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  1. You can always grab the sources, if you're actually interested in the inner workings. Wiki pages would be nice of course, but I don't think it's realistic to expect full-blown articles about all our code approaches given our understaffed coding team.
  2. Interesting. There is no wiki article explaining how you do all the lightgem calculations, is there? (Search didn't turn up anything useful) Not that I wanted to change anything, I am just interested how it's done.
  3. This bug might be related to an animation: http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showt...mp;#entry163653
  4. In addition to the models you could make use of prefabs. That would save much time and it will be easier to create own missions in higher quality. A good example is the Amisfield Tower made by Komag: http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showtopic=8255 That would make a wonderfull prefab. Most people won't spend weeks for a building you may see only a few seconds in game, walking by or in the background. But if they are there as prefabs you just need to load it to your map, change a few textures rotate and scale it, remove or add a few brushes if u need to and it's ready. A wonderfull building which adds great atmosphere finished in a few minutes. You could do the same with candels with already added light entity, finished fireplaces, columns or evelators. The advantage of these prefabs is also that you can change them very easy to avoid that players think "I know exactly that from the last map, it's boring." What do you think about it?
  5. lol That would be hilarious. It was pretty funny...right after I posted on a couple of forums, the votes really took off. I think the Thief fans turned the tide. If only the entire country of Canada loved Thief, I could probably run for Prime Minister and win! haha
  6. Mmmm...not sure who's speaking to who but just to clarify, my post was referring to startpack which shows which heads go with which bodies. With DR at the moment I think you can select any head so need to go to the wiki to see which ones are appropriate.
  7. I'll check and see if those lights do fullbright objects. But not sure if anything can be done anyway. Might not be a bug, and if it is it's in the renderer which is closed source... But even if it did full bright, there's a chance players have 'highlight in hand' setting turned on, in which case that object would be fullbright. And if they throw it would only be fullbright for a second. ------------ Got sound zones in the front of the map. Ran around last night listening to them, so much atmosphere, great ambients. All of a sudden it felt like an actual mission Also don't seem to be hearing a regular speaker when the sound zones play. I wanted it seperate from the zone system. ----------- Trying to get AI to patrol, no luck yet. I found a post by Spring where he was trying to have AI stand at point X, and random patrol to points A & B. I have path_wait for X, it targets point A & B (path_corners) but I haven't figured how to link the AI yet. We need a good tut on patrols, Wiki seems to be lacking there. -------- Made some brush furniture, haven't figured out the drawer mover yet. -------- Alot to do today.
  8. There are a few tips here http://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=Dark_Radiant_Keys for different shapes. Search down the page for sphere and you will see how to make a brush sphere. Then search down for Patch Cone and it shows you how to convert a cone into a dome, two of which form a sphere. There are one or two shapes already in the prefabs. (you need to unzip these from the pk4 in the darkmod folder.)
  9. Okay here's the important part of the tutorial demonstrating a very simple way to simulate splitting patches. I left the few bottom pics off, as he was just giving one-shot demos of other things that can be done, and without much description, so I can't really figure out what he was showing. The split technique is what's important, and inspecting his patch tower, you can see how the whole thing was done (including curved arches (e.g. the doorways)). I'll post it here and link back from the TDM wiki. Original text copied from '1eyed' on doom3world.org ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ok, time for my first tutorial. I'm going to show you how to to split up bevels to "multi-texture" them. Ok, start by making a bevel 128x128x128. Now, make sure that the segments [subdivisions] on it are 8 x 4 Clone the bevel, and subdivide it into 4x4- Move it above of the first bevel. Move the vertices like this clone the bevel and align it like this Now we have a 2 bevels, that we can apply different textures to.
  10. Others have had this problem. Check the FAQ at http://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=FAQ%20 to see if there's a solution.
  11. Someone was working on a lute in the public forums but I don't know what happened to it.
  12. As far as I know, the instructions in this thread are still current. A Private Message on these forums is probably OK too. Would be great to have another programmer on board.
  13. Haha, we are all thiefes - we notice seams even in total darkness Probably my fault. I never got around to make the 3-entities-one-light-that-scales entities As for the environment, look here: http://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=Location_Settings You will like it
  14. You can't resize a model in DR, but if you really want it resized, you can still always do it in a modeling program like Lightwave or Blender (I think), and then follow the wiki entry for getting a new model in-game. It's not as hard as it might seem at first.
  15. Tool? I am a weapon, an invisible weapon, for an invisible war. http://www.eidosinteractive.co.uk/gss/dxiw/ Ahh the memories of hyping this game up and failing a college class only to be dissapointed with the end result hehe. It was ok but the forums made me think the game sucked. In the end I liked it . Anyway Deus Ex 3 must succeed. If Deus Ex 3 bombs Thief 4 very well could be canceled due to lack of funding. Eidos is in a bit of financial trouble at the moment. Also need the newest Tomb Raider to sell well .
  16. http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showtopic=7366
  17. Hi, I'm just wondering how difficult it is to add a new character to TDM currently? As far as I remember, this was one of the most problematic tasks in mod development. How does it look like with the current state of the mod? Have you established some proven workflow or is it still a painful experience? I don't know how relevant information in the animation section on the Wiki is, but some of those articles look quite old, refering to old skeletons etc.. It would be great to have a one comprehensive article/tutorial elaborating on all stages of importing characters to engine, including: - where to take the skeleton from, - what software/tools are necessary - what files to put where - writing def files - making character working in game also - assigning new animations and voice scheme - etc... I know it sounds like an technically advanced question for the just released mod, but I'll better know beforehand what I could or could not achieve with my map. Thanks in advance!
