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Fan Mission: The Sons of Baltona 1 by Carnage (2010/01/09)



58 members have voted

  1. 1. Gameplay: Enjoyment. Fun duration. Smooth flow, ect. Versus Bugs. Frustration, Boredom, framelag

  2. 2. Appearance: Visual pleasure, lighting, visual style, deduct bad texturing ect.

  3. 3. Story & Text: Story. Text. Briefing. Graphic storytelling (eg, dead nobleman, empty safe open, items strewn.)

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Doom 3 crashed on me too when I tried climbing the roof. But I could easily recover through the taskmanager.

Same problem here. The game crashes when I try to climb the roof and after starting The Dark Mod again I can't load the saved game: "Game Error. PVS: Free Current. PVS: Invalid Handle." :(

Edited by id3839315
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the roof bug is caused by the player_clip brush being directly over head, so when you mantle the roof, the game takes control of your actions, and the mantle animation of the player sticks him inside the player_clip brush, which you cant get out of. player_clip brush should be on the roof, so you can try to climb up there, but it pushes you off, or you can't get a grip.

Edited by stumpy
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My view is that it would be OK if the clue limited it to

the garden (so you don't have to search the entire grounds) plus it indicated a nearby switch. I'm sure I would have homed in on that grating then.



As far as I know I told in the briefing where the secret entrance could be found, didn't I? At least that was what I wanted to do but I don't know for sure if I did wacko.gif . Besides that, I didn't want to make it too easy because the garden itself was quite small and the grating was the most obvious way in, IMO of course smile.gif. I'll certainly decrease the difficulty of the secrets in the future, because I do want that y'all enjoy playing a mission.


Thanks for your clarification about the crash stumpy smile.gif.

Edited by Carnage
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I really like how we can turn off all lights, but it becomes (as you said) too easy. I've seen a guard relit a torch, it would be AWESOME if they also turn on the lights.. you see? you can still turn it off, but knowing a guard can turn it back on at any time will keep the player on his toes. This is a gameplay jewel right there! :D

Edited by Diego
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As I recall, the briefing just says there is a secret entrance. BTW the briefing is not visible in the game so I'm thinking it's a good idea to duplicate any essential clues therein into a readable that the player is carrying at game start. I think I had to quit the mission and restart it to re-read the clue and then abort that then load my quicksave. Anyway,

the grid itself is not too difficult if it highlighted. Its a reasonable size and I'd think most players would investigate it. Since it does not highlight many players would browse around it and decide it is just a static feature like a flower or a smokestack or whatever. So instead the player has to find a tiny hidden switch anywhere in the entire available grounds. So these are all valid imo:


A clue to anywhere in the grounds and a grid that highlights

A clue to anywhere in the grounds and a grid that does not highlight but a switch visibly close to it.

A clue to anywhere in the grounds that also mentions a hidden switch. A grid that does not highlight

A clue to the garden and a grid that does not highlight and a hint you need to find how to open it perhaps.



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I must be an idiot, because I can't even figure out how to get into the mansion (haven't read the thread as I don't want spoilers about what comes after). Both doors are locked and I can't see anyone with a key. I can't find any obvious way to climb anywhere. I've already had to quickload about a dozen times--it's almost impossible to get anywhere without being spotted, let alone explore, especially when they relight any torches you put out. :mellow:


Supposedly there is a secret way in, but I couldn't find any route through either of the gardens (the vent looked promising but didn't seem to be something you could interact with). What am I missing?

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Supposedly there is a secret way in, but I couldn't find any route through either of the gardens (the vent looked promising but didn't seem to be something you could interact with). What am I missing?



Check the immediate area around that vent. I missed it on the first pass, too.


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Exactly. I can't complete the mission. Where's all the loot ? ph34r.gif



The guards standing in front of the doors outside have sacks of loot, there's a secret button under Anderson's desk, in the kitchen is a basket next to the worktop/slab with wine bottles in it, and on top of some closets/cabinets is some loot.



If that still doesn't do the trick you can always cheat by using tdm_show_loot, but that shouldn't be necessary in a mission. I'll certainly lower the difficulty in my next FM.

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I really like how we can turn off all lights, but it becomes (as you said) too easy. I've seen a guard relit a torch, it would be AWESOME if they also turn on the lights.. you see? you can still turn it off, but knowing a guard can turn it back on at any time will keep the player on his toes. This is a gameplay jewel right there! biggrin.gif


Yeah I know and I think that will be implemented in a future TDM release, at least I hope so :).

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Things I didn't like (mostly the same as others have mentioned):


- I found the secrets much too difficult (couldn't find either one without reading entire spoilers--even subtle hints weren't enough).

- the architecture was very square and pretty empty (especially the large, square bathrooms)

- the interior of the mansion was pretty easy, in stark contrast to the outside (guards frequently stood facing a wall, asking to be KO'd, all lights could be turned off, etc).


Things I liked about this mission:


- the outside was a fun challenge (once I knew where I had to go, that is).

- the Lord reacting to the open door was cool (even though the behaviour isn't perfect)

- the readables were well done

- the story 'flowed' well from room to room

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The picture with an old guy? It doesn't highlight and I can not move it.


Can someone spell out for me exactly how to open the painting? I've been over the entire office and can't find anything to do. I'd like to see the end of the map, but even reading over all the threads I still can't figure out how to get the keys.


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Can someone spell out for me exactly how to open the painting? I've been over the entire office and can't find anything to do. I'd like to see the end of the map, but even reading over all the threads I still can't figure out how to get the keys.




I hope I remember the right one, I think you need to look for a book(button) in the bookshelf


Edited by Sonosuke

Ich konnte mich nicht erinnern Teleportation gezaubert zu haben und doch stand ich da... alleine und nackt.

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I opened the safe with the button under Anderson's desk, but there were no keys there, just loot. I thought the keys were in the office on the top floor? I've scoured the bookshelf there and cannot find anything that highlights.



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I opened the safe with the button under Anderson's desk, but there were no keys there, just loot. I thought the keys were in the office on the top floor? I've scoured the bookshelf there and cannot find anything that highlights.





afaik, after pushing the book there should be a picture opening on the other side of the room, there is only a small gap where the keys are


edit, i think the book was on the bottom left



Edited by Sonosuke

Ich konnte mich nicht erinnern Teleportation gezaubert zu haben und doch stand ich da... alleine und nackt.

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