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Anyone else played? I'm playing it since yesterday.


It's clearly a good game, I really want to like it! but it requires too much dedication, an amount I'm not willing to give for a game anymore. This design is very similar to the 8 bit era design trend, games that are hard and require persistence and dedication. It's adapted, of course, it has checkpoints, therefore it has to be longer than those games (in order to be equivalent). I remember playing some of those games for months, each play through would get me a little further into the game. Some games I never finished! this is weird nowadays, right? games that we can't finish.

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I know that feeling all too well. I played through a bit of that prequel to dark souls (forget the name), but I couldn't finish it either. I mean, it was a great game and all, but it just couldn't compete with other things I could dedicate my time to (I would rather dedicate that time to e.g. creating something). I love the fact that it's very challenging, but without a compelling story or in-depth combat, the only thing that comes to mind when I think of Dark Souls is "daunting."


I've noticed that nowadays I mostly gravitate to two kinds of games:


(1) Very immersive games with good storylines and interesting gameplay. Some examples: Portal (1 and 2), MGS4, Valkyria Chronicles, Chronicles of Riddik: Escape from Butcher Bay, all the way back to The Metal Age (still my favorite game of all time). Lately I've been trying to get into Amnesia: The Dark Descent (had to disable the teeth-grinding sound or whatever that annoying thing is), but I'm hoping the story picks up since it currently feels kind of forced.


(2) Pick up and play multiplayer games that have a lot of competitive depth. Examples would be Wipeout, CS 1.6, Quake 3. I don't consider games like Call of Duty to have sufficient competitive depth (even though most would throw it in the same bucket as CS1.6). However, I haven't really been into even these kinds of games for the past few years due to poor internet ('merricuh).


Overall there are a lot of games that I would have at least tried back in the day, but won't even dare to touch now. Open world games that involve grinding or "side quests" (or perhaps rely heavily on procedurally generated content) just don't do it for me at all (they actually leave me feeling rather depressed for some reason). I can't even get myself to play an MMORPG anymore.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dark souls is great, but should be looked upon as an exploration / fighting game rather than an rpg. I started playing it since around autumn but still hasnt finished, however i could not say it was boring for a minute, and its rewarding exploration / danger factor is unparalleled i think.


It is best played by controller in half to one hour sessions so it doesnt get on your nerves too much :D

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  • 1 year later...

Just got this because it's 7 Euros on Steam and everybody recommends it. I usually really don't like Fantasy stuff, and the intro sequence seemed kinda generic to me story-wise, but I actually really do like the overall atmosphere... it's so dark and mysterious.

Can't complain about the controls since I'm using a gamepad, and I've yet to actually start playing the game but I tend to not mind hard games as long as I enjoy the atmosphere/gameplay enough.

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Dark Souls 2 is definitely worth looking at too. It's far easier in my opinion, as well as being less inventive, less mysterious and far less visually inspired. It's made way, way better though, optimised to run like a dream whatever the weather. The main sticking point for most is that it's the easiest Souls game yet, but then again so is the first once you know what you're doing. All three of the Souls games are, technically, very easy if you take the time to get better at it before rushing ahead. I've got a blind playthrough in the works here if you've played the first and can't decide whether or not to get it. My advice would be to get it if you're into the first, but to get the first if you haven't yet.

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Dark Souls was amazing to play, I've got about 450 hours in that!


Dark Souls 2 is even better and this is before any DLC or any major patches.


I wouldn't say you have to spend a lot of time playing this. It's mainly a singleplayer game, but you can co-op and PvP is a weird part of it you get used to. You can put steam in offline mode, if you get tired of it though or burn a Human Effigy at a bonfire to disable invasions and summons for that area.


It's all about playing it in your own style and have fun with that. What takes people a lot of time is to realize that there's a lot going on behind the numbers and stats. I'd strongly recommend using a wiki page to read the soft and hard caps of basic stats and how they affect your character. There's so much behind the curtains that you don't "need" to know, but definitely will help you.



