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islipaway's models


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Hello! Well nothing to post here yet but having a look at the models needed list I decided to start at the top.


Apple pie! Also other pastries/bread/similar, am thinking one 512/512 map with as may variations as I can fit. Is this an okay approach? Or would there be generic textures already created that would work?


Also thinking about a larger/longer scale project to work on possibly a 'steam carriage' like this one here:


would such a thing be appropriate? If not, some other sort of carriage like regular horse drawn? Something else you could suggest?

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Yes, pies and pastries would be great. A steam carriage might also be interesting. Someone was working on a regular horse-drawn carriage but I don't know what the status of it is.



Actually, looking at that steam carriage makes me think of another possible steam-bot design--imagine the carriage as the head and the headlights as both eyes and lights; and the barrel as a container holding shot balls or something. Add a gun and you've got a neat little guard bot.

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The pie and the pastry in the bottom corner look great. The smaller things are kind of indistinguishable, which is an issue with most small models. If it's not particularly distinctive, like a ring, something that small is just going to look like a little blob.


Is the plate on the right supposed to be that dark?

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They look pretty good, although I think the apple pie needs more sides, too blocky.


I think 14 sides is where things start to look round (I gotta put that in my sig one of these days). D3 really doesn't have much of a problem with polys. It's the shadow casting polys that kill it. So up the pies side count and make a really low poly shadow (could be 7 sides - just a copy of the collision). It'll look better and have better performance.

Dark is the sway that mows like a harvest

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Btw, I took your crown model and chopped off the points, making a very nice loot bracelet that can be used in lots of maps. :)

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I remember reading a book about game development and modelling round objects. Apparently the author hates even-sided round objects because its such a familiar shape. He recommends using more odd angles: 9, 11, 13 sided, so that the eyes can't identify parallel sides or faces.

yay seuss crease touss dome in ouss nose tair

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I think that's true up to a degree.


5,6 and 8 sides are very familiar shape (pentagon, hexagon and octogon - ie:stop signs)


But even 10 isn't noticeable so much as a specific shape. But when veiwed from the top is still low poly enough to see the angles of the sides. Above that the angles start to decrease enough they get harder to see.


Then it starts becoming more about resolution, size, etc...


But when modeling things like that crown that have points it's alot easier to stay on even numbers. Point, gap, point, gap...

Also if you are mirroring the tex it's easier to keep even amount of sides.


As for the bracelet versions with no points that wouldn't matter. But no reason to remodel/ retex to cut one side off of the model for another version.

Dark is the sway that mows like a harvest

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  • 2 months later...
Why was he made a team member and not just a contributor anyway?

There's not much difference between Contributor and Team Member in the first place, but well, it's very difficult to judge for how long people are going to stick to the team. Although history taught us that it's more common for people to disappear almost immediately after we "let them in". This holds for Beta Mappers, Contributors and Team Members alike. Even admins have disappeared in the past without writing a single line about their status.


Disappointing, but that's the way it is, obviously. Sometimes I wonder whether most people merely want to get a a "sneak preview" of the mod only to disappear after they've seen our stuff.

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I guess we should have guessed from his username.... ;)


Oh well, at least we got a good crown and bracelet model out of the deal.

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