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Beta Testing 2.06


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TDM 2.06 is ready for beta test.

Windows, Full Install:

1 - Create a darkmod folder anywhere you like.

2 - Download the TDM Updater. Extract tdm_update.exe from the downloaded ZIP and place it in your darkmod folder.

3 - Download a special tdm_mirrors.txt file and place it in your darkmod folder.

4 - Start tdm_update.exe. Remember to use the --keep-mirrors setting when running tdm_update. (On the main window, click the "Advanced Options" button and check the first box.)

Windows, 2.05 to 2.06 Upgrade:

1 - Download a special tdm_mirrors.txt file and place it in your darkmod folder.

2 - Start tdm_update.exe. Remember to use the --keep-mirrors setting when running tdm_update. (On the main window, click the "Advanced Options" button and check the first box.)

Linux, Full Install:

1 - Create a darkmod folder anywhere you like.

2 - Download the Linux version of the TDM Updater and extract it to your darkmod folder.

3 - Download a special tdm_mirrors.txt file and place it in your darkmod folder.

4 - Make tdm_update.linux executable: "chmod +x tdm_update.linux"

5 - Run the updater. Remember to use the --keep-mirrors setting.

6 - If you have any issues starting TDM, post them and someone who's worked with Linux will help get you started.

Linux, 2.05 to 2.06 Upgrade:

1 - Download a special tdm_mirrors.txt file and place it in your darkmod folder.

2 - Run the updater. Remember to use the --keep-mirrors setting.

New features in 2.06


The Dark Mod 2.06 is a major step forward in terms of rendering performance and overall framework tech.

  • It is the first TDM release to offer a native 64-bit build with EFX sound support for all audio OpenAL hardware.
  • It is also the first TDM release to offer true multi-core support via patches from Cabalistic's VR branch.
  • Another first? This is the first TDM release to offer video codec support other than ROQ.
  • A substantial amount of work was done to replace legacy OpenGL methods with their equivalents in modern OpenGL.
  • grayman and Duzenko worked to fix and improve the Security Camera and Mirror rendering behaviors.
  • Finally, Duzenko and Stgatilov have implemented a Soft Shadows option which has some distance based softening and anisotropic sampling correction.
  • All food gives default health.
  • Obsttorte's new GUI scaling menu with visual preview.
  • Durandall's new Scrolling mission browsing GUI!

Cvars supporting new features

  • com_smp 1: allows the frontend and backend to run on different threads. same as the multi-core enhancement option in the GUI
  • com_fixedTic 1: uncapped FPS
  • r_useGLSL 1: Enables the GLSL backend. Is automatically enabled when enabling Soft Shadows
  • r_useFBO 1: Enables Frame Buffer Objects. Uses less fillrate and allows for new rendering options
  • r_fboSharedDepth 1: Read and Write to the Depth buffer in a feedback loop setup. Offers a big performance boost for Intel GPU's
  • r_fboSharedColor 1: Read and Write to the Color buffer in a feedback loop setup. Offers a big performance boost for Intel GPU's (do not use on Nvidia).
  • r_fboResolution: Multiplies your native resolution times your input value. 2 means double resolution. Works like SSAA. Very high performance cost.
  • r_useMapBufferRange 1: Improves VBO performance. Some render artifacts if you enable this with com_smp and lightgem interleave.
  • r_useBfgPortalCulling 1: AnonReclaimer's port of culling code from Doom 3 BFG. Improves cache behavior and is meant to be paired with com_smp and r_useMapBufferRange.
  • r_cinematic_legacyRoq 1: Decode ROQ videos with old Doom 3 code rather than FFMPEG. It may improve performance for some users.
  • r_softshadowsradius: Determines how large the light center is for light sources. Larger values soften shadows more.
  • r_softshadowsquality: Determines how many gradients for shadows. Larger values produce smoother blending at more performance cost.

Toggling Creep!

You can now setup a key bind for toggling creep.

To use you must define a toggle in Darkmod.cfg

bind "<preferred key>" "toggle tdm_toggle_creep 0 1"

replace <preferred key> with whatever key you wish.

If you want to use CTRL, you will need to remove:

bind "CTRL" "_button5"

Soft Shadows, Anti-Aliasing, FBO and You

The current Soft Shadows method has some rendering bugs for some hardware vendors when MSAA is enabled in TDM.

