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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/31/19 in Posts

  1. Story: Build Time: Thanks: Download: In the in-game downloader, when it's back up* or at the following locations: Dropbox http://darkmod.taaaki.za.net/fms/lhl.pk4 http://fidcal.com/darkuser/missions/lhl.pk4 http://www.southquarter.com/tdm/fms/lhl.pk4 *right now the mission server is down, which means you will need to manually download and install this mission. Download the pk4 file from dropbox above, and place it in your folder called LhL inside your "fms" folder in your TDM install directory. Let me know if you run in to problems! Gallery: Hints, Tips, Walkthrough, Spoilers(!):
    5 points
  2. Hello Bienie, He did it again! I hereby award you with the new title "MMM" (=Machine Making Missions). Thank you, I will try it this nite! Jack
    2 points
  3. I'd be happy to offer live fixed-IP 24 hour mirror space on my server for mission hosting if needed, which has Crashplan cloud backup already running.
    2 points
  4. I just finished the PS4 Remake of MediEvil. Full run, unlocked classic graphics version. And now I'm full of nostalgia from my happier childhood times playing the PS1. I have ps4 Oddworld, but am going to buy the dlc mission for full story before finishing, which will require save scumming for me, knowing my skills. I also full finished Spyro Reignited, so I feel full of childhood nostalgia. Reminds me of Team Fortress 2 map "Deathrun Playstation", all this nostalgic happiness I'm feeling, it's like being on the gas at the dentist. I'm going to take a walk, it's still early and I was born on October 11, so I'm feeling extra nostalgic-drug-daze from how beautiful the day is. Just wanted to share my happiness.
    1 point
  5. Thank you Bienie i love the Mission
    1 point
  6. Mission Archive server is still down but the mirrors are up: http://darkmod.taaaki.za.net/fms/lhl.pk4 http://fidcal.com/darkuser/missions/lhl.pk4 http://www.southquarter.com/tdm/fms/lhl.pk4 http://darkmod.taaaki.za.net/fms/lhl.pk4 http://fidcal.com/darkuser/missions/lhl.pk4 http://www.southquarter.com/tdm/fms/lhl.pk4
    1 point
  7. I have built RelWithDebInfo x64 library for versions 1.18.2, 1.19.0, and 1.19.1. There are here. You can replace the lib "rel" version with any of them, build TDM, and it will produce PDB with symbols for OpenAL. On the other hand, if you want to see the place in debugger, then you will have to download source code and point MSVC to it. Maybe we should build most of the libraries with debug info to make debugging easier. P.S. Conan has one major issue: it has steep learning curve. I wish more people try to use it, but understand that it is not trivial.
    1 point
  8. The tricky part is that he wants both the ship and the world to be playable space. What he's settled for is to move the ship's interior to another part of the map and delete all exterior AIs so that the whole exterior can be made into a moving entity. Teleportation takes place when entering transition zones around the entrances to the ship interior. Though personally I'd have used Skyrim-style doors that open just a crack before fade out & teleporting, because it'd seem a lot of trouble to get a correct representation of a constantly changing scenery beyond the transition zones to avoid jarring visuals when the player is teleported.
    1 point
  9. There would be, if, instead of basement-dweller misogyny there had been at least some tiny little respect towards the victim(s). Fortunately, it came later in the discussion.
    1 point
  10. Me too! I recently played "Patently Dangerous" and it was so great to see what started off as a simple "steal some blueprints" mission into a murder mystery. Some TDM fan missions have more story then current AAA blockbusters !
    1 point
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