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2015 Audio & Music Enhancements [suggestions list]


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Here's a photo of my current little studio set up.

I share a space a bit outside of town with a friend where we try to make nice music.



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"My milkshake bringeth all ye gentlefolk to the yard. Verily 'tis better than thine, I would teach thee, but I must levy a fee."

"When Kleiner showed me the sky-line of New York I told him that man is like the coral insect—designed to build vast, beautiful, mineral things for the moon to delight in after he is dead."



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Another thing I've thought of recently is new impact sound for dropped candlestick holders. The current ones sound way to small and tinny.

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I've been playing a lot of Thief 2 FM's recently and one thing I really wish the dark mod had was better lock picking sounds. If there is a way for you to create some better lock picking sounds (if possible) I would be eternally grateful!

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Springheel: Yes, that one might definitely be improved.


Goldwell: This is also something I've been thinking of myself! How does the current system work? Are there just 2-3 loops being played, and finished off with the unlocked-click? I think that click sound in the end is a bit inconsistent with the rest of the loop.

"My milkshake bringeth all ye gentlefolk to the yard. Verily 'tis better than thine, I would teach thee, but I must levy a fee."

"When Kleiner showed me the sky-line of New York I told him that man is like the coral insect—designed to build vast, beautiful, mineral things for the moon to delight in after he is dead."



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The clicks are about a dozen individual sounds randomly strung together to create the unique sequence for each lock.


I've never had any problems with them.

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The clicks are about a dozen individual sounds randomly strung together to create the unique sequence for each lock.


I've never had any problems with them.

Nice! I'm glad to hear it's a bit more complex. I was guessing on a collection of shorter loops being combined in different ways.



Also I want to clarify that I'm not aiming at a complete overhaul of everything people might find annoying. Some might like things others don't like, and most of the sound effects in DM are already of very high quality, so it wouldn't be needed anyways.

"My milkshake bringeth all ye gentlefolk to the yard. Verily 'tis better than thine, I would teach thee, but I must levy a fee."

"When Kleiner showed me the sky-line of New York I told him that man is like the coral insect—designed to build vast, beautiful, mineral things for the moon to delight in after he is dead."



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The reverb is nice, but I think ours actually sound more like what a metal pick inside a lock would actually sound like. Lockpicks aren't exactly heavy.



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Does DM have a unique sound for when doors/chests are unlocked, or is that same sound used anywhere else?
I would check myself, but this laptop sucks too hard, can't enjoy many missions because of it.


If we don't, then we totally should create one. I agree with Arcturus, the sound used in Thief is incredibly satisfying, design-wise.

Edited by Paralytik

"My milkshake bringeth all ye gentlefolk to the yard. Verily 'tis better than thine, I would teach thee, but I must levy a fee."

"When Kleiner showed me the sky-line of New York I told him that man is like the coral insect—designed to build vast, beautiful, mineral things for the moon to delight in after he is dead."



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Was planning on moving forward with some of these things this week, but this cold I have still haven't passed. :(

Really annoying.

"My milkshake bringeth all ye gentlefolk to the yard. Verily 'tis better than thine, I would teach thee, but I must levy a fee."

"When Kleiner showed me the sky-line of New York I told him that man is like the coral insect—designed to build vast, beautiful, mineral things for the moon to delight in after he is dead."



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  • 7 months later...

Thinking about non-Thief ambient music that could serve as a bit of inspiration, I suppose you could use some of Robert Rich's stuff as a general template for ideas on wilderness settings or Pagan-related scenarios: Some examples:




Mycelia (with Alio Die)


I think I've heard a sample from that last track (from around 2:15 and slightly onwards) used in an older Thief II FM. It was Off the Record, made by Yandros. The FM is set inside a public institution at night time, and the particular sample from that track was selected nicely, so I didn't find it annoying or repetitive while I was playing. I suppose a similarly sounding bit of ambient could work well for interiors of public buildings at night.


(EDIT: Ha, found a video playthrough of Off the Record ! (Link now included above.) You can clearly hear the sample from "Mycelia" playing in the background throughout the mission.)




Looking at the ambient music tutorial and having not worked much on sound effects in the last few months, I might try my hand at putting together some simple ambient theme for the inventors. Maybe I'll come up with something. Oh and there are also those ice sounds I've promised. I should get to work on those. And I'm very eager to try making some ambient soundscapes for the city, though I'd have to have a good idea for what the basic scenario should be like.


Also: Do inns, taverns, etc. need any sort of ambient backgrounds, or should their soundscape be left to whatever sound effects (chatter, musical instruments) the mission author populates them with ? I could try making several ambients for variously crowded inns.

Edited by Petike the Taffer
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