Here are the workarounds for these issues:

1) Increase resolution to where AA is not needed.
2) Use Resolution Scaling (DSR) in your video driver and set TDM resolution higher than your native resolution.
3) Use in-game resolution scaling r_useFBO 1 and r_fboResolution 2 (or higher).
4) Disable in-game AA and set SSAA in your driver settings also set r_useFBO 1.
5) Disable in-game AA, set FXAA or MLAA in your driver settings also set r_useFBO 1. (best performance)
6) Enable in-game AA, set Transparency AA (SSAA method) in your driver settings and set r_useFBO 0.

r_useFBO 1 is preferred with Soft Shadows as the non FBO version has a few boundary artifacts.

Problems fixed in 2.06 (so far):


4651: [Physics] Mantling does not trigger (in New Job) (stgatilov)
4642: [Textures] textures/darkmod/sliptip/stone/sculpted/arch01 def broken (grayman)
4633: [Coding] Lightgem changing based on view angle (nbohr1more)
4408: [Coding] Find a way to run game tics on a background thread (duzenko)
4484: [Graphics] Lightgem is visible in mirrors and some subviews (duzenko)
0558: [Coding] Add ability to toggle creeping (nbohr1more)
2445: [GUI] Load Screen options need rearranging (Springheel)
2703: [GUI] Need a way to scale the GUI (Obstler)
4393: [GUI] Add the possibility to change the size of the gui elements via a slider in the menu. (Obstler)
2456: [Coding] Make TDM friendly with ATI Catalyst AI (Serpentine)
3222: [sound System] OpenAL not supported on Linux
0625: [Design/Coding] Under water, ladders "suck you in" to them from too far away (nbohr1more)
4438: [Graphics] Bad lighting with victorian wallpaper (duzenko)
2427: [Coding] Broken SIMD Support on Linux (stgatilov)
3954: [Coding] Port relevant changes from dhewm3 to darkmod_src (greebo)
3955: [Coding] Port EAX code to use openAL/EFX based on dhewm3 (greebo)
3953: [Coding] Enable compilation on x64 platforms. (greebo)
4537: [Design/Coding] Single executable (duzenko)
3661: [Coding] Report highest Engine + DLL code revision number
4166: [Def / Setup] Food does not give health (grayman)
1201: [GUI] readables world gui text invisible in fast ambient light (duzenko)
3234: [Coding] Merge Mh's Optimized VBO Code (duzenko)
3706: [Def / Setup] Vine arrow bounces around (grayman)
4538: [Design/Coding] Move the ffmpeg code out of the main exe (duzenko)
4625: [Coding] Hooded lantern twitches, as well as player model in mirrors. (nbohr1more)
3861: [Design/Coding] default config has commands that are not understood (taaaki)
4621: [Coding] Lightgem does not initialize when installing a new mission or via vid_restart. (nbohr1more)
4382: [Textures] Missing/renamed glass materials in 2.04? (nbohr1more)
3216: [AI] Enabling EAX on very large maps caused BSOD (stgatilov)
4512: [Graphics] Vegetation LOD needs testing (nbohr1more)
4425: [Graphics] Framebuffer objects for color, depth, stencil (duzenko)
3254: [Objectives] We don't have an "Invalid" icon. (grayman)
4338: [Coding] fms/missions.tdminfo gets borked (grayman)
4340: [Coding] Unnecessary WARNING when saving a game (grayman)
4476: [sound] Omni voiceovers heard at start of Mission 2: St. Lucia (grayman)
1495: [Textures] Splash is too bright (white)
4573: [Coding] Can't frob purse in The Creeps (grayman)
4515: [saving/Loading] Game save does not work for a newly downloaded mission (Debugger) (duzenko)
4431: [Coding] Get rid of deprecated OpenGL functions (duzenko)
4599: [Animation] Flashing of odd dark shapes while testing an animation in SVN (duzenko)
4516: [Coding] Unstable visportals clipping (stgatilov)
3568: [Feature proposal] fullscreen windowed option (duzenko)
3871: [Physics] Number of ActivateContacs is hard-coded to 10 (nbohr1more)
4609: [AI] Beleaguered Fence AI alerted again at map start (stgatilov)
3969: [sound System] Using "machine_hum04_loop" as a sound shader on a light causes crash to desktop (stgatilov)
4553: [sound System] Some gameplay sounds stop playing after noclipping (stgatilov)
4614: [sound] Audio Loss in No Honor Among Thieves (stgatilov)
4594: [GUI] Use different splash images depending on resolution aspect ratio (grayman)
4603: [Physics] If the player is pushing against something that's removed from the game, the game crashes (grayman)
4613: [AI] Unexpected supernatural event in "The Golden Skull" (grayman)
4610: [AI] Severe slowdown and "No valid points found" spam from the hiding spot code (extremely intermittent) (stgatilov)
