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Other good looking Doom3 Mods :]


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Cool :) I just thought the Doom3 mod scene was pretty much dead except for us, but some with some deep searching you can find some really cool stuff!


Did any other mod actually finish their work under D3, or did they all just stagnate, or switch to the next gen engine (ala quake 4, as i think that the predecessor of the D3 engine isn't realeased yet)?

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man." -- George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)


"Remember: If the game lets you do it, it's not cheating." -- Xarax

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I assume you mean the successor of the Doom 3 engine, Rage, and not its GPL'd predecessor, Quake 3.


I think for the most part, other mods just died. There were always less than ten of the really big mods (Recall to Hell, The Dark Mod, Last Man Standing, Ground Zero, Full Metal Jacket, etc). Of those, Ground Zero and Full Metal Jacket are late starters, and the latter started out as a small modification and is slowly spiraling into a total conversion. Of those that died, Sapphire Scar is the only one that I can recall specifically. Note that I define a "really big mod" as being a (near) total conversion that actually stands a chance of being released, disregarding the chances of a cease and desist.


In the bigger world of mods, all of these mods except for Recall to Hell and perhaps TDM would be considered small TCs. You know it's a small community when a mod like FMJ is considered a "big mod".

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I assume you mean the successor of the Doom 3 engine, Rage, and not its GPL'd predecessor, Quake 3.


Yeah, sorry, meant Rage, long words with more than 3 letters scare me :)


I think for the most part, other mods just died. There were always less than ten of the really big mods (Recall to Hell, The Dark Mod, Last Man Standing, Ground Zero, Full Metal Jacket, etc). Of those, Ground Zero and Full Metal Jacket are late starters, and the latter started out as a small modification and is slowly spiraling into a total conversion. Of those that died, Sapphire Scar is the only one that I can recall specifically. Note that I define a "really big mod" as being a (near) total conversion that actually stands a chance of being released, disregarding the chances of a cease and desist.


In the bigger world of mods, all of these mods except for Recall to Hell and perhaps TDM would be considered small TCs. You know it's a small community when a mod like FMJ is considered a "big mod".


Thats quite sad. Dunno what the reason is, and why other engines get more mods. D3 is quite nice (even with the missing physics engine and the hard shadow :)

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man." -- George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)


"Remember: If the game lets you do it, it's not cheating." -- Xarax

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I was very interested in the http://recalltohell.d3files.com/news.htm mod because of their big maps, one mod that i would like to see finish its this one http://recalltohell.d3files.com/news.htm. But i have my doubts that anyone of this mods ever see the light of day.



If you looking for doom3 mods just take a look at this link.


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If you looking for doom3 mods just take a look at this link.



Heh, cool, downloading FMJ and Classic Doom as I type this :)

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man." -- George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)


"Remember: If the game lets you do it, it's not cheating." -- Xarax

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Of those that died, Sapphire Scar is the only one that I can recall specifically. Note that I define a "really big mod" as being a (near) total conversion that actually stands a chance of being released, disregarding the chances of a cease and desist.


Hexen is also a TC that is still living, and seems to get released. That's one mod I'm looking forward to. Another one is an adventure, I think done by some netherland guy, but I haven't heard anythign about it since a long time, so it may already be dead. It looked quite nice.


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I'd think it's what inspires people to work for free.

Most people are thinking about the Doom game, and not the engine ... and that skews what you might otherwise predict the D3Engine should be attracting.


I've been thinking about the guy that did the Knytt games. He used a very simple Game Maker program, with its own engine that for most games looks cookie-cutter, but for his they look very elegant. It's just that he really invested a LOT of time in the art and ambient music, and honing the gameplay to be fluid and natural. I just mean, all the inspiration came mostly on the artistic side, and even with a simple engine he put out a very elegant, beautiful game (IMO). Any good engine can be like that, if you're putting your energy in the right direction, you can get something very elegant out of it. It's just finding that initial spark of inspiration. So I think the community around Doom and the D3Engine through that isn't one to be the most elegant-minded and aesthetically inspired, but not because the engine wouldn't be great for it. It's the people coming from other places with that spark of inspiration and a clear aesthetic vision that will bring the best out of this engine, I predict.

What do you see when you turn out the light? I can't tell you but I know that it's mine.

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I think that the D3 engine has been avoided by the modding community mostly because of misconceptions about the 'plastic' look the engine can give things and the idea that the engine was designed for tight hallways. I think people in general are just mis-informed about it's capabilities.

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Another one is an adventure, I think done by some netherland guy, but I haven't heard anything about it since a long time, so it may already be dead. It looked quite nice.


you probably mean http://www.waterton.nl which is an SP adventure mod i've started with a friend ;) Most mods have trouble keeping people motivated to work for a long time on such projects. Like we know it can take lots of time coding and creating content. That's why i also like the smaller (SP) projects like Shambler's castle:



They are maybe smaller in playtime and have less features but the graphical quality and art style of the content is usually higher.


In Hell, was also nice to play.. if you like old skool shooting.


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Yeah we do.. although at a much lower pace. The art style has changed a lot. We like to keep it small because otherwise it will probably never see it's release. Think of a few SP levels with some simple gameplay and nice visuals. We have lot's of ideas written down for the story but we're still working on a prototype level which features some gameplay.

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I think that the D3 engine has been avoided by the modding community mostly because of misconceptions about the 'plastic' look the engine can give things and the idea that the engine was designed for tight hallways. I think people in general are just mis-informed about it's capabilities.


Yeah. They need to see more TDM screenshots so they know what D3 can do :)

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man." -- George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)


"Remember: If the game lets you do it, it's not cheating." -- Xarax

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I just played Quake Mod, and it was pretty fun although too "hardcore" play style for my tastes (especially the music setting the tone).


But I really like what they did with the environment though, and I highly recommend it for Dark Mod folks just to look at the brushwork and architecture.


I've just played the first couple maps in "In Hell - Director's Cut" and I like it, interestingly like classic Doom. I also like to see how they designed things, very well done to me, and I also recommend it for Dark Mod people to try.

shadowdark50.gif keep50.gif
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  • 3 weeks later...

What the fuck is the point in making such a shitty old game in the Doom engine.

No doubt the next mod we'll see is that tennis game from the late 70's.

Hard to believe there are so any wankers out there who genuinely can't think of anything better to do with their time.

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- Emil Zola


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Why do you yell at them? Don't you have to do anything better with your time? :rolleyes:


Maybe they did it for leanrning purposes. They took an old game so thy wouldn't have to worry about storyline and gameplay, but about the whole technical work.


And, by the way: I don't think TDM is so much different from this. Of course, it gives whole new possibilities, but a Wolfenstein-Mod may just be the same.

If my English is bad I am very sorry. It's not my mother tongue.

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