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Everything posted by HMart

  1. Sorry for the lack of reply but add to go out. About the drivers i'm well aware that AMD support for OpenGL is not the best and OpenGL itself is a mess but this kind of serious problems is something I very rarely experience, don't take me wrong i'm not blaming stgatilov or anything but something most have changed on the engine side recently that exposed some driver bug, especially when it worked fine a week before on the same drivers. Btw you guys could contact AMD driver team "boss" directly here https://twitter.com/CatalystMaker and expose this problem, I know he is very active on twitter and imo it would not hurt to try talking to him. Perhaps you really found some driver bug that is exposed by this particular code and i'm sure they would like to know.
  2. Same bad lighting. Better but still wrong I think this one solved it. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Yoke04yT3rMJJR0_L0-BVs7E9jOkxDnB p.s - normal maps and specular were disabled before by using r_skip and I also updated my drivers to the latest ones just to be sure but it didn't solve the problem, only those shader changes did.
  3. Did that, the lighting is totally wrong on my side. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1QTqZkJjlLBZWK6rqAly1-Jig1XwjlhfD ps. Doing vid_restart made the screen become gray and add to forcefully kill TDM as even the console didn't show after it.
  4. Disabling the shader cache and deleating the Darkmod.cfg improved things on my end but didn't solved all the problems, the light still behaves strangely. See the image below. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1JAxtERMc0ce_DbxJfopTH4GjAxUHO53n
  5. I'm having a similar problem but on the 2.07 Beta, the last time I played the game ( a week ago ) everything worked fine, today after seeing this thread went to see if everything worked and to my surprise this is what it looks like! https://drive.google.com/open?id=1U0hd5Y1vxpBa6r5gvSkJ7tXBIRuCl8ZP The most strange is that I didn't updated drivers so it worked before on the current drivers I have. GPU AMD RX 570 8GB on older 18.12.3
  6. There's a apk version of idtech 4 for Android (DIII4A) so it should be possible but i never saw its source code so don't know how hard it would be to make it work for TDM.
  7. Agree and one thing that would be also nice to have would be drag&drop ability, but i'm afraid that will require extensive changes in the c++ gui code.
  8. That to me at least is not new news. they have announced that were working in two games, after they released Soma and that was years ago, so by now they must be almost finishing their new games. What they are, I don't know but I would assume that one, is a new horror game and the other, is something totally new, why, because I know they are intelligent people and they certainly know that making the same type of games, will not make their company evolve, so making two games could give them the opportunity to diversify. But I could be totally wrong and both are totally new genres or both are horror games, let's wait and see.
  9. Don't know if I did it correctly (or in the right place) but like you suggested i made a feature proposal in the bugtracker for this.
  10. In Doom 3 idSoftware used c++ for the most part to include values into gui text strings, using the va("sometext_%i", someIntvalue) function so they never bother to include a idScript equivalent, but I think you can use this: windowDef Desktop { rect 0 ,0 ,640 ,480 nocursor 1 visible 1 // runs every frame!! onEvent{ if("gui::someValue" == 1 ){ set "valueWindow::text" "1" ; } if("gui::someValue" == 2 ){ set "valueWindow::text" "2" ; } ... } windowDef valueWindow{ rect 288,240,32,32 text "0" } } Then on script use the entity.setGuiFloat( "someValue" , 2) Hope this helps. Yes I know about the sys.println (in reality i use c++ with gameLocal.Printf("your text %i", value)) and I used it all the time, but it does have the nasty habit of spamming the console with messages, specially when you print runs inside a loop and imo is very distracting, seeing the constant flow of text, where's the onscreen gui method i implemented by that tut, is fixed and it also supports coloring the text like the console text, is really a case of preference, is not really necessary to implement but now that I did, i use it for some player debug info.