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How weird. I started playing Dark Souls today and was totally thinking "I think I played this game before!". Now I found a topic here and decided to know what people are talking about it. What a terrible memory, I even started this thread myself.


Anyway, I'm giving this game another shot (I didn't know it was another shot until now! I thought I was trying the thing for the first time).

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I bought it just over a week ago, along with an Xbox 360 controller. Wasn't sure I was doing the right thing cuz (i) I suck at combat; (ii) not keen on horror games; (iii) never used a gamepad before; (iv) I suck at combat.


What swayed me were the look of some videos on YouTube - it looked so huge and bleak but in a beautiful way - and reviews which talked about how you needed to take it slowly and patiently. And I can testify that running away has often been the best strategy, which is a big plus in my book. (I love games that reward you for running away.)


Anyway. After 20+ hours playing I've finally managed to make it to Undead Parish and the only boss I've killed so far is Asylum Demon. I took Havel out with firebombs and man, that was fun. Couldn't kill Taurus Demon at all, so still got that to do. I'm enjoying it, but it's mostly been above ground and sunlit so far. Not sure how much I'll enjoy it in the lower, darker areas, so I'll probably be taking some Adam and Joe podcasts with me when it starts getting really heavy.

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I'm about three hours in... got to the Taurus Demon after about two hours, couldn't defeat him of course. Spent the last hour exploring Undead Burg, practising, farming and trying to kill that big black knight guy guarding that underground passage to no avail. Also tried going the other way from the first bonfire, ran into those skeletons that I can't deal any damage to. I guess I need a blunt weapon? Hope that merchant has any in stock.


Edit: Well, after about another hour of faffing about I got the reinforced club (that thing is great, especially when dual-wielding), found out how to make that one jump to get the crossbow and bolts (kinda useless I guess), made another daring jump onto a roof in Undead Burg that didn't get me anything, snatched that ring the black knight was guarding by pulling him away and running past him and I defeated the Taurus Demon with firebombs. Wasn't that hard actually, I just don't have any firebombs left now, so the next boss might be a problem.

Edited by MurcDusen
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Re the skeletons near Firelink Shrine: yeah, they're not for beginners. From what I've gathered, you need magic rather than strength to beat them.


Re the big black knight guy - I took him out with fireballs too. I took ruthless advantage of a glitch (don't read if you want to defeat him 'honourably' :smile: ): -


Get him coming after you then leg it back up to the courtyard with the small ladder that leads to the rooftop area with the fireball throwers. Climb the ladder (better get rid of the fireball throwers first) and jump onto the small balcony area on your left. The black knight gets 'stuck' in the courtyard below you and you can safely fireball him. NB: Every throw of a fireball moves your character forward slightly. Nudge yourself backwards after each throw or you'll end up falling down right in front of him, which will make him very happy.


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Get him coming after you then leg it back up to the courtyard with the small ladder that leads to the rooftop area with the fireball throwers. Climb the ladder (better get rid of the fireball throwers first) and jump onto the small balcony area on your left. The black knight gets 'stuck' in the courtyard below you and you can safely fireball him. NB: Every throw of a fireball moves your character forward slightly. Nudge yourself backwards after each throw or you'll end up falling down right in front of him, which will make him very happy.



Or, if you're feeling brave...


Come to think of it, if anybody has any questions feel free to ask 'em in here. They can be about anything; I've played the game every which way possible, with one-weapon playthroughs for most of the weapons in the game. Kvorning, too, has probably done something similar. I only say this because it would be a crime for people to get stuck and give up on it; I wouldn't have had half the fun I did if I hadn't looked up some builds ahead of time to avoid levelling myself into a corner.


With regards to having to use X instead of Y against the skeletons, you can easily win with pretty much anything: you just need the right skills and upgrades. Check the scaling of your weapon and make sure you're putting your skill points into the right stuff: you can't re-spec in this and it gets very expensive to level at later levels. Builds are generally split up into STR, DEX and INT, with the occasional faith build that will use a bit of each. If you're using huge weapons and armor, you need to level STR; if you're using katanas, rapiers and curved swords, you need DEX, and INT is for casters. As a general rule you want to never imbue your weapon with an element because it will brick it beyond a certain point so, generally speaking, always reinforce your weapon straight to +15 and ignore the elemental embers. That said, if you're a mage with high INT you should go ahead and use the magic and enchanted embers on your weapons to make them scale directly with your INT stat.

