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Is it possible to reveal my Win11 password?


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New PC. Created a new account & password. With so many things to set up in Win 11 I forgot to make a backup of the latest version of my password file and it got overwritten and is totally unguessable. So, I'm logging in OK with my pin but I'd like to rediscover my password so I can enable no log in (you need to enter your password to do that.)

I know about Credentials Manager and I can see my user name and the password field but of course the password is just a load of bullets with no reveal button.

Does anyone know any way to reveal my password? I'm even willing to buy a Win fix software if that's what it takes or a hacking tool. I mean, I've already got Win11 running so it's not like hacking from outside.

PS. I don't want to change the password. I want to keep the same one as my Microsoft Account. Yes, there are ways to reset the password but that just creates a new password. I might have to do that one day but I'd prefer to uncover my current password.

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yes but its not exactly easy... you need a program called mimikatz but there is a catch you need to be logged in as admin so that kinda defeats the purpose. another way is booting up using ophcrack https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ophcrack there is a livecd here -> https://ophcrack.sourceforge.io/download.php?type=livecd

and then hack the password using it. the latest versions are now also capable of cracking ntlm tables.

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10 hours ago, revelator said:

yes but its not exactly easy... you need a program called mimikatz but there is a catch you need to be logged in as admin so that kinda defeats the purpose. another way is booting up using ophcrack https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ophcrack there is a livecd here -> https://ophcrack.sourceforge.io/download.php?type=livecd

and then hack the password using it. the latest versions are now also capable of cracking ntlm tables.

it would takes age to crack the password especially if it has a complex combination of special characters, numbers and letters. Monster GPUs don't help you much in the process.


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depends how you set up win 11 i guess ?, if using an offline account atleast on win 10 you are presented the option to secure it via a password (this is also the default if using the LTSC or enterprise version of windows). If you can log in via pin you might be able to delete the password protection from the user setting though i seem to remember you need the old password before it will allow that. on an online account you wont have these kinda troubles naturally.

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I see. Well, since 2015, I guess I always used the online option then. In that case, the fallback when losing the PIN is the Microsoft login.

I wasn't even aware that the offline option still works. There always have been reports that it doesn't work anymore, and Microsoft requires a Microsoft account.

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yeah they tried getting rid of it numerous times, once it was just a hidden option and you needed to disconnect the computer from the internet for it to appear, on another occasion you had to select domain login. i guess in the end they had to cave to the demand from users to have private control.

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strangely i allways had a good memory with numbers but an abysmal one with names. training can indeed do wonders even thouh most dont see the brain as a muscle :) it can be made to do things you might not allways have imagined being capable of. i usually have a slip of paper with the password on but in some cases i also used my phones password manager (no password on the phone i use my fingerprint instead).

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Thanks for all the feedback. My original post was the short version of a long story. So, just to clarify, I always create my account details separately in my password file first and only then copy it into the real log in. My password file is on a flash drive with a back up of the entire drive in a separate room in case of fire or theft. But in this case I couldn't access my main password file on the pc because, of course, it wasn't set up yet So I plugged it in my laptop. Guess what? The laptop doesn't like that drive for some reason. So I plugged in the backup drive and created my details there then copied them into the Win11 setup.

Once setup there's a million things to configure how I want Windows and I'm still working on that two weeks later. At some point during this period I became aware my password backup drive was still at hand so I stupidly thought I might as well do a backup before I put it away in the other room! I backedup the main password file over the backup file (which had the only copy of my new Win11 details!) I can't believe I did that because I'm paranoid and really meticulous about organising and backing up account details. Just shows no matter how careful one tries to be one can still make a mistake.

Next thing is I've always had problems with Microsoft Accounts. I've set up four or five over the years because every one gives wierd errors without explaining what the problem was. I once had a long session direct with M$oft where I gave them so many personal details to sort it all out and yet they still couldn't fix it! So here I set up yet another new one. So I'm reluctant to reset the password in Win11 in case it conflicts with the same password in the Microsoft Account. (Does that matter?) Or I could reset the password in the M$ account log in and then reset the password in Win11 using the same password. Would that work?

As far as that hack, how long is 'ages' to crack it? Hours?

Also, what would happen if I create a new user in Win11. I'd probably have to re-install software that is not public user I guess. But would I still be able to set admin privileges where needed? Not sure I'd gain anything. It would still conflict with the Microsoft Account. I can't get my head round all this crap; drives me nuts.

Or I could do nothing until there is a problem. Odds are with my luck a pc only lasts two or three years. My previous one won't boot but might be recoverable if I can create a portable Win11 disk and fix the boot sector thing. Life is so bloody complicated. 200 years ago, the only tool I'd have to worry about is my spade which would last a lifetime of labouring on a farm 14 hours a day.

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one thing that might avoid the problems with setting up a new account every time would be making an image of the OS when installed and configured (can use something ike norton ghost or similar for this) also avoids you having to setup everything anew when things go bad and you have to reinstall. As for cracking the password it could be several hours since microsoft updated the security on that part of the system. if it takes more then it would probably be a lot faster to just bite the apple and reinstall. setting up a new user account would also entail some problems unless you remembered to install for all users your programs would only be accessible to the main account so yeah you would need to reinstall everything besides windows. things have indeed become complicated in later years mostly due to security concerns ugh...

resetting your microsoft account password should also reset the password used to log in to your PC if you use an ms account, it should ask you to update it on the next reboot.

and no problem :) allways wise to ask questions if in doubt.

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oh believe you me sir. im also rather paranoid on that account 😄 got plenty of stuff that wants my every detail hence i use the LTSC version of win10 enterprise :). No apps in fact the OS does not even have the appstore installed by default it still nags about using an ms account at first start but thats about it. the telemetry stuff is still there but that part can be disabled with rufus when making an usb stick for installing it.  my best bet is that this behaviour to make things a bit easier for the user comes with to many downsides in spying so getting crafty is the remedy :)

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