  11. That logic does look fine to me. About the other question, there's ages that I have used idScript and specially TDM version of it, so i can't tell you what script function you would use to print values to the gui it self in TDM, in fhdoom I use the message system (is just a windowdef with a text "gui::message") of the player HUD to show text tips on screen and just use: hud->SetStateString("message", examine_message.c_str()); hud->HandleNamedEvent("Message"); To show values in real time on the player screen (development/ debug purposes) I changed the c++ code by using this tutorial, don't know if that was really necessary but it works for me. http://web.archive.org/web/20050828101016/http://www.planetdoom.com:80/d3cc/tut04.html
  12. This does bring to light that TDM engine needs a way to detect the principal GPU better in laptops, based on my search it seems you just use this exports in the engine for that. extern "c" { __declspec(dllexport) DWORD NvOptimusEnablement = 0x01; __declspec(dllexport) DWORD AmdPowerXpressRequestHighPerformance = 0x01; }
  13. IMO the loss of SteveL in particular and other 4 team members was a big blow to the mod and Bikerdude had some effect on that, so not everything he did was right, but perhaps those that went away only used him has a excuse, perhaps they were already tired of working on the game and biker behavior was just the trigger they needed to go away, lets see if some of them will return after the ban. About the ban itself I don't think it was a overreaction, it came after complaints of plagiarism and Bikerdude changing portions of missions without permission, in at least a case he claimed permission was given only to be dismissed by the author, situations that lead to heated discussions, talks about rules of conduct, how to handle reuse of assets, etc and many warning towards him, according to Springheel, Biker even asked to be banned in some occasions, even made a thread saying that he was going away, because of discomfort he was causing so he was aware things were not fine, only after that and a generous amount of patience from the rest of the TDM team did he got banned, so imo this didn't came out of the blue and was not a knee jerk reaction.
  14. I'm sad that BD add to go but based on the evidence I saw I can't really blame the admins for doing it, I just hope he returns one day, knowing that he did wrong and with true conviction that he will not do the same errors again, if not I can only give thanks for the good work he did the nice missions he helped make and for having some help in making TDM what it is today, almost from the beginning if not from the beginning. About the community breaking after this, that will only happen if the ones that stay let that happen, there's others equally talent mission makers still around and new ones starting, they deserve a stable community don't let this drama get to you, my 2 cents.
  15. Petty it came to that but I comprehend why it add to be done.
  16. Awesome work on the tutorial man thanks for doing it. Btw you can do that dilation effect on Photoshop using the action available on this link
  17. Yes Idtech 4 scripting is very easy after you know the basic concepts, like I said above I started with scripting before going into C and then C++ and it helped me a tonne. For those that don't know it, here is a good place to learn some of the basics on idtech 4 scripting: language syntax scripting basics know that idscript is based on OOP (Object Oriented Programing) so learning the basics of that will also help immensely.
  18. I'm still in 2018 for more 3 hours but happy new year! for those that are already in 2019.
  19. That is because the gui dot, is really not being drown where the trace makes contact but is drawn at the center of the screen and in some circumstances the trace contact, is really not where the screen center is, afaik that is because the trace is a 3D trace where's the gui dot is a 2D concept. Personally I don't know how this could be solved, unless the gui dot is made to follow where the trace hits like when you use showtrace in the console.
  20. Not very nice for a first post...also what makes you so sure the missions and its makers are to blame here, when me and others don't experience what you are experiencing? Don't you think that if all the missions were so broken, as you seem to claim they are, that this forum would be filled with users complaining? Do you think is fair to come here and accuse mission makers of being incompetent and not beta testing their missions and not help by telling what version of TDM are you playing with, if you are using the unofficial TDM gameplay mod or not or even tell us info about your PC to see if that what's causing the problems? Btw when someone for some reason get stuck in some geometry, there's no need to reload a save, just bring the game console down (control+alt+key above tab) write noclip 1 and press enter, this disables player physics and makes you able to fly through walls and everything, fly a little above the floor, bring the console down again, press the ARROW UP/DOWN key on your keyboard to navigate the console history, find noclip 1 (or write it again) and change it to noclip 0, this will make you fall unto the floor (so don't fly to high) and you can continue playing, Don't use this cmd to cheat the mission and go through closed doors, it will certainly make you fail to trigger events and cause the mission to totally bug out. BTW i'm not from the TDM team so my opinion or comments are my own.
  21. Don't know about your question about the key, i've not worked that much with the physics engine for the time being, but the physics engine source code is totally open, so you are free to make it work better, you can also take it out completely and change it for something like Newton or PhysX but that perhaps would require much more work.
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