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:o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o

Just watched the first ten minutes and that's...just...*ULP* (Please don't tell me you did that on your first playthrough.)


Thanks for the offer of help/advice. I've gone with a warrior build and I'm doing OK with an upgraded longsword (+5) and hollow warrior shield (+2) against most enemies except the bosses and mini-bosses - at the moment, any attempt at hand-to-hand combat with those guys ends up with them taking my bottom, putting it onto a plate, and handing it back to me.


I like the speed of the longsword but I'm not sure how far it'll take me. All I've managed to get to is Undead Parish via Undead Burg and Darkroot Basin/Garden. Taken out most of the mini-bosses so far though, mainly via firebombs and range attacks (the Lightning Bolt Guy on the balcony in Undead Parish church didn't even see me). Only boss I've managed to kill is the Asylum Demon. :( I've gone back to Firelink Shrine to upgrade my estus flask and may try getting back to UP using a halberd to see how I get on with that.


Any suggestions welcome though. These yer are what my stats is: -


(Yes. My character is called Nigella.)(I wanted to call her Nigella Higginbottom-Calthorp III, but the game wouldn't let me.)

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I'm doing pretty good with the halberd at the moment, even though the game tells me I shouldn't be :P Only the big skeletons are a problem now, the small ones go down so easily.

I really like it's handling though and I think I wanna go with pikes/long stabby things, so I guess I shold build up my strenght so I can use 'em properly with a shield? Also, are there any other drawbacks to using that halberd without the required (more like recommended...) STR except lower damage and having to dual-wield it?


Also I'm a bit at a loss where to go next. The only place I can think of are the catacombs (I think that's what they were called? Those caves past the skeletons).


I've been to Undead Parish via the Bridge behind the Taurus Demon (I gues simplen00b had the master key and unlocked the door at the base of that tower? Is that what the "basement key" is for I found somewhere in Undead Parish?) with the Dragon on top. Killed the chargy-thingy-boss with firebombs from the little bridge, and the black-rectangle-shield guy with firebombs as well. Found the smith, got scared by his lightning-ball-spewing neighbour and found the large closed gate with the knight in front of it. Took the elevator in the church to find out i leads back to Firelink Shrine. Is there anywhere else to go from Undead Parish?


Guess I'll explore a bit now, check the tower (basement?) door and maybe I'll even find the door that the "mystery key" goes to. I'll also try to get to the catacombs without one of the large skeletons following me and surprising me from behind. Oh, and I'll slay the dragon...... nah, just kidding.

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(Please don't tell me you did that on your first playthrough.)


God, no, I can almost guarantee I did far worse than you are doing now on my first playthrough. For a STR build you want to get the claymore, found here and then level up your STR to increase the damage you deal with it (leave DEX as it is; for a STR build you only need the DEX required to wield STR-based weapons). You'll definitely need to upgrade it, so it's a shame that you did so with the longsword already. Upgrade the Claymore at the earliest convenience and level your strength; you'll end up with huge damage right away. You'll find bosses go a lot easier if you go in a few times with minimal souls/humanity and don't try to kill them, just try to dodge their attacks. 99.9% of the skill required in Dark Souls is dodging. There's nothing wrong with using a shield, but dodging is a lot better in the long-term and really the invincibility frames on the roll animation are really generous in this.


are there any other drawbacks to using that halberd without the required (more like recommended...) STR except lower damage and having to dual-wield it?