4521: [Coding] Make idClip::Translation faster (stgatilov)
4473: [AI] Wrong use of "tdm_ai_wench_greet_whore_to_male" (grayman)
4155: [Models] Wish List for Architectural Modules (Springheel)
4394: [AI] snd_combat_ranged* not being played (grayman)
4579: [sound] Guards produce beep when they hit the Ground after KO (Penny Dreadful 2: All the way Up) (grayman)
3820: [AI] New code to recognize Ai falling asleep & waking up in/from sitting position. (grayman)
4555: [Textures] textures/darkmod/stone/sculpted/ornament_relief_mold_eaglelshield bad UV (Springheel)
4560: [Models] Chair doesn't cast a shadow (Springheel)
4499: [GUI] Remove changing mission names containing "A" and "The" (nbohr1more)
4539: [GUI] Identify 32-bit and 64-bit versions of TDM (grayman)
4598: [Coding] Initializations like "float var = vec_x;" no longer compile (stgatilov)
4520: [saving/Loading] Make savegames of x86 and x64 builds interchangeable (stgatilov)
4591: [Coding] Debug build crashes on exit (stgatilov)
4530: [Models] Fixes to existing modules (Springheel)
4494: [Coding] 2.05 prevents frobbing of spilled purse in Accountant 2 (grayman)
3959: [Coding] Try to reduce boost dependencies by using standard C++11 features (stgatilov)
4556: [Graphics] Weapon icon not rendered + lightgem color does not change (duzenko)
4544: [Coding] Exclude the (multiplayer) network code for now. (duzenko)
4557: [Coding] Crash after killing or knocking out someone (stgatilov)
4554: [AI] Drunk unalerted AI sometimes does not see player (stgatilov)
4549: [Coding] Savegames are incompatible between Windows and Linux builds (stgatilov)
4540: [sound System] Sound stops playing in cinematics because of breakpoints (stgatilov)
4532: [sound System] TDM crashes at startup if no sound device is available on Windows (stgatilov)
4547: [GUI] Credits GUI: video sequences start looping (stgatilov)
4535: [GUI] Showing video for its full duration (stgatilov)
4519: [Coding] Investigate using videos of common formats (avi, mp4) (stgatilov)
4542: [sound System] Support playing stereo sound in cinematics (stgatilov)
4534: [Design/Coding] Playing sound stream from video file (stgatilov)
4518: [GUI] Briefing video starts decoding in background (stgatilov)
4522: [Feature proposal] Write savegame preview images as in JPG format (stgatilov)
4507: [Coding] Horrible performance of playing ROQ video from pk4 (stgatilov)
4277: [Textures] Missing material "models/darkmod/wood/boards/wood_brown_walnut_ns" (Springheel)
4510: [AI] LOD error (Springheel)
4418: [saving/Loading] Save performance-affecting cvars (duzenko)
4505: [Coding] Crash when pressing "Clear Inventory" key when no inventory is displayed (grayman)
4501: [Graphics] Remove unused obsolete rendering paths (duzenko)
4402: [GUI] Dpi Awareness (duzenko)
4405: [Tweaking] com_speed discrepancy (duzenko)
4036: [AI] AI getting blocked going through door (grayman)
4439: [Physics] problem setting up clipmodel for model models/darkmod/mechanical/switches/lever_small1.lwo (grayman)
4147: [Models] Issues with stair modules (Springheel)
2323: [sound] Problem with sound on menu: sometimes it stops and/or play with delay resuming a mission from menu
3085: [sound System] sounds repeat/echo under heavy load
2014: [sound] Player sound effect for dumping body needs trimming (New Horizon)
3220: [sound] error loading data into OpenAL hardware buffer
3812: [Coding] idBounds::ToString() returns a pointer to a temporary object that immediately gets destroyed (duzenko)
2847: [TDM Updater] TDM 1.06 Updater & Launchers fails in Mac OSX 10.5.8 on a G5 PowerPC
3594: [Coding] amd64 support (stgatilov)
1074: [Physics] Collision box issues with new pushing method
2702: [GUI] HUD font sometimes defaults to tiny font
3088: [Design/Coding] Port EAX/Old OpenAL to EFX/OpenAL Soft (Serpentine)
2403: [Physics] Making ammo arrows dance
4271: [Models] Models present in 2.03 but missing in 2.04. (Springheel)
4122: [Textures] Improve splash effects (Springheel)
4349: [Models] Model request for St lucia Campaign.
3776: [Def / Setup] Add soft shadows to light entities (Springheel)
3252: [Coding] See if we can remove the boost library (stgatilov)
4511: [Models] Bad display of certain foliage (duzenko)
4486: [Models] Grime decal not on front face of model (Springheel)
4243: [Mapping] Prologue Issues (Springheel)


