player gets to see what he/she is doing in the fps mode through the game and the fights you can get into are truly some of the freakiest things I've seen in a video game in a really long time. The game looks like it has great potential and I cannot wait to buy it! Thoughts? edit: oops I thought I was posting this in off-topic, can someone please move this thread
  13. Ok, actually the wrong lowercase name appears to be hardcoded in the entity plugin as well, so I will have to create a new build and upload it. I'll edit this post as soon as I've uploaded the new snapshot. edit: snapshot is uploaded.
  14. Could you post a pic or movie of what you tried? Might be useful, I don't know. Artistic capabilities aside, the main problems I ran into are: 1. I wanted to distort it with heathaze; can't. 2. as an alternative, I wanted to simply scroll it like a regular texture would, completely tiled; can't - it scrolls in individual instances of the texture, finishes, and then repeats instead of being continously tiled.
  15. Feel free to open a new topic, if you feel it's worth it. I think there is no common answer to your question, it depends on your code. Generally, it doesn't hurt to typedef the shared_ptrs right next to the class definition: class Image { // blah }; typedef boost::shared_ptr<Image> ImagePtr; class RGBAImage { // blah }; typedef boost::shared_ptr<RGBAImage> RGBAImagePtr; So the shared_ptr is declared as soon as you include the respective class header. During the allocation in the routines: If you need to access methods from the RGBAImage interface it makes sense to allocate an RGBAImagePtr. This will be "compatible" to ImagePtr on return. Allocate it like this and return the up-casted shared_ptr on return: typedef boost::shared_ptr<RGBAImage> RGBAImagePtr; RGBAImagePtr newImg = RGBAImagePtr(new RGBAImage(width, height)); newImg->blah(); // do some RGBAImage-specific stuff here return newImg; // upcasts implicitly to ImagePtr on return If you just need to access methods from the Image interface, it's enough to allocate an RGBAImage, but don't store the RGBAImagePtr, like this: typedef boost::shared_ptr<Image> ImagePtr; // Allocate an RGBImage object, its pointer is downcast-able to Image*: ImagePtr newImg = ImagePtr(new RGBAImage(width, height)); ... newImg->blah(); only Image-related methods are available here. ... return newImg; edit: I edited this post a bit, so please don't get confused. edit2: argh, confused upast with downcast.
  16. Status crimes are a bad idea! You're a dirty drug user ... you didn't do drugs, we just picked you up for loitering, but off to jail with you anyway. You're gay; we'd never prosecute straight sodomy, but for you ... off to jail with you. Atheist, Nazi, Communist, gang member ... you say? Off with his head. You're rich and can't sympathize with the hard knocks of poor people, and get way too many privileges in life ... of to jail with you to compensate, nevermind that your offense isn't a jail-able one. All of these things can be terrific symbols of justice (if you like the outcome), but are themselves injustice. If a normal person would not get jail, any person should not get jail under the same circumstances, esp not because of their status. The more I look at this, the more I see a sheriff's office that would not imprison someone for this offense being under tremendous public pressure to "do something", so tries the next best alternative ... just let her sit at home; everybody wins. She shouldn't be in jail anyway. But at least this will appease the public looking for rich blood to spill. You're all a bunch of sick-o Robespierre's just happy to see her suffer for no better reason than its own sake -- always pushing aside the fact that her offense wasn't actually drunk driving, just speeding on a suspended license, the kind of thing the cops always just fine people for ... unless they're rich. Just think of the alternative? Everybody sits around and agrees with each other? How dull!! Anyway, I'm just stirring the pot with this post to help make your point. It's not actually that big of a deal to me; she can sit on her hands for just 3 more weeks to pay for the sins of the rich. And she did do something personally stupid. So there you go.
