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Fan Mission: Old Habits (Rebuild) by Obsttorte 20/05/2013


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Alright got it. HOWEVER!!!!




Water traps that involve lockpicking are horrible, just horrible, don't ever do that again.

This isn't Thief 1/2 where you just spam your lockpicks and you can open a door quickly. If there's a key then sure use the water trap. But it was a bad idea in that other mission and it's a horrible idea here. Solid mission but going to knock one star off a few categories for that travesty at the end with the crown.



I always assumed I'd taste like boot leather.


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Alright got it. HOWEVER!!!!




Water traps that involve lockpicking are horrible, just horrible, don't ever do that again.

This isn't Thief 1/2 where you just spam your lockpicks and you can open a door quickly. If there's a key then sure use the water trap. But it was a bad idea in that other mission and it's a horrible idea here. Solid mission but going to knock one star off a few categories for that travesty at the end with the crown.



Got caught in this also here's what I did -

As the door doesn't relock until you go in and enact the trigger I unlocked the door then I went and found a chair and wedged it in the doorway (took a little bit of time to maneuver to get it to go in the right spot) so now the door can't lock when the water comes in


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@AluminumHaste: That's the challenge :smile: If it would be like in T1/2 or there is a key, I could also have left it away. And don't forget, it's an optional goal. But thanks for playing it.


@Thiefette: That's cheating <_<

FM's: Builder Roads, Old Habits, Old Habits Rebuild

Mapping and Scripting: Apples and Peaches

Sculptris Models and Tutorials: Obsttortes Models

My wiki articles: Obstipedia

Texture Blending in DR: DR ASE Blend Exporter

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Can't find nothing at all, I must be blind for sure. Anyone can help me find a way to enter in these rooms?

- door up stairs where guards are patrolling, the halls are red

- a door upstairs with the first upstairs we encounter when we start the mission

- the door to the priest room

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@AluminumHaste: That's the challenge :smile: If it would be like in T1/2 or there is a key, I could also have left it away. And don't forget, it's an optional goal. But thanks for playing it.


Also wanted to point out that the sleeping servant in the servant quarters has a gold pouch that you can't see as it's on his back and he's sleeping on it. Should probably move that purse to the left side of his belt so you can see when you enter that room.

I always assumed I'd taste like boot leather.


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Don't wanna nitpick, but this mission neither seem to be on the homepage nor on the in-game downloader.

FM's: Builder Roads, Old Habits, Old Habits Rebuild

Mapping and Scripting: Apples and Peaches

Sculptris Models and Tutorials: Obsttortes Models

My wiki articles: Obstipedia

Texture Blending in DR: DR ASE Blend Exporter

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When I saw this thread pop up I went to the ingame downloader and downloaded the original Old Habits. I wanted to play the original prior to this so I could see the changes.


I didn't see the revised one in the list though but it would be nice if it were there to download.


I can of course use the link provided.


In any case, is there a thread on the original Old Habits? I'm stuck.

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Next time you could also take a look at the bottom lines of one of my posts ;)

FM's: Builder Roads, Old Habits, Old Habits Rebuild

Mapping and Scripting: Apples and Peaches

Sculptris Models and Tutorials: Obsttortes Models

My wiki articles: Obstipedia

Texture Blending in DR: DR ASE Blend Exporter

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If you wake up the Acolyte in the basement of the church and you're in the room with him watching him, when he turns sideways sitting up and gets out of bed, he falls straight through the floor and disappears.


If you're not in the room with him, he gets up and comes out and doesn't fall through the floor. I thought this was odd.

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If you wake up the Acolyte in the basement of the church and you're in the room with him watching him, when he turns sideways sitting up and gets out of bed, he falls straight through the floor and disappears.


If you're not in the room with him, he gets up and comes out and doesn't fall through the floor. I thought this was odd.


Hopefully you're using 1.08, because this is supposed to be fixed in 2.00.

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I'm stuck.




I woke up the Acolyte and he just stands in his room, he walks around in his room but never leaves no matter what I do. I've searched his room and there is a flute in the armoir and a pair of boots. No keys in the boots. So there are three locked doors in the basment of the chapel and no keys and the acolyte won't leave his room. Then I am scouring the chapel, halls, etc. and I found a switch. Eureka moment! THERE IT IS! I climb up and in to the tunnel behind the banner and make my way to what turns out to be the priests room. He's standing by the desk in the corner. I quicksave here just to be safe. I knock him out and search his room and find a book that says the priest has hidden a key in his room and the acolyte does weird things when he's drunk. I searched the room what I believe to be completely and there is no key and I can't unlock the priests door so I have to go back out the way I came in. Priest is knocked out, acolyte is still sleeping. I wake up the acolyte with noise and he just mills around his room, never leaves it. I reloaded and thought maybe since I now know there is a priest in the priests room I could get him to come out by making noise, sword spearing his door, the walls... something, but nothing worked. Neither guy leaves their room or even barks that they've heard someone clanging around outside.


I have no choice as far as I'm aware other than to noclip through the crypt door. I go to the chamber, light the torches (thank you for adding extra arrows! cause I wouldn't have had enough otherwise and had no idea I should have saved them similar to the holy water statue blessing) and the chamber opens, down to get the crown and I realize... that's a long jump down.. ok, I can get back up on the door edge, no problems, and go down and theres the crown but it all seems too easy. I inspect the crown room... curious architecture overhead, walls are plain, some sand on the floor and stairs...man I hope this isn't a trap but it probably is. Room fills with sand? hmm... don't see any vents for sand to flow through. Darts shoot out of the walls? don't see any orifices for darts to come out of... no cracks or crumbling stone where sand could pour in. Ok... I'm takin it!