Notes About Testing:

1 - This effort is to find out if we broke anything in TDM with our 2.06 changes, or if a new 2.06 feature isn't working correctly. We won't be trying to fix bugs that have been around for a long time. So don't be upset if you report something and we decide it won't be fixed now. If there's no existing bugtracker issue for it, we'll file a new issue together and look at it for 2.07.

2 - If you find something wrong, please test the same thing in 2.05 (if possible) before coming here with the problem. We want to avoid a lot of "2.05 has the same problem" responses to problems, and it would save us developers a lot of time if we didn't have to go back and try to set up the same thing you're seeing, especially since you're seeing it and it takes several back-and-forth notes before we find out exactly what we should be looking for and testing.

If it's a new 2.06 feature that isn't working, then by all means mention the problem here.

3 - You can find a list of published missions here. If you plan to test a particular mission, please say so in this thread to avoid duplication of effort.

At the minimum, please try to be specific when reporting a problem. What you were doing, where you were when the problem occurred, can you reproduce it, etc.


And, since there are now 32- and 64-bit versions of TDM, please note which you're using.

4 - If you're a developer, please test all your Roadmap issues.


5 - If you find a problem, and a short discussion doesn't get you the help you need, and those in the discussion think a code or asset change is necessary, please file a bugtracker issue to keep track of the problem.


Thanks for participating in this test!!!

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Awesome! Can't wait to give this a spin. So many new and badass changes :D

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WARNING:shaderCompileFromFile(glprogs/interaction.vs) validation
Vertex shader failed to compile with the following errors:
ERROR: 0:40: error(#143) Undeclared identifier: var_WorldPos
ERROR: 0:40: error(#143) Undeclared identifier: u_modelMatrix
ERROR: 0:40: error(#143) Undeclared identifier: u_lightOrigin2
ERROR: 0:40: error(#160) Cannot convert from: "3-component vector of vec3" to:
ERROR: error(#273) 4 compilation errors.  No code generated

Lights (edit: apart from ambient lights, and I haven't tested foglights or blendlights) are completely non-functional. Win8.1/64, same results in both 32- and 64-bit executables.









WARNING:file skins/tdm_models_architecture_modules.skin, line 546: Expecting '{
' but found '=='

Someone inserted a ======= divider without comment syntax.

Edited by VanishedOne

Some things I'm repeatedly thinking about...


- louder scream when you're dying

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No that was for grayman.


He included the latest glprogs version because "I fixed it" but the fix depends on the latest executable.

Either we need to bump to the latest src revision or revert the glprogs version. Presumably the latter

as 7060 was chosen for code freeze.


Until GLSL is working, you may set Soft Shadows to OFF in the gui and set r_useGLSL 0.

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Please visit TDM's IndieDB site and help promote the mod:




(Yeah, shameless promotion... but traffic is traffic folks...)

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Please visit TDM's IndieDB site and help promote the mod:




(Yeah, shameless promotion... but traffic is traffic folks...)

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With those shaders it works. :smile:


Multi Core Enhancement doesn't seem to be working well on my machine: I'm seeing jerky movement, occasional light gem flicker, and instances of this in the console:

WARNING: glClientWaitSync did not complete successfully (result code 37147)

In 32-bit movement is smoother and I haven't seen the same console warnings but the occasional light gem flicker is still present.


With soft shadows turned on I see these odd blue edges on these stairs from certain angles. It may be relevant that the stairs have a blue specular map. (Also, they use vertexColor in the diffuse and specular stages.)




Edit: another soft shadow glitch. This patch of sunlight (from a parallel light) shouldn't be here, and with soft shadows off it isn't.



Edited by VanishedOne

Some things I'm repeatedly thinking about...


- louder scream when you're dying

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I've got a fountain with distorting water: the filename I gave the prefab says Obsttorte made it so it's probably http://forums.thedarkmod.com/topic/11901-waterfalls/?do=findComment&comment=304109


The region with the water is jittering around on the screen. Happens in both GLSL and ARB.