  17. The most amazing thing would be to map out a small-/medium-sized city which contains several missions. The player would work as a freelancer and get the missions by overhearing conversations, reading notes or just entering a certain building. Just like in a RPG or in the game "The Coup". For example, you're currently visiting a museum and see a crown which would be worth a big bag of money. So you get the objective "Find a way to enter the museum at night", which would lead to more objectives while you proceed. A dreamworld for every thief... "Find a way to blow-up the bankvault" ; "Meet XY to acquire information on how to enter the secret tunnels of YZ" I know, what I am describing here is basically a mixture of Oblivion and Thief, but it would be simply awsome in my oppinion. When I played Oblivion (as a thief of course), I always planed a coup at daytime, how to rob this and that at night. It was actually kinda fun, but the stealth elements of Oblivion were way too wonky and the movement was not ninja-like enough... (It was also really cool sometimes that you planned your coup and then at night, while performing it, you notice that you were just hunting a mockup (e.g. valuable items at the Warrior's guilds). Hehe, I laughed my ass off, when I experienced this the first time...) << Sorry for offtopic post!
  18. Hello, I have browsed the wiki, searched the forum, but I couldn't find an answer: Is it possible to use the editor under Linux? Checking out DarkRadiant from SVN worked - I just made the mistake following the instructions on the sourceforge page, and wondering why it took so long - I ended up getting about 2.3 Gigabyte Now I have Doom3, DarkRadiant, and what now? Are there any tutorials for getting stuff to work under Linux? There doesn't seem to be a README or INSTALL file in the source as far as I can see. I guess darkradiant/trunk/darkradiant is the current branch and I can get rid of everything else. It also seems that "scons" is needed, so I installed that. What now? *puzzled look* Thanx in advance, Tels
  19. Hmm, I thought I did that a long time ago . . .
  20. Wow! That is awesome - much better than in Dromed. Seems to me that there are certain commands and cvars that all DM betamappers ought to be aware of. I have a full list but I wouldn't know where to look and many might not even imagine a fly mode. Suppose someone finds out after five years struggling? Maybe there is a case for a favourites list or betamappers short list on the wiki? Maybe also include the full lists if that is not copyright. DM wiki should be self-sufficient if possible. For example those for testing visportals (I have to keep looking them up myself) and notarget, god, etc. If there is no object I'll start a wiki but if anyone would like to post here their top 10 most used console commands with good description of what they do then I'll add them - or add them direct once I get it up (perhaps I should rephrase that.) Betamappers Need To Know Console Command And Cvars: god = god mode. Will not take any damage. * noclip = fly in game for testing. Use movement keys to go up/down where pointing. Goes through solid. Stays put so you won't fall when stop moving. * notarget = AI ignore you (though they will notice suspicious things like extinguished torches.* r_showPortals 1 = shows visportals as wireframe in-game for testing, red is closed, green is open. r_showtris 2 = shows what is currently rendered as wireframes. r_useScissor 0 = shows geometry outside the visportal rectangle that Doom still sends to the video card but tells it not to render. IS THIS IMPORTANT ENOUGH? WANT TO KEEP THIS LIST SHORT. * Only effective when map already loaded and need to re-use each time map loaded.
  21. Baddcog

    Model issues

    OK, I don't know what happened to those materials, pretty sure they were uploaded, but containers.mtr has been updated and bc_chest materials are back in place. probably alright to post here: I've noticed in the model browser that alot of materials that are working don't show correctly in the veiwer, have the shader not found blue on them. I don't know if this can easily be fixed, but it seems like 2 reasons for it. 1-light textures are all like this, something about the glass, maybe the illumination? 2-mixed materials, here's an example. If you look at my shpere light in model veiwer it is all blue, but fine in game: What I did was use the tombstone bump map for details, and the anchor diffuse for material, I think this confuses the model viewer. bc_sphere_deco2 { metal diffusemap models\darkmod\props\textures\anchor_d.tga.tga bumpmap models\darkmod\props\textures\tombstone02_local.tga { blend specularmap map _white rgb 0.15 } } --EDIT-- Oh well, they are done again. I don't see why they'd change though, just a missing reference to textures in the model/texture folder. I think the texture reorg was only the texture families (not model textures)
  22. greebo

    Model issues

    Forgot to say: it's probably not necessary to rush things, as the texture reorg is not yet completed. It could be that a fixed shader in the trunk gets overwritten by the stuff being merged in from the other branch. So, please hold the line a bit, I'll post back here as soon as it's safe to fix things.
