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Everything posted by HMart

  1. Hi guys because Doom3World is down and can't really ask this there so i'm asking here, i must say i did tried hard to find a answer by myself before coming here, by reading all the files i could and searching google for any clue, but alas i didn't found anything i even browsed the TDM wiki to see if something there could help me. Ok here is the question, i made a new (basic) mainmenu.gui to replace the doom 3 one i was able to make play and quit buttons and make them interactive, quit does what is supposed, but now i don't know how to make the play button load the level i want. I tried set "cmd" "loadGame" ; but it didn't seemed to work, i also tried set "cmd" "map mapname" ; but this didn't worked either i even thought about using the runScript cmd to call a script that loads a level but didn't saw any command available on the script reference for that. So this comes to, how can i load a level using a button on the menu gui?
  2. Because of the space on the root folder i bet, idtech 4 don't like that. It is also advised not to put tdm on a folder with a space on the name if you intend to make missions.
  3. The new Frictional's game, called SOMA, looks much more complicated and bigger than anything they did before, as the say goes if you can go bigger and better do it, but let's hope they don't grow so much that they lose their indie soul. About Thief 5, if it will ever be made, i bet they will go with their version of the Unreal Engine, change to the new UE4 version, use Cryengine X or Frostbyte, you know any engine that has a bigger hype around it, is a way to sell a game to the unknowing masses, even if said engine is not so good if you look well under the hood, how many times i've seen people say, " i just hope their new game is made on x engine, man that x game looked fantastic on it." forgetting that is the skills of the game developers that matters not the engine.
  4. That is dynamic tone mapping is a feature in new games to simulate HDR (high dynamic Range) and also eyes adaptation, HL2 (Half Life 2) was the first one with this.
  5. I have still to play the new thief reboot so i will save judgment about it to another date, but i have played enough new and old games to see how much worse the new ones really are, especially FPS's my favorite genre, and is not the nostalgia argument in effect here, it all goes down to the old games were made in a age where any game release was important and far between and add no hand holding features of note, new games on the other end are for the masses and are now treated as fast food plus play and forget games. p.s - I'm talking about AAA games not indie.
  6. Has always very nice models XendroX .
  7. Fantastic models XendroX, now TDM high class will have more chinny stuff to put on their bedrooms and we to search in for bling one thing you need to tho is make your textures less clean and new, one good way to improve your textures is to apply a baked ambient occlusion from the high poly to the low poly, it will bring out all the details, i also use the AO map has a mask to give the models some dirt and grime, then i use a scratch map (black texture with 1 pixel lines all over the place) on photoshop with the blend mod "screen" to give the textures that scrashed and used look, i also multiply some dirt texture over it and play with masks and opacity to tweak the effect.
  8. Please don't take this bad but i'm having a hard time understanding your sentences, if you use google chrome it has a word corrector and is a tremendous help, that is what i use i'm also not a native english speaker. But i did understand some parts and yes i concur with you and no your advices are not annoying. About the benchmark, yes they are a tad relative but in this case it was a good way to see the difference on my particular system, if i saw a big difference on mine then no matter the system the model would be a huge problem, btw i passed the impression that i didn't knew about optimization or that sometimes adding more polys doesn't offer obvious quality improvements, but that is wrong i guarantee you, i just didn't optimized this chair that much initially because to me, it was a special chair, like that throne, to be used no more than 1 or 2 times per scene or level, other reason was that i didn't wanted to get rid of the smooth and round look of the ornaments because again to me it was a special chair, but i was wrong and i completely concur with all the feedback on the model, now it is more optimized and can be used much more times in a scene.
  9. The guys making the Overdose indie game, made on "idtech 2", released their tools for the public, in there theres a tool called ODCompress that automatically detects your .tga's and convert them to the respective .dds format very cool. http://www.moddb.com...rdose-tools-set p.s - Do not use the compression option of the .tga format this tool do not like it.
