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fixing visportal leaks


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I was done installing all doors in my resident evil mansion, so i thought lets test to see if all portals work, bam none of em worked, i spent hours and hours, fixing leaks to the void and trying to figure out wtf was going on.


Till it hit me, the keyholeplates where sticking trough the door and not fixed to the door yet since i was going to texture them in order, apparently worldspawn brushes cannot puncture trough a visportal or a working door...... only took me a few hours to find out.. :)


The house is looking great btw all the resident evil puzzles have changed completely, i can say i am halfway there

But some more years to finish all my base material


Anyone know where i can find real looking glass?

I saw it in a video about the darkmod.. the glass looked realy real




Edited by Garreth
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Taf you, you taffin taffer

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Looks pretty good.


The bad thing about glass is most of it is warp textures, etc...


So in the editor they just are white with a 'MILKY GLASS' description made on them. An easy way to do it is just make a wall of different glasses all at once, go in game and see which looks best.

Dark is the sway that mows like a harvest

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Is this the first Resident Evil mansion? If so, this definetly looks familiar, though I played that game ages ago... Looking very interesting and shows careful attention to detail, awesome work indeed.

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I can fix it by fixing the keyhole plates on the door so no problem ;) they where just sticking trough the portal as a worldspawn brush.

and I found clearreflect in the fsx map i think this is close to what i wanted only to bad about the floorpanel visible in the reflection.

Yes this is the resident evil 1 mansion, one day i even tend to use it as a fanmade FPS with the weapons the characters from resident evil but then completely 3d sort of a remake, but il do that after i made it into a FM

Or after the engine becomes open source.

A free game though

Edited by Garreth

Taf you, you taffin taffer

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I'd reduce the size of the columns under the railings and add more of them instead. They look a bit out of place to me. Otherwise, nice work!

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man." -- George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)


"Remember: If the game lets you do it, it's not cheating." -- Xarax

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