Nope! Obviously if it scales off of STR you need that STR to do decent damage in the end anyway, but no. If you are going for a STR build, the best STR weapons in the game are the Black Knight variants that the eponymous black knights drop. There's a Black Knight Halberd, too, so you're in luck. You won't get that for a while though, I imagine, because there are only 3 drops in the game: two don't respawn and the one that does is at the end of the game. Increasing your humanity to 10 will increase the chance of enemies dropping items when they die, so do that before you kill any black knight for a good chance at getting a decent STR weapon. The Black Knight greataxe is the best STR weapon in the game, combining the damage of the BK greatsword and the speed of the BK sword which are both viable weapons aside from their speed and damage respectively. You can realistically beat the game with any weapon though, even dual-wielded shields, so really you just want to find a weapon with decent scaling for your chosen stat devotion that you also enjoy using.


Also I'm a bit at a loss where to go next.


I'll write the list of areas in suggested order here. I say "suggested" because later on you can choose to do four branches in any order but they do have varying difficulty levels. When you finish one area and come to the next, just google its name and you should find a wiki article telling you how to get there:


Northern Undead Asylum

Undead Burg

Undead Parish

Lower Undead Burg

The Depths (completely skippable if you have the master key, but I wouldn't recommend doing so as you miss out on a lot)


Quelaag's Domain

Sen's Fortress

Northern Undead Asylum Revisited (optional)

Anor Londo

Painted World of Ariamis (optional, reliant on revisiting the asylum before getting too far into Anor Londo (explanation))

(game opens up into 4 paths after completing Anor Londo)

Darkroot Garden & Darkroot Basin (read up on how to visit the DLC area to see what to do here, also you need to beat a boss to be able to get to the end of the New Londo Ruins)

New Londo Ruins

The Duke's Archives (step to getting into the DLC at the archives' entrance) & Crystal Cave

Demon Ruins & Lost Izalith

The Catacombs & Tomb of Giants

Oolacile (DLC, linear)

Kiln of the First Flame


For a short-term answer, go to the roof of the Parish church.

Edited by Airship Ballet
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For a short-term answer, go to the roof of the Parish church.


Yeah, just did that. Didn't even notice the stairs the first time. So now I'm trying to get some humanity to summon Solair to help me fight those beasts... letting him distract them and staying back and (guess what) throwing firebombs at them seems to work well. I dread the day I have to do some proper fighting against a boss...


Oh, also is there any way to sell items? Is there any point in reinforcing armour?

Edited by MurcDusen
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A levelled weapon with gold pine resin used on it will level those guys if, like you say, Solaire shapes up and aggros them like a good Warrior of the Sun. You can sell items to a major character later on but by that point the amount of souls you get is negligible. His real use is trading titanite for other forms of the stuff so you can reinforce what you need. As for levelling armor, I generally don't until I've nothing else to be spending my souls and resources on.

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For a STR build you want to get the claymore, found here

That's useful to know.
You'll definitely need to upgrade it, so it's a shame that you did so with the longsword already

I had a hunch, but I don't mind grinding around Undead Parish to buy more titanite shards from Andre.

don't try to kill them, just try to dodge their attacks

Which is how I learnt to defeat the Asylum demon - I'd go in expecting to die, but try to delay how quickly that happened. :smile: It's also my problem with the Taurus demon - there's hardly any room to dodge.

99.9% of the skill required in Dark Souls is dodging

Is there a strategy regarding turning target lock on and off that helps with this? If I don't have target lock on, I usually end up whaling around in empty air behind my opponent and wearing a 'Backstab me now' t-shirt. If I do have target lock on, rolling just seems to take me right into them rather than around them. Just wondered. As I say, this game is my first time ever using a controller rather than kbm, so it's probably just a case of practicing.


I'm about three hours in... got to the Taurus Demon after about two hours

Whoa. Two hours? Took me about 15. :)
I guess simplen00b had the master key and unlocked the door at the base of that tower? Is that what the "basement key" is for I found somewhere in Undead Parish?

Yup, I've got the master key. Not sure what the basement key is but I don't like the sound of it. :ph34r:


Anyway. I think I'll just get back to Undead Parish before I wrap up for the night, and tomorrow, get ready for lots of helpings of Rear End of Simplen00b, served with a redcurrant and port jus on a silver platter by Maitre Demon Taurus. When I stop to think about it, I'm really not sure why I call this a 'game'.