  18. Yeah, thanks for the suggestions. In any case, after a brief internal discussion we will most likely just package up the sources and provide them as they were at the point of TDM 1.00 release. With each new release (e.g. 1.01) a new source package will be released alongside, which should be enough for everybody and we don't need to worry about SVN access (which is usually problematic, as people are regularly running into problems when checking out from SVN, judging from the past). I'm going to type up a short compilation guide on our wiki, but don't sue me if I can't get around to do it.
  19. There are md5 importers for 3ds max. 3ds Max is how I started working with characters. The problems with the importers are that they tend to import only the rigged joints (the new proguard rig has 71+ joints, if the rigging only used 65 joints then the importers would only use those). Most exporters use the Skin modifier in 3ds max instead of Physique. You will have problems with mismatching joints numbers and names if the animation joints do not match the mesh joints exactly. Doom 3 is really picky that way. What I like about D3's formats are that they can be edited in a standard text editor and you can check if the joints match between the md5anim and md5mesh. Maya has a really steep learning curve so if you use that then you need a lot of patience & tutorials. Here's my rigging tutorial for Maya: http://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=Advanced_character_rigging
  20. This forger model is a modified version of the old forger model which is currently in the model_src dir? weighting is actually quite easy and once you use mirror weights it reduces a lot of work. There's already a (pretty elaborated) tutorial on the wiki here. Although i think it can be explained much more briefly.
  21. Good one demagogue. I was just about to drop a hint myself to mirror yours! To get the shadow you include this line darkmod\Doomconfig.cfg in a plain text editor: seta g_showPlayerShadow "1" Check first if it is already there but set to "0" in which case just alter it. And always UNinstall your current FM before editing (see wiki) The player shadow is not perfect technically but is great atmosphere. In gameplay you don't normally 'examine' it or its defects; you are just aware of it. I don't see any distracting anomalies ever.
  22. Modeling, skinning and animating are the tasks I am familiar with. What's unknown for me is the process of getting characters into engine and replacing/customizing some animations. Can I take skeleton from one of characters included in TDM v.1.0 or it should be a separate file, which you have in your work files? I work with 3dsmax btw. I know that you've done yours in Maya or Lightwave but maybe some of other team members know of some converting tools that work with 3dsmax? Are you planning on writing a Wiki tutorial on this topic at some stage, so people could make their own characters too?
  23. I did look into remapping keys, but I couldn't get it working. I even went so far as attempting to change the scanmode, and again no luck. It might be errors on my part, but I doubt it. so, I know this isn't an ideal solution, but the arrow keys do work properly when you run Doom 3 with Wine. I tested this and while loading times are a little slower, performance is practically identical to the native install. At any rate, the issue is definitely with the linux version of Doom 3. So, install Doom 3 manually (wine setup.exe crashes) as follows: $ mkdir ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/Doom\ 3/ I have the 3CD version, so if you have a DVD version modify accordingly. Mount CD1 and copy the necessary files (for my setup, CD drive is mounted as /media/cdrom, so modify to suit your setup): $ cp -a /media/cdrom/Setup/Data/* ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/Doom\ 3/ Mount CD2 and CD3 and copy files: cp -a /media/cdrom/Setup/Data/base/* ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/Doom\ 3/base Download the Windows 1.3.1 patch (get the correct version from Dark Mod wiki) and install it: wine DOOM3-1.3.1.EXE Now test that Doom 3 works: wine ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/Doom\ 3/Doom3.exe As long as that works then 1) copy or 2) move the darkmod folder from ~/.doom3, or 3) create a symbolic link to it, whichever you want: 1) cp -a ~/.doom3/darkmod ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/Doom\ 3/ 2) mv ~/.doom3/darkmod ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/Doom\ 3/ 3) ln -s ~/.doom3/darkmod ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/Doom\ 3/ Now you can run tdmlauncher.exe with Wine: wine ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/Doom\ 3/darkmod/tdmlauncher.exe EDIT: I've been testing this a little more, and there are a couple of rather small issues. Game will occasionally not restart when installing a mission. Just kill wine ("ctrl + c" if in a console) and restart the game.Leaning left/right/forward doesn't hold for too long, so you may want to consider setting "toggle lean yes" in the options.
  24. http://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=Undead Just wondering when the animations for these were going to be worked on. Dom, Squill, up for some of these? I guess we need some basic questions answered: 1. Are we using the proguard rig for the animations? 2. What animations are needed or desired? 3. Are all 3 of these going to be using the same animation? 4. Revenant first? Since it can use existing combat animations and code, i assuming? 5. Are the rigs for the zombies ready now? Are the models ready for joints? Will they need a ton of special combat code? 6. Anything else?
  25. Yes, I have a process called DarkRadiant.exe in the task monitor, its using about 50 CPU and 1 872 kB of memory. It was installed to c:\Program Files\DarkRadiant. The DarkMod is in c:\Program Files\DOOM 3\darkmod\ and is running properly. Isnt there problem with location of the folders? I have read the quick installation guide on the wiki, it seem that I have done everything properly..
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