  23. OK. As I've already told to Sparhawk, I'm an experienced mapper, modeller and not bad texture artist. I'm a MS Access programmer by profession, mapping and modelling are my hobby. I don't release my maps too often (in fact, I have released 2 maps), by I always pay attention to the quality of my maps. My finished maps to date are: - Hangar for Hired Team: Trial (released in 2001, the 3rd place in Game.exe magazine contest) - DM-Launchpad for UT2004 (released in 2004) - 90% of custom static meshes, "one of the better custom static mesh maps" - you can read the review at http://nalicity.beyondunreal.com/map_hub.php?mid=7902 or you can visit the map homepage I've restored just now at http://hedonism.nm.ru/launchpad. I have also a small unfinished campaign of 2 maps for Serious Sam that deserved a not bad (although some ironical) review in Game.exe magazine in 2002. In 2006 I took part in one amateur project and made some models (including textures) for it: http://hedonism.nm.ru/models/cistern_car.jpg http://hedonism.nm.ru/models/goods_car.jpg http://hedonism.nm.ru/models/locomotive.jpg http://hedonism.nm.ru/models/passenger_car.jpg http://hedonism.nm.ru/models/uaz.jpg My favourite game series is Thief 1/2/3. I've been wanting to make a mission for some one of them for a long time, but, for some reasons, still haven't done it. Lately I've been keeping my eye on The Dark Mod. I have an idea for a mission that I planned firstly implement in T3Ed, but now I want to try to make it for TDM. I've already tried to use DarkRadiant and I liked it a lot more then original Doom 3 editor. The single difficulty is I haven't still modelled in a medieval theme, but I'd like to start to do this in TDM.
  24. Well, drunk driving itself is far from trivial, and there are really harsh punishments for repeat DUI's/DWI's, and if that were the case, throw the book at her; penalties are around 3 years for something like that, much much more for manslaughter if you hit someone. Anyone whose lost a friend that way won't have sympathy, and I won't disagree. But driving perfectly safely and sober, but with a suspended license ... I mean, the cause is certainly good and high-minded, but it's not itself actually a public danger; it's more technical ... the "offense" is about creating the right incentives, sending the right messages, and upholding a punishment for a prior offense, things people debate in a way they don't for actually dangerous offenses, and the proper punishment is part of that debate. Her actions were clearly flaunting authority, which is offensive and stupid; don't get me wrong, I agree. The question isn't whether she gets punished (which would be a serious issue) but whether commuting the last 20 days in a cell into something like six months of community service is ok, given her "condition", and how all of that relates to that more technical debate about what's the right message to send through punishment for this kind of offense, and who decides. She's getting punished no matter what; that's an important part of my last post. It's the penalty nudging on the margins for this offense itself I found had a flavor of low stakes, not whether she gets punished, not of the offense had been an actually public danger like a repeat DWI (both of which are much more serious issues). It's about what's the right message to send for the marginal stakes here (20/30 days of sitting in a cell) for the way she flaunted authority, and on the facts here, reasonable people not only can disagree, but are disagreeing in this very case, the police vs. the judge, both of which are under a lot of outside pressure (police to the family; judge to the public) so you can't trust that their decision has much to do with the actual facts of this case. But those facts are such that the stakes aren't really as high as people may be perceiving them; her condition probably isn't soo much more traumatized by those extra days in jail ... and commuting jail-time to another form of penalty isn't soo undermining when we're only talking about an extra 20/30 days and commuting it to something that's hardly a walk in the park, and it's in the proper legal police discretion to do this (they are not doing anything legally wrong or inherently improper here; the only question was whether their discretion was reasonable in the judge's opinion), and she's still getting proportionally punished no matter what, don't miss that part of my point, again the trivial part I noted wasn't that issue. Anyway, the judge got his victory, and public faith in the system is restored ... it just seems like a small thing when you look to the actual details of what's actually been affected in reality. Just don't misunderstood me, though. I'm NOT saying drunk driving is trivial; it's not. I agree it's a serious offense that isn't trivial. That wasn't exactly what I was referring to.
  25. As long as things are reasonably stable, merging is fine. The idea behind branches is to prevent changes from getting into the trunk which totally break the application or prevent it from compiling, but that part is over for these changes I think.
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