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Is there a strategy regarding turning target lock on and off that helps with this?


That depends, really. With slower, smaller enemies all you need is camera control and no lock-on. With faster, smaller enemies you'll probably need lock-on all the time. It's fiddly and intuitive at first with thumbsticks but it'll be second nature soon. It doesn't matter where you roll so long as you do it at the right time, and really rolling into them is beneficial because you can stun lock them from close range. If they're a big enemy like the guy in the Parish church, you want to just bait them into attacking then roll away and come back to attack them as they recover.


Also although you bypassed him, the best way to deal with the Taurus demon is to trigger him and run back up the tower, then do a falling attack on him. That usually brings him down to 1/2 or 2/3 his health, and from there it's just a case of throwing stuff at him after baiting him to attack and getting safely away.

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Phew. Enough for today. 9 1/2 hours in now. Maxed my halberd, defeated the Gargoyles (they weren't even that difficult with Solaire's help, that halberd and a few firebombs). Rang the first Bell, went to Lower Undead Burg and just encountered the Cabra Demon (needless to say he defeated me).


This game is really great so far. The atmosphere and the weapon handling are just awesome.


Oh and I heard that rolling has invincibility frames? When exactly are those? So far I always seem to get hit rather easily while rolling.

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I couldn't tell you exactly when the frames are but I do know there are 12 of them, and at ~30FPS you basically have half a second of invincibility out of the roll. I rarely get hit if I roll into swings as they're about to hit, especially big boss swings. If you look up how to get the Darkwood Grain ring, and proceed to do so, your roll animation changes to cartwheels and front/back flips and the invincibility frames cover practically the whole animation. It's really forgiving without that anyway; I'd hazard a guess and say that you're invincible between launching and landing, and about halfway into the landing (without the ring).

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OK, not sure how I did it but I've just - finally - beaten Taurus D. Felt more like a relief than a triumphant victory, tbh. Couldn't land a falling attack on him to save my life - always seemed to land a few feet in front of him/to the side of him. Wearing a 'Krush Me Kwik lol' hat.


Anyway. Whatever. He's done.


Had a far more satisfying battle before that - I was actually regretting firebombing/arrowing all the mini-bosses in the area as it had left me fighting either normal enemies or full-on bosses with nothing in between, and I really wanted some face-to-face combat that was challenging without being impossible.


And then I remembered.


Black Knight. At the top of the tower.


Lured him down, got him up onto the broad set of steps leading up to the church so I had some space, and then had an amazing fight that felt like it lasted for ages but was probably only five minutes, maybe less.




beat him.


That felt like a victory. B)


Next time, I'm considering a session of getting creamed by the Bell Gargoyles on my own just to get some idea of their attack patterns, and then leaving my summon sign by the church to see if I can help anyone out. But I may do something else instead.


P.S. Got the claymore up to +5; for some reason it doesn't come up on the list when I speak to Andre about upgrading further, despite the fact I have various titanite chunks in my possession. I must be missing something.


Gonna go beddy-byes now. This here mighty warrior's dang tired.

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Anecdotes like that are what make the first few playthroughs of Dark Souls great. Eventually you'll be wishing you could recapture that feeling of triumph as you just sail through the thing.


In order to upgrade to +6 you need the Large Ember which you won't find until The Depths; if you're exploring everywhere you'll find it no problem. Once you have it you need to choose modify instead of reinforce with Andre, which will then render it +6, and then you just use reinforce until +10. After that you need the Very Large Ember, which is found far later on in New Londo Ruins, and is actually very missable because that place is a big dark labyrinth. For +6 to +10 you need Large Titanite Shards, which you can find anywhere and then buy from the blacksmith in Anor Londo. Once you're rolling in souls and regular titanite you can start upgrading your armor, but only a set that you're planning on using for a long time. After that you need Titanite Chunks, which can only be found as you go or farmed off a type of enemy in New Londo Ruins. For the final +15 you need a Titanite Slab but you'll probably have at least one by then. FYI Modify is what you use with special embers to imbue weapons with an element at a particular blacksmith. For example there's a magical blacksmith at the very start of New Londo Ruins who will send your weapon down the magic/enchant path, and one in the Catacombs who is the only one who imbues fire and chaos. That said, you only really want to go straight to +15 with your weapons unless you're a mage, because imbuing them does give an initial elemental damage boost but will also brick it by removing most of its scaling so you're left with a weapon with damage that very suddenly stops being enough and won't go up with your levels.


