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Models with issues


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I noticed a few objects with missing shaders. Decided to go through all objects and look for issues. (These are all in TDM 1.0 release)


Most of these are shader/skin issues.


musical/grammo3.ase is missing a shader (grammo2).

Fixed, was missing an editor image.jpg



beer_stein02.lwo and beer_stein02_open.lwo missing shader (beer_stein)

couldn't find shader in materials




Appears invisible in editor, missing object?



door_frame_curved_96x48.lwo and 96x96.lwo

currently using 'ns' (no shadow skins), need to switch to shadow skins.



skinnable doors converted to lwo from ase now have messed up uv alignment on lower hinge (2 hinge model)

probably not worth bothering with, 99% of the time will be hidden inside doorframe, against wall anyway.




Missing shaders (textures/darkmod/gleeful/decals/fence) and (textures/darkmod/stone/brick/grey_protruding_bricks)


irongate.ase and irongatesegment.ase

Need taller versions, if I get Max 5 working in W7RC I will make taller versions.










could use more skins, rusty vers. For shader (textures/darkmod/metal/flat/simple_rough_grey01), can probably just add model name to other skin files.




window_wood_80x3s.ase and 40x36.ase

need door defs for openable windows.



basket(see kitchen cookpot skin).lwo

weird name, no model in browser, do we need? Maybe just reference, seems odd.


texture (on brush and broom)


I need to fix tiling




gargoyle_rough_grey_dark skin missing (gargoyle_rock_grey_dark)



need to fix shadow mesh


cup_marble_shiny skin missing (textures/darkmod/stone/flat/smooth_marble_white_01)


norman_shield.lwo missing shader

( textures/darkmod/metal/flat/nontiling/steel_scratched01)


longbanner.lwo missing shader (skin banners/bannerblank)



could use more skins, brass/copper/etc.. for

doorhandle_curved_01 .mtr






could use more skins, brass/copper/etc.. for

tdm_door_knocker_simple .mtr




fix uv map



missing shader


(skulls on spear models)



missing shader (default)



very bad/noticable uv mapping on top back and front



missing shader, I think its models/md5/gfclock/gfclock



tdm_candle_lit, bc_candle_lit, tdm_candle skins need fixed. For lit, unlit versions.



missing shader (I believe its : textures/decals/splat)



missing shader (tdm_blackheart_amulet)



could use more skins to replace tdm_chalice_gold

cheap metal, wood, etc...


moss arrow, missing shader at tip


candlestand_macabre_small.lwo, candlestand_hornedskull01 02 and 03, chandelier_6candles,


: all use an old 'flame texture' instead of no tex for particle attachment. Either need to have those planes removed, nodraw substitued for it, or an alternate nodraw skin for the flame.

Dark is the sway that mows like a harvest

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beer_stein02.lwo and beer_stein02_open.lwo missing shader (beer_stein)

couldn't find shader in materials


I just fixed these yesterday.

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very bad/noticable uv mapping on top back and front


Do you have a screenshot?

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  • 2 months later...

If you're referring to the inside of the helmet being see-through, I'd say this is no actual flaw. Those helmets (nearly all are see-through on the inside) probably have been created with the intention of being used as actual headgear instead of decoration, so it would be ineffective to create inside polygons. They wouldn't be visible and would still have to be rendered. It would be nice though to have some complete helmets for decoration.

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You're saying they're see-through? Are you sure? I thought for sure I'd made movable versions with cms and everything.

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  • 5 months later...



cool model, but very small. I'd say it needs sized up by 2.5 times so the door is correct size for player.


Maybe it was intended for skybox, but with the skybox bob issue I don't think we need skybox stuff anyway.


Either way, we should have a 'regular' sized version, and if deemed neccesary a small version for skyboxes. However skybox models should be about 1/16 th scale. (I really hope we get that bob issue solved).


On that note


House04.lwo seems a little too big, the door is pretty tall satnding next to it. Maybe a 10-15% reduction in size would be good. But at the same time it's probably liveable as is.



wooden_shed.lwo is invisible, shows no verts, no tris,- should probably be removed.





Noticed while playing a mission, the tops of the legs shadow mesh doesn't intersect with the seat shadow. So sitting next to a lowlight/fireplace shows gaps in the shadow.


Actually, it has no shadow mesh, I can see in the editor the mesh itself has gaps. Would probably be good to fix those AND add shadow mesh.

Dark is the sway that mows like a harvest

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cool model, but very small. I'd say it needs sized up by 2.5 times so the door is correct size for player.



It's for backdrops.


I can see in the editor the mesh itself has gaps



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I remember mentioning this before, but it must have gotten bumped away into the corners of the forum.



But the nice chandelier we have:





Have built in flames on the candles which you CANNOT remove. I dunno why they are there.


Same with:

candlestand_hornedskull01 02 and 03, and candlestand_macabre_small

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Those are lwo's, there are a few and Spring would be doing the work so up to him.


I don't think anyone has used them yet as is...


So the flame planes could either be removed, or we could just make a new skin for each with nodraw in place of the flame tex. Not sure if we have those set up as entities with attach flames yet either.


Added to list in first post.

Dark is the sway that mows like a harvest

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Baddcog, while you are here:





These lilies have the wrong type of leaves, lily leaves should be very long and slender. Could you please have a look? :)

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man." -- George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)


"Remember: If the game lets you do it, it's not cheating." -- Xarax

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Well, there are alot of things in the mod that could classify under that type of 'issue'.


When I modeled them I just picked and existing leaf tex from darkmod and used it. You could always make a new skin but I'm not gonna remodel.


I'm no botanist and I don't really think it matters.


I'd rather redo a model that is too low poly, or fix one with gaps, or just make a new one. That's really what this thread is meant to be, find issues with models that look bad in game or have issues that NEED dealt with ;)



Dark is the sway that mows like a harvest

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Well, there are alot of things in the mod that could classify under that type of 'issue'.


When I modeled them I just picked and existing leaf tex from darkmod and used it. You could always make a new skin but I'm not gonna remodel.


Already did a new skin, but thought you might have time to change the leaves.


I'm no botanist and I don't really think it matters.


I'd rather redo a model that is too low poly, or fix one with gaps, or just make a new one. That's really what this thread is meant to be, find issues with models that look bad in game or have issues that NEED dealt with ;)


Sure enough. I am working on fixing this issue myself, anyway, but that will take a lot of work (and a lot of time :), remodeling the leaves would solve it in the meantime (and in case I get overrun by a bus). But as I said, if you don't have time, fine. ;)

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man." -- George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)


"Remember: If the game lets you do it, it's not cheating." -- Xarax

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It wouldn't hurt us all to brush up on modeling more so that tweaking models becomes second-nature and quick and easy to do.


What's funny about those posts, anyway, is that I was just thinking about using those lilies for a special purpose, and how they looked was a little part of the equation... But I guess you'll hear about that later. :ph34r:

What do you see when you turn out the light? I can't tell you but I know that it's mine.

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Well, I just wanted to note that I don't think the model needs changed, but chaning the leafs or having an alternate skin is fine.


I looked at the link Tels posted in another thread and a texture should fit and look correct on the planes that are there (just needs a good normal map).


Acutally modelling leaves in the shape of real ones (a v-channel) would increase the polys alot, and I think they are already around 800.

Dark is the sway that mows like a harvest

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