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Custom Volta stuff and YOU


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In TDM 2.12, some player footstep sound shaders were changed. That's something you might want to check as well.

The following diff snippet is an adjustment to metal volumes I made to one of your missions on my local machine, so it matches TDM 2.12. There are probably others, which are best left up to you. I used a diff tool to find what to update.

diff --git a/original/sound/tdm_sfx_movement.sndshd b/adjusted/sound/tdm_sfx_movement.sndshd
index eecef04..5ae1843 100644
--- a/original/sound/tdm_sfx_movement.sndshd
+++ b/adjusted/sound/tdm_sfx_movement.sndshd
@@ -424,7 +424,7 @@ tdm_footstep_metal_run
     minDistance 1
     maxDistance 30
-    volume -17
+    volume -20
     editor_displayFolder    sfx/movement/footsteps/player
@@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ tdm_footstep_metal_crouch_creep
     minDistance 1
     maxDistance 30
-    volume -15
+    volume -14
     editor_displayFolder    sfx/movement/footsteps/player
@@ -488,7 +488,7 @@ tdm_footstep_metal_jump_land
     minDistance 1
     maxDistance 30
-    volume -9
+    volume -13
     editor_displayFolder    sfx/movement/footsteps/player


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2 hours ago, Daft Mugi said:

In TDM 2.12, some player footstep sound shaders were changed. That's something you might want to check as well.

Good to know, I'll investigate. Thanks


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13 hours ago, kingsal said:

Hello! I am going through the  (painful) process of detaching some custom stuff I've made over the years from the base mod so I am not replacing so many tdm_ core files in my FMs. 

⚠️I'll be posting updates in here as I know a few people have used custom volta stuff in their missions. ⚠️

@Goldwell @Amadeus @Wellingtoncrab
If you are using CUSTOM VOLTA arrows please replace this file:  tdm_weapon_arrow.script 
- Ive updated this script with core mod changes
- The only thing that's being replaced is:

ARROW_ZOOMDELAY 3 // Shortened time from 6 to 3 seconds

If you want to use the default 6 second zoom delay, just delete this file and remove it from your custom_scripts.script. 
If anyone knows a way I can change ARROW_ZOOMDELAY without overriding the entire file, please let me know asap. 

Thanks everyone

Have updated the script in Shadows of Northdale.


Thank you brother!

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