Also if you're feeling brave you can usually endlessly back-stab the black knights until they go down because they slowly get up every time. If you feel brave enough to parry them, that's easy with the sword and axe wielders because they telegraph, not so much the halberd guy. If you wait for them to spin to you when they're getting up and then run to their backs and stand just a little to the right you can stab them right as they finish their animation, saving a bunch of resources. Also if you walk instead of running, most enemies won't hear you coming and if they're humanoid and not too big you can get a backstab off. There are also spells and rings that make you invisible and silent which reduce the visual aggro range and allow you to run right up to them provided you're out of their line of sight. The easiest way to deal with the fanged boar is like this (I had to look away, but basically you throw an Alluring Skull into or near the fire which causes the boar to just burn itself to death on it). Arguably the bravest and most dangerous way to do it is this skip that my nerves aren't usually capable of pulling off. You have to stop just in the right place to get the boar crushed or it's a dash through the door/arch that it can't get past; it's tricky but time-saving.

Edited by Airship Ballet
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In order to upgrade to +6 you need the Large Ember

Ah, OK. The Depths. Fine. Great. No, seriously, that's helpful to know. Finding out this kind of thing on the wikis isn't easy.(Not for me anyway.)
if you're feeling brave you can usually endlessly back-stab the black knights
Really haven't got the hang of backstabbing so far - however much I circle/roll around, AI usually still end up facing me, and the few times I do end up behind them, I'm too slow to take advantage. But I'm sure it'll come. (It used to take me ages to deal with those really slow spear-carrying guys as I'd just be waiting for their attack to give me an opening. Now it's just kick/stab/job done.)
if you walk instead of running, most enemies won't hear you coming
That's one of the few techniques from Thief/TDM I've been able to apply in this game. :smile:
or it's a dash through the door/arch that it can't get past
That was my technique (rush to that passage then firebomb him as he retreated). It was made a lot easier by the fact that I came to that area from the Undead Parish/Blacksmith fire so I was already behind him. (Still wasn't easy-easy though. That guy's fast.)


@MurcDusen - you've got further in 9½ hours than I have in 30. (If I did a Let's Play of this game, it'd end up taking over all the server space on the planet.)

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And I'm going even further :P Guess that's what I get for playing video games since I'm 5. Really can't say Dark Souls is overly difficult so far, let alone frustrating.


I held off on fighting the Capra Demon and explored Darkroot Garden/Basin first, killed the moth boss (well, actually I just watched some witch in a silly hat throw ice-spears at it for two minutes and claimed the loot), got scared by the hydra and knocked over the head immediately by Havel after opening the watchtower door. After three tries I managed to actually get into the tower and the ensuing fight was ridiculously easy. Havel's swings are so slow that I didn't even need to roll out of their way, my normal circlestrafing was too much for him to handle.


After that I couldn't think of anywhere to go other than the Capra demon (actually there's still a cave in Darkroot Basin I forgot to explore). He was pretty tough, his slam attack took off about half my health and always broke my blocks and knocked me down. At some point in the fight he would always just do it twice in a row, the second time hitting me right as I got up. Got him eventually though, utilising the range of my halberd.


So now I'm in the Depths. Fell down some hole because in small spaces rolling and jumping just blend together. Down the hole are some weird saucer eyed frog things spitting smoke at me, they're kinda cute actually and I feel bad for thrusting my halberd into them. And I mean, they haven't even technically attacked me. Maybe that cursing smoke is like confetti for them or something.


Gotta find my way up again now, and this place is a maze.

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