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  1. Sorry for the concept artwork invasion here. Discussion of bioluminescent mushrooms concept art moved to here: http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showtopic=1640
  2. No prob; I must've misread something. Discussion of Tiffany lamp moved to here: http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?act=S...st=0#entry24097
  3. I like detailed games, and realism is good IMO unless it tries to replace something that we do naturally in RL thru other senses than sound and sight with some clunky awkward interface ingame. For example, it would be silly to have a key for "step with right leg" and "step with left leg" and then 10 keys for different leg movement speeds. Personally I'm pro-saving, because things like game crashes and AI's getting stuck do occasionally happen, no matter how carefully we code the AI and how carefully the map is designed. When I'm playing T2 and an AI gets stuck at a corner or along a wall somewhere, resulting in the map becoming un-ghostable, I like to be able to restore the game to some point without losing 30 minutes of progress (maybe 5 minutes of lost progress is okay) I know we've been over this debate in the private forums several times, but I think making limited saves an option, or even just reporting the number of saves/reloads at the end stats screen is enough for people to enforce save-discipline on themselves if they want. Enforcing limited saves on everyone will not result in revolutionizing how people play games, it will just result in people who don't like limited saves not playing the game.
  4. I usually have something playing on Windows Media player while I'm modeling, Radiant'ing, reading the forums or chatting on IRC. Ranges from David Bowie to Radiohead to music from the game Outcast, etc. etc.
  5. I finally got Redguard to work on WinXP. I'm very happy cos i love the game . Here are 2 screens from the game of the same place but with a slight change - in one the character is normal Cyrus. But in the other i've changed his model to be a skeleton (duh!). But anyway, if anyone wants to know how to make it run on XP (or other windows for that matter) tell me, cos fishing for it in the TES forums takes quite a while. Oh wait, I got a link However, the only problem is that it's all over the place in that thread so read it if you're interested. But anyway, here's the pics:
  6. There's another guy on the doom3world forums with exactly the same problem as you. I notcied his doom path was C:/Doom_III/ If your path is anything other than drive letter:/Doom3/ then that could well be the problem.
  7. If it helps, idChain is defined in /src/game/AFEntity (It stands for articulated figure entity) Also an interesting function you might want to look at to make the rope is: void idChain::BuildChain( const idStr &name, const idVec3 &origin, float linkLength, float linkWidth, float density, int numLinks, bool bindToWorld ) Apparently it needs the density to do a realistic hanging chain (ie, chain with heavier links is going to hang differently). So if you want nice behavior, you should put in the density of rope. I don't know that number off the top of my head I think I posted the density of modern nylon ropes somewhere in our private forums, but you probably want the density of medieval ropes which I guess were hemp or something. Also, I think origin is where it hangs down from.
  8. NO the texture doesn't matter for this part. here's the dll I use. You may as well try it, in case yours is corrupt or something. Clutching at straws now) I think you may need to try for answewrs at the doom3world forums, since I can't think of anything else that might be the culprit. MayaImportx86_Maya60.zip
  9. Don't know anything about this, but did you check this thread in Docs? http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showtopic=1485
  10. You see, whatever link you click on the website, the url in the browser address bar stays http://www.thedarkmod.com. When you e.g. click on the Screenshot link, the url should change to http://www.mindplaces.com/darkmod/screenshots.php - but it stays www.thedarkmod.com. This means that the domain is masked. It's putting a frame around the website and loading content from mindplaces.com/darkmod. Read more here. It's no need to remove it, it's just a suggestion. However, when you click on the Forum link on the website, you are sent to the forums, but the url is still http://www.thedarkmod.com. This might confuse users who want to copy thread url's to paste elsewhere etc.
  11. You'll notice some weird things happening with the forum colours for the next few days. The new website should be up in a matter of days, and I'm going to try to update the look of the forums to match. Unfortunately I can't preview changes before I make them, so if you notice some really, really bad colours, they're only temporary.
  12. I kinda finally realised, now that I have gotten back into fan missions for thief 1/2 and playing the first mission of CoSaS. I would be real kool to play the Dark Mod since the main character doesn't have a name or anything, game creators would have more flexibilty on thier missions as far as storyline (if there is one) would go, Their not tied down to using garrett thus use some other characters people come up with an creativitiy would go through the roof... or at least sneaking on the roof.......er whatever... I'd Imagine this has already been disscussed but hey, I absolutly CANNOT wait (well I can) for the Dark Mod to be released, cause it would be kick ass for a thief-oriented game for Linux! an it looks so damn good. So yeah.... can't wait to see Judging by te forums new format this game looks more or less like a dream come true! SO thanks Dark Mod team! (oh an yeah I kinda don't like the dagger in thief anymore..kinda promoted killing.. I got used to ghosting, an Oddity was right about that.) Roguetech
  13. Used to hang around ISA forums a while ago (ISA = Ion Storm Austin, right?). However that was before i played Thief 3
  14. We have both compasses. Just because one has been uploaded to CVS and the other hasn't we're suddenly not supporting it? http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showtopic=1192&st=100 It also doesn't make sense to change a decision reached over many, many discussions because one or two people restate their objections to it. Well, I'd like to hear what more people have to say about this. The last time we had this discussion there didn't seem to be much support for a combined lightgem/healthbar. I don't have strong feelings either way, although I don't care for the particular design you posted above. BTW, can I just mention how excited I am that we're arguing over the lightgem again? And here I was worried that we might have finally settled that issue.
