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We are making a game heavily focused on stealth and we need your help!


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Hey all,

we are a team of Game Design students at Breda University working on a stealth game called "Levis Umbra", currently in pre-production.

We would like your precious help and knowledge in order to get some insight on what type of players engage with this kind of games.

It would be great if you could answer some questions about your experience with this genre: it's going to help us shape our project by understanding better, among other things, players' archetypes, needs, motivations and finally create a User/Player Persona. This survey takes about 3~5 minutes to complete.

Link to the Survey

We won't collect any data, but there's an option at the end of the survey to leave us your e-mail, in case you want to stay up to date with the development.

Thanks a lot in advance, we will greatly appreciate any feedback and I'll try to answer any question you have.

Best regards,


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53 minutes ago, Knutto said:

We won't collect any data

You mean personally identifying data, right? Otherwise the survey seems a bit futile... :-P

A small niggle: your age brackets overlap, e.g. a 35-year-old is both 30-35 and 35-40.

A larger one: I didn't understand 'Within the right context, I always prioritise building/exploring' - 'building' isn't a word I associate with stealth games generally. Was I meant to be thinking about character builds?

Some things I'm repeatedly thinking about...


- louder scream when you're dying

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You mean personally identifying data, right? Otherwise the survey seems a bit futile... 😛

Yes, I should have been more clear, thanks for the clarification!


A small niggle: your age brackets overlap, e.g. a 35-year-old is both 30-35 and 35-40

Thanks for the feedback!


A larger one: I didn't understand 'Within the right context, I always prioritise building/exploring' - 'building' isn't a word I associate with stealth games generally. Was I meant to be thinking about character builds?

The purpose of the survey is not necessarily to set in stone a specific design choice or mechanics for the game, but rather build a persona profile made of players who enjoyed/had experience/engaged or are really into stealth games. 

Let's take your example: "building/exploring". This question is not really to be intended as "building vs exploring", but rather "what is the range between the two where a player's satisfaction lies", even if none of these are characteristic of a stealth game. There is not really a right or wrong choice. It doesn't even have to be in line with a particular genre. It is more and only about understanding YOU, the player: your motivations to play/keep playing or eventually stop playing, satisfactions, frustrations and their correlations within a structure of human psychology (Big 5, O.C.E.A.N., etc.).

TL;DR: think about it as a psychological profile that helps us to better understand your needs and fears.

There's more: based on this profile, the ultimate goal of this process would be to:

  • develop accurate empathy towards the type of player the game is targeted to.
  • overcoming developers' personal bias.

Hope this made it a bit more clear and sorry if there was any confusion.

Edited by Knutto
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It would be nice to know a bit more about your game, before attending a survey without having a idea about what is actually done with the results of the survery (especially as you're a new user here). So far, I only know that you're planning on doing a stealth game. Called Levis Umbra.

Quid pro quo.

BTW, IMO, play the Thief games, the Splinter Cell games, or stuff like Dishonored, and you know all about people who play stealth games. :D Not sure if a survery will bring out a better persona than the target audience of the games I mentioned already delivers. IMO, the gameplay mechanics are much more important than the player's persona. In the late 90's, or early 2000's, those games were developed without doing survery, because the developers had a vision about how their games should be like. The same with this mod. 

I don't know where else you asked for people to attend your survery, but, if you ask in the wrong place, your result may already be quite misleading. 

For me, a interesting vision towards the way the game should be like from the developers is much more important than trying to figure out exactly what players want. Create a interesting game, and you will create players' interest automatically.

Edited by chakkman
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1 hour ago, chakkman said:

It would be nice to know a bit more about your game, before attending a survey without having a idea about what is actually done with the results of the survery (especially as you're a new user here)

That's not really a survey participant's concern what the state of the game is. They could have nothing but a design doc, and the survey is still valid. Btw. nice questions out there, you seem to know your area pretty well.

1 hour ago, chakkman said:

but, if you ask in the wrong place, your result may already be quite misleading. 

There's no such thing. TTLG might be a super wrong or super right place to seek participants, depending on both your goals, survey statistics and interpretation of the results. I'd say it's a super wrong place, unless you want to make an ancient game :P but then again, that would be my goals and my interpretation.

Edited by peter_spy
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I filled in the survey based off how I play assassin creed games. But thats was mainly due to the way the questions were set out, mainly in thief and the dark mod direct conflict with npc's, is dependent on objectives that contain no kill options. a kill option is more like assassins creed.

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Filled in the survey.

Based on the information about your education,
Can we expect a port of TDM, with lots of new features, to the PS4, Knutto? 😉



Edited by freyk
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Info: My portfolio and darkmod graphical installer
Amnesty for Bikerdude!

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On 3/2/2020 at 1:29 AM, freyk said:

Filled in the survey.

Based on the information about your education,
Can we expect a port of TDM, with lots of new features, to the PS4, Knutto? 😉



TDM would be trivial to get running on the PS4. No need to even recompile the game. Linux, and other conventional X86 PC games with 3D acceleration already do.

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