Some things I'm repeatedly thinking about...


- louder scream when you're dying

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The normal map in this material no longer works:











    //sort decal
    qer_editorimage textures/lights/tdm_stained_glass_clear
    bumpmap heightmap(textures/lights/tdm_stained_glass_clear,1)
    blend diffusemap
    // Highlight colour of the glass when reacting to light sources, not of any 'light' shining from 'behind' it. Needs an additive blend or gl_dst_color, gl_one in the cubemap stage to be effective.
    map _white
    red 0.25
    green 0.25
    blue 0.25
    vertexProgram heatHazeWithMaskAndDepth.vfp
    vertexParm 0 0, 0 // texture scrolling
    vertexParm 1 0.05 // magnitude of the distortion
    fragmentProgram heatHazeWithMaskAndDepth.vfp
    fragmentMap 0 _white
    fragmentMap 1 heightmap(textures/lights/tdm_stained_glass_clear,1) // the normal map for distortion
    fragmentMap 2 invertColor(textures/lights/tdm_stained_glass_clear) // the distortion blend map
    fragmentMap 3 _currentDepth
        //blend add
        cubeMap env/gen2
        texgen reflect
    // To add a tint regardless of real illumination:
/*    {
        blend add
        map _white
        red 0
        green 0
        blue 0.05
/*    {
        blend add
        map textures/lights/tdm_stained_glass_clear
        red 0.3
        green 0.2
        blue 0




Some things I'm repeatedly thinking about...


- louder scream when you're dying

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Those edge artifacts are from AA.


Disable AA in game and set FXAA in your drivers.

Disabling AA in-game fixes it provided I entirely restart the program afterwards.


My GPU is an integrated Radeon HD 8400 and the only settings I can find in the 'AMD VISION Engine Control Center' deal with stuff like power usage.

Edited by VanishedOne

Some things I'm repeatedly thinking about...


- louder scream when you're dying

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Well, if you can't get official Catalyst drivers (etc), you can use resolution scaling:


r_fboResolution 2 == 2x SSAA.


Another option is to use 3rd party driver utilities like Tray Tools:




or check with the Guru3d forums. There are ways to make Desktop drivers work on Mobile:



Please visit TDM's IndieDB site and help promote the mod:




(Yeah, shameless promotion... but traffic is traffic folks...)

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Just booted up 2.06 64 bit, lights are not displaying at all in game with soft shadows set to extreme. Not even the player lantern.


I tested out the new briefing video feature, dropped in a .mov into an existing mission setup and it worked perfectly without any further setup required. Very impressed with that! woohoo :)


I'm gonna wait until the lights are fixed before testing any further though.


The main menu is a huge setup, TDM still starts in a very old and low res for me, but once the resolution is fixed the menu is a lot clearer to read and looks great.

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Yeah I'm running on a GTX1080. Nvidia stuff doesn't seem to wanna run lights it would seem. Soft shadows on or off, they're not rendering. Also there's this odd thing in the console I get on startup that I thought you might want to know about...




Gonna go out on a limb here and say it could be related?


EDIT: Oh sh#t I didn't see the glprogs download. Grabbed that and now it's fixed :P

Modeler galore & co-authors literally everything



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Got the lights working in game now


I'm going to be testing my new FM Accountant 1: Thieves and Heirs on 2.06.


It just went through a very extensive beta test so i'm quite familiar with how it should run on 2.05, which will make the 2.06 specific bugs easier to hunt.

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Just booted up 2.06 64 bit, lights are not displaying at all in game with soft shadows set to extreme. Not even the player lantern.


For me too.


16:9 (and 16:10 and other A.R.) UI scaling needs to not stretch the HUD (to begin with, but it's a known long-time missing feature).


In menu, does "EAX 4.0 HD" option actually manage EFX effects?

Maybe it's time to rename that option.


How about s_useEAXReverb cvar now?

Edited by lowenz

Task is not so much to see what no one has yet seen but to think what nobody has yet thought about that which everybody see. - E.S.

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Got the lights working in game now


How? "Very High" too cuts the lights out .

Edited by lowenz

Task is not so much to see what no one has yet seen but to think what nobody has yet thought about that which everybody see. - E.S.

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Bug: if you enter HUD adjustment submenu during the playtime and press "Esc" you resume the game.....but if you press another time "Esc" you get always the HUD submenu instead of the main menu.

Edited by lowenz

Task is not so much to see what no one has yet seen but to think what nobody has yet thought about that which everybody see. - E.S.

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