  15. Not difficult, there is a freely downloadable version of it. You could also talk to der_ton from doomworld forums to get an idea of exactly what needs to be done on the coding, since he'd be able to save you a lot of time I'm sure.
  16. You should be able to see now the coding forums and documentation/design as well. If not please tell me. If it doesn't work right away, you might need to log out and login again to refresh your settings.
  17. We have decided to disable guest's right to post on the forums. You can still view topics but if you want to post you will need to register.
  18. http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?act=Post&CODE=00&f=1 WOOT!
  19. I love how writing sound propagation code leads me to post uninformed questions in so many other development forums... Anyway, I have to load a collision model for doors early on in my code, and I have a choice about whether to let it go ahead and use the rendermodel as the collision model if no .cm file exists for the model, or give an error at this point about the door not having a .cm file. I don't know how you guys make collision model .cm files, maybe they're automatically generated from SURF_COLLISION surface when importing the model? I dunno. I'm inclined to just do what D3 does when it loads collision models, which is try to find the .cm model, and if not, use the rendermodel. Because maybe you guys like to use SURF_COLLISION in your models themselves rather than generating a separate .cm file? I just wanted to check what you modelers' preferences are. As a side note, if I'm reading the code right, for a collision model to be precached on map load, the model files MUST include a .cm file, otherwise it's dynamically loaded from the rendermodel every time an entity using that rendermodel needs a clipModel (which I would think would be bad). So that may be one argument for making .cm files.
  20. Anything you guys would like to see from us on the PR side of things (this isn't a mod feature discussion, mmk?), or to make these public forums better, more exciting, a public IRC channel, anything? We're a touchy-feely mod team, we want our fans and critics to be treated well. :lol: Seriously though, don't suffer in silence!!!!
  21. Not many forums can have the luxury of allowing guest posting, and it's no wonder really. http://penny-arcade.com/view.php3?date=2004-03-19
  22. My opinion (though I'm sure it counts for little like most opinions) is that the release of the Deadly Shadows editor actually helps TDM. Why? well... Here's a quote from Krypt at the TTLG forums: I think it's apparent that no matter how great the future TDS FM's will be (and based on community precident, they will be great), the gameplay elements that were removed from TDS will be impossible to implement even WITH the SDK. Alot of people held high hopes for the TDS SDK not only for the ability to make brand new missions with the brand new engine, but primarily to re-implement gameplay dynamics (and some would call staples) of the Thief seiries that most believed the programmers were unable to fully realize due to time constraints, but that the elements themselves were still in fact latent in the editor itself. I think, even now with this new information, there are pioneering modders who are trying deperately to make a rope arrow or swim around. Unfortunately, water and rope arrows simply weren't programmed in at all. My point is that even if TDM is half as good as it appears it will be, it will feel more like Thief than it's Official sequel (TDS). People didn't moan and groan about no water and no rope arrows just because they wanted options, but because they wanted more of what they had come to expect...look how aggrevated fans of the Fallout series became when thier beloved RPG became a RTS sim. No matter how large the levels become, or how high-res you make the texures, it'll still be TDS. Once people start realising that they'll never have rope arrows and water and leaning forward etc, I think the community will be ready to try anything resembling a true Thief experience. Right now, TDM is our best bet. I think some of the TTLG crew bite at TDM because they care so much for the original programmers and creators of the "Official" thief sequel. Seems to me there'd be alittle trepidation at the thought a mod made by a bunch of guys on a game forum with no monetary incentive could make a better all around experience for free than a huge group of paid, established developers, many of which worked on previous iterations of the game, and force us to shell out $50 to play it. Just a thought. Or two. Hylix.
  23. There are tutorials on doom3world.org on how to get your own weapons into Doom3. http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showt...indpost&p=14120 That is in the resource thread. If you don't have access there, Ive pasted my post here; http://www.doom3world.org/phpbb2/viewtopic...3017&highlight= Just scroll down (past the useless Video tutorials section) down to the TXT/HTML tutorials section. There, they are all categorised, into Scripting, Mapping, Lighting, In-game models, etc.
  24. :lol: Just a few seconds ago I posted a similar thread in the models section. We should discuss this together, so we don't need to reorg every few months. http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showtopic=1335
  25. http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showt...indpost&p=19130
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