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  1. Guest

    How Is It Going To Play?

    First of all, good luck with this, it looks real good so far. Is it going to play like the classic thief's or like thief 3. A long time fan of t1 and 2 was disappointed with thief 3 but then again, it was a different developer.
  2. Bummer, looks like I missed his/her artwork. They're broken links now... Note: I started my Thief gaming career with Thief 2. Not totally on purpose, but it just happened that way. In the end, I liked that I played through T2 and then worked back to Thief 1. You might think that's weird and backwards, but it worked really well for me as it made me a long-term fan. Had I started with Thief 1, I'm not so sure I would've gotten hooked. There's a specific reason why. One that I believe oDDity shares with me, but I won't get specific.
  3. It already is posted. http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showtopic=782
  4. I've had some time to think about this in the shower and I just want to offer my two cents. Where we seem to be getting hung up again is about what we're doing here. Are we making a game or are we making a toolset? Admitedly, a bit of both. However, first we're making the toolset. A toolset for Thiefstyle fan missions. That being said, they could be Thief 1,2 or 3 style missions. We had decided in a previous poll to use Offnish's combined style compass/lightgem. We should stick with that. Whether it tilts up and down however is not really a decision we need to make. That is up to the FM author. Sparkhawk has said many times that he will code it in such a way that tilting is purely optional. So, when we go to make our own fan missions...we choose. Tilting on..or off? Whether or not it tilts shouldn't be a concern as there will be people who want it and people who don't. The question that I think we should be asking in a poll is this. Should we provide both a Thief 1, 2 style lightgem/ compass and a Thief 3 Lightgem/compass? 1. Yes 2. No For what it's worth, I say yes. This really shouldn't be an issue. The option is there to turn it off. We can't go around creating deadlocks with each other, we have to be willing to back down and at least try an idea before we completely shoot it down. Lets see this ingame.
  5. I brought this already up in the old forums - unfortunately the majority was against it... edit: finger was right - I mixed in german word order
  6. Ok, we need to get this cleared up once and for all. I agree with what oDDity has said above. As I see it, we have basically two issues here. 1. Should the compass tilt. 2. Should the compass be combined with the lightgem on the HUD like T3, or should it be an inventory object like T1/2. We seem to have about four people against tilting and three or four in favour of it, with at least three people who would like the compass to be an inventory object. I personally don't like the tilting on the main HUD, though if we made the compass an inventory object, then I wouldn't care whether it tilted like T1/2. So how do we decide this? It's a bit of a mess at the moment, and voting for Oofnish's lightgem doesn't solve any of these problems...in fact it becomes pointless until we get this sorted out. Problem is, these two issues overlap. I support a combined lightgem compass UNLESS we're doing tilting, in which case I don't. So I'm not sure how to set up a vote. I think we've pretty much heard all the arguments for and against, so unless anyone has a totally new idea, here's what I suggest: http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?act=ST&f=5&t=794&st=0
  7. Ya Theif did revolutionize the game industry. I agree if your looking for inspiration within the game industry theif is a great example. Although it also depends upon ur personallity and likes/dislikes. For example im a huge western fan theirfor i found inspiration in 'Red Dead Revolver' created by Rockstar although as you stated correctly Theif could be pretty much any time period (within reason) and you could inco-orporate almost anything into it. My point wasnt that Theif didnt have merit for giving inspiration i just said its not the be all and end all of inspiration within the game industry
  8. Not sure if this has been mentioned before or not, but in case anyone was curious about painting titles and the artists from Thief, here you go: http://www.ttlg.com/forums/showthread.php?t=10900 Here's a brief snippet from this thread. There are more attributions if you visit the above URL:
  9. dear RhunDraco as an old Death Metal fan (florida death and swedish death especially) i d like to hear your Death metal stuff too... Although i m not in grand jury of this team but it s good to know old DEATH METALIANs BEST... (My favs were obituary, death (first three album) massacra, Carcass, Entombed and Pestilence) GATESSSSSSSSSS to HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLL (Sorry team you know everyman has a dark side and mine is Death Metal )
  10. I've been a big Thief fan since the beginning, and I would love to assist Dark Mod in any capacity necessary. I don't actually have direct voice-acting experience, but I have been a vocalist and singer for a little over ten years. Most of what I've done has been in death metal bands; however, I'd love to provide some clean vocals for such a project, perhaps voices for Pagan-type characters. Even some dark, villain style stuff, raspy or beast-like voices, I can do. Ah heck, I would be happy to do some Stupid Guard stuff, too. I'm also an experienced Tribes 2 modder (nothing you would recognize, however, as I kept it mostly inhouse as educational stuff), Python programmer (intermediate), and creative writer. I'm also learning C and C++, though my strongest skills are in Python. And, just as an FYI, I'm a GNU/Linux system administrator with quite a bit of experience (my shell and Python scripts probably total in the 4000 lines area). Of course, that doesn't mean I don't do Windows. I understand some of the design process and I feel that I can contribute much to story development and immersion. At the very least, I would enjoy working as a play tester (or "quality assurance specialist" as it's called). I'm definitely looking forward to seeing more of what you all are working on. Dark Mod looks awesome so far. Thanks, Richard aka Draco p.s. Sheesh, this became an essay. To put it simply, I'll do just about anything in this project.
  11. oh...if a machine needs X space than it needs that... i dont think any Fm makers wuold have problems with that.. however we could include around 3 variations with longer/shorter pipes.. or..a better idea..lets make the machines with its room as one object..
  12. http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showtopic=653&st=0 http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showtopic=653&st=75 thats why i said the model list should be updated:\
  13. http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showtopic=653&st=0 thats why i said the model list should be updated....:\
  14. I don't think it's him. His ip on the Ion forums is from India, those that have shown up here don't match up.
  15. Nice soundwork on the trailer. I'd tone down the screechy guitars, if that's what they were . Looking forward to what you're going to come up with. I'm a fan of the Thief series. Airon Truecombat.com Sound Designer
  16. I issued a friendly reminder to Aditya at the Ion Forums and he took it very gracefully. I just explained that his criticism is welcome, but beyond that he is not to instigate nor encourage flame wars...like he is so fond of doing.
  17. The only difference between Trolls on the ION forums and this one is that I won't be so tolerant here. This is a board for constructive, cooperative, community interaction. Please, don't post such drivel here....it's not becoming of the community I respect. I will leave our friends post in the quote above as an example of what not to post. Feel free to criticize, but for heavens sake do so intelligently. ZAP. GONE
  18. Ok cool thanks got it, and its pretty good heh - damn I cant wait to play this! Seems how the link on the main news page doesn't work though , maybe it should be changed to the hi res version? that way the public viewers wont have to hunt around the forums like I did to find it hehe. Anyhows , what's the round about percentage on the mod right now? what's done / what's needed?
  19. Gotchya. I guess I didn't see it that way. I looked at it more as a double-whammy DarkMod kinda day. Early in the day they get a wicked trailer; later in the day they get some mood art I slaved over in Photoshop. I thought as part of our media blitz day we were planning to release more than just the trailer. A media blitz often means an onslaught of several different media elements, not just one thing. So, although the vid definitely rocked this world, I thought it strange we only released one thing that day, up until my mood art post. Personally, I thought I'd be tainting the trailer thread by throwing my artwork in it. But I can see your standpoint as well. I also thought having two X-mas presents from Dark Mod would be considered better than one by the community. And having "The Dark Mod Team" listed twice on the front page of the ISA forums isn't such a bad thing. It's all about getting our name out there and market penetration. We need to create a buzz and continue the buzz.
  20. We won't be supporting multiplayer as it is currently the focus of the Night Blade Mod, another Thief style game. I'm sure fan mission authors could mod our tools once released and modify it to be balanced as a multiplayer though. As it stands now though, we are balancing the editing tools for classic single player missions.
  21. D'oh, the link has been here all along, its in this thread http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showtopic=754 not the front page lol. Right click > Save As on the 'High Res Teaser' link and you should be ok Sorry 'bout that, i'd forgotten where i grabbed it.
  22. Hi! I'm a big Thief-fan from Hungary and I was happy to see that you guys started this project. (And hopefully you will finish it too. ) I downloaded the teaser and I'm very impressed! Good luck! Xen
  23. Guest

