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I figured out why Garrett is late with the rent


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If Garrett completes a mission and goes to the store before the next mission with the amount of money he stole in the previous mission then the landlord doesn't get their cut. This continues for several missions and landlord is complaining because Garrett doesn't give the landlord any money ever.


Apparently he steals everything clothes food, etc He doesn't have to pay for anything except items for the next mission.


Garrett is greedy.

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Yeah I could never figure that one out when I was playing. Always thought if you could steal that kind of money the least you could do is not bring the attention of the watch by minding your rent. Speaking from Garret's view anyway. I'd steal everything else but if I had to pay rent somewhere I'd at least keep that one spot of my life legitimate to keep concealment. Interesting topic nonetheless. ;)

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Who would pay for the rent anyway, when he steals anything else. :P In Thief 3, you could even steal from the landlord, and he doesn't seem exactly on the right side of the law either, considering he got some money from an illegal business (which you could steal too...). Not sure what kind of business that was though, but was something shady.

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