Grab the crown and insta gib... wtf... didn't even have a chance. Reload, try again, gibbed, reload, gibbed, reload, gibbed, ...Reload, maybe I can grab the crown and turn around and sprint out quickly. Ok... ready, grab crown, turn and run... made it! and the room is filling with water somehow... to the door and it won't budge. LOCK PICKS DUMMY... ok so calm down, calm down... pick one, pick two.. not open yets? sheesh Obstortte! Three tumblers and the door opens and back to the door I have to noclip through.


Wow that is some difficulty you have there. I can appreciate everything that has been done with the mission and up until the basement of the chapel I was having a cracking good time but after that everything for me fell apart. I didn't feel like there were enough readables or overheard conversations or anything to hint at anything that was to befall me.


I'm sure the AI was bugged in some way or another reading through other posts in this thread because the acolyte never left his room and the priest never moved from the spot he was in by the desk.




Not sure what happened here at the end of this great mission but up until that point I really enjoyed it, great lighting, great structures and architecture, great AI and pathing. I know I'm not an idiot and later parts of this mission really made me feel like I was daft and I know it wasn't my fault. (its never the players fault :P )


There were parts of the first Old Habits I liked better than this one. Old Habits II was definitely better constructed, prettier, made use of more/better game elements and was generally better thought out. (till the end, at least for me)


Thank you, Obsttorte! :D

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The key in the priest room: When you exit the air shaft to the priests room, there is a vase in the right end corner of that room. Below that vase there is a secret door, below which you can find the crypt key. I misaligned the textures so it can be seen more easely.


The trap in the crypt: If you enter the secret grave below the sarcophagues in the crypt, when the torches go on, just take a look upwards. The trap is so big it can hardly be overseen. The trick is to stand on the right or left side of the grave when picking up the crown, not in front of it. When the water floods in the trap resets itself and you can just swim to the door and lockpick it. I tested it several times and if you had the feeling that it was too difficult, then you may lower the lockpicking difficulty in the options. I use the default setting and am very bad in lockpicking and had no problems at all.


And yes, it may be quite difficult but please consider two things:

  1. The objective is optional, you do not have to fulfill it.
  2. The crown is worth 500(!) loot. So I thought the player really has to earn it. :smile:



I'm sorry that the mission turned out a bit frustrating for you in the end. But I would advise to just finish a mission if one makes no progress in optional objectives, and that is not the mappers fault, because making it optional already means the mapper expects some people to not crack the nut so to say.


And noclipping is always a game-breaker, and in this case it is the players fault.

FM's: Builder Roads, Old Habits, Old Habits Rebuild

Mapping and Scripting: Apples and Peaches

Sculptris Models and Tutorials: Obsttortes Models

My wiki articles: Obstipedia

Texture Blending in DR: DR ASE Blend Exporter

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Hey! I enjoyed it, I was just a bit frustrated. I picked up that vase and dumped it but there was nothing in it and I did look at the floor in that corner but the square didn't frob highlight. I went back to look at it and it was a bit frob finicky and I'm surprised I didn't see it. You can literally stand on that square and look down while crouched and it won't frob highlight. You have to be at an approach angle and move the mouse just right to get it to light up.


As far as the trap in the crypt room, I understand it was made to be hard. For me the large squares on the ceiling didn't ring out, this is a trap. I thought it was just some odd brushwork on the ceiling. Having played 35 or so FMs now, I've seen some odd brushwork and though it seemed unusual, it wasn't really cuing the player in to the fact that it was going to hinge down on his head the instant the crown was touched.


I enjoyed the water trap part and lock picking the door and getting out, personally, and as I said before, you can just grab the crown and sprint back to the door and not die.


As far as my comment, "(its never the players fault :P )" The smiley face with the tongue out was trying to show this comment was sarcasm. Like the old adage, "the customer is always right". I've worked in sales before and trust me, the customer is rarely ever right but if you treat them that way you won't get much return business.




I greatly appreciate mappers that do things differently because with so many FMs, its a good thing to differentiate yourself and your maps and make them memorable and yours are memorable and have good difficult puzzles.


So as I said before thank you, Obsttorte, for a great FM :D

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Thank you, you are welcome :smile:

FM's: Builder Roads, Old Habits, Old Habits Rebuild

Mapping and Scripting: Apples and Peaches

Sculptris Models and Tutorials: Obsttortes Models

My wiki articles: Obstipedia

Texture Blending in DR: DR ASE Blend Exporter

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I missed the release of this mission and learned about it only last week. It makes me wonder, why has it not a name of its own?

It's not just a rebuild is it? No: In my opinion this is the best TDM Mission so far!!

I'm so excited, I just finished it and I want to play again! The gameplay and visuals were incredible, challenging, rewarding, lots of loot, non-KOable guards and best of all:

no zombies!, no spiders!

and yet so tense. Obsttorte, thank you! Great job, full marks everywhere!

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Holy s***! AI reacting and commenting everything, talking to each other is just simply awesome and most immersive. Will every FM have these? Is this taste of what is to come with 2.0? Not to mention your FM is absolutely great.


Are you using 2.0?

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