    Just A Few Comments ;)

    Well i just checked out all ur work and i must admit its pretty awesome Im working on my own mod atm for doom3 but im not way near the quality of u guys or i'd offer my services (to see what i've done look around for KingSin (now merged with gang-life) for cod uo OR Wild West Trilogy : Duel At Dawn (so far just some basic rifles) but the mod will be for CoD UO, HL2 & Doom3 (i run the doom3 section). Although if theirs anything u need a hand with just ask, i can do some pretty basic modelling (getting better everyday) im not gonna include any pics just here though. I can also map for coduo so im hoping to get to grips with this doom3 editor because its pretty similar. I can also program websites n stuff. Im not very old (17) and i have a daughter (5months today). Although I spend all my days at home working on mods looking to get some stuff to put in my portfolio (I want to be a level designer). If their is anything here that interests u or just want to chat with a fan my e-mail is joelcoldson@hotmail.com (also MSN). I'd love to help if I can Thanx -DraVen P.S How many poly's are ur weapons & character models?
  24. Hello there Just wanted to sign up and say great work so far, your trailer is very impressive (saw it linked on Doom3world.org) and you seem incredibly focused on what you are doing. Being a big thief fan this is without a doubt my most highly anticipated mod, i cant wait to see what you guys can acheive with the D3 engine. Keep up the excellent work taffers edit: sorry for jumping in on the thread btw, but i figure you dont need a new praise thread for every new member
  25. i am starting on the furnaces.. hmm Liszt? do you know what is that mean in hungarian ? Flour...you know basic of all paste:D otherways i am not a fan of Liszt,nor classical music:) i like classical music only in the fitting environments:)
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