  10. To late ;D Was able to bring the polys down without losing the shape to much now the polys are 1200 for the visible chair and 798 for the shadow mesh, i could take more from the shadow mesh but the difference would be to obvious. https://www.dropbox....hair_edited.lwo XendroX yes i was very conservative on the shadow mesh afraid of losing the shape. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Just because of curiosity i did a test scene to see how much impact does the 2200 polys chair add in the performance of a scene. The test scene 4 overlaping lights plus a ambient light at 1920x1080 71 entities with the chairs included Scene with no chairs 31 FPS 171 Draws 100 498 Tris Scene with 42 chairs each 1200 polys Between 20 - 30 FPS 480 Draws 460 235 Tris Scene with 42 chairs each 2200 polys Between 20 - 30 FPS 489 Draws 672 899 Tris Even tho the scene was simple just a box level full of static meshes, I tried to make it heavy with the overlapping lights to show a big difference on the FPS but i just didn't saw any, the only difference was on the draw calls and the number of Tris. Sorry if this is a stupid test i don't have any experience on benchmarking.
  11. Thanks guys , yes Springheel 2200 polys does seam much but in reality imo that is not much nowadays, a character for example has reached more than 6000 polys on games now, but i will see if i can take out more detail of it and the shadow mesh.
  12. Is not advisable to mod idtech or TDM in a path with spaces it can lead to problems later, this is how i do it "rootdrive\doom" for doom3 modding or "rootdrive\darkmod" for TDM.
  13. Guys sorry for the time it took to complete this one, but school and life got in the way. Here is the chair with a shadow mesh and tested in idtech 4, any problem just shout. https://www.dropbox.com/s/7klqh2fvrfcxz82/chair.jpg And the model it self https://www.dropbox.com/s/7t72ph5kz8jg6z5/chair_hmart.7z Hope you guys like it.
  14. First iteration on the chair what do you guys think? It is not very high poly even tho it seems to be on the render, but i can optimize it further still, and also make a lowpoly for the shadow, the texture is also placeholder and the model is still not UVmapped, i'm thinking of making two versions, one clean and new for the rich houses and one dirt and broken for the poor houses. Comments https://www.dropbox.com/s/87vfx7kc57csbnd/it01.jpg
  15. And it has OpenAL soft with EFX support already implemented
  16. I don't really know about thief but i'm certain not all games have reverb on the sounds at lest not that obvious like yours above, but i'm not really a sound guy so perhaps they all include a subtle reverb to their sounds and i don't really notice. Can you tell me about a game with obvious reverb in all sounds, apart from thief like you said (always though EAX was the one giving that effect on thief games tho). I don't mind waiting if the original sounds will be safe guard or is true that reverb on top of reverb like Deadlove more or less said is not a problem them go for it, you don't need my approvel so.
  17. I would use a flat plain for the hanging laundry using a normal map or even parallax mapping to give it some fake depth, about the broken barrel i have one here and also different pieces for a exploding or breaking model. Image https://www.dropbox.com/s/novnqfn7iugt9q4/shotpipo.jpg models https://www.dropbox.com/s/jnhr5poolh0hqtr/broken%20barrel.7z
  18. Ok but i do hope that day comes relatively fast.
  19. Fantastic!! i would love to know how they did that.
  20. IMO i would not do this, but wait for the engine with EFX support to become ready, because if you give all the sounds reverb now then it will sound very strange when you also apply the EFX reverb on top, then you will need to remake all the sounds again or lose the ability to give location based reverb to the sounds with EFX. Remember a cave has different reverb to a cathedral to closet or a small corridor.
  21. Yes show a screenshot and i will see what can do about it.
  22. First only Creative Sound cards support EAX 4 is your sound card a creative one? Second forget EAX, after the TDM team implements the new reworked engine with EFX support instead, then EAX will be gone for good, and it is already gone on the game world btw, i don't remember a single game on my colection from 2012 up that has any EAX support not even EAX 2.0 that is open to all sound cards, creative has even killed their OpenAL API version of the software it seams.
  23. Theres something definitely wrong with your computers not TDM, it is heavy compared to Doom 3 because of the Artificial Intelligence stuff they needed to implement, but not that heavy, and the engine is very Nvidia friendly so is strange that you're having so much performance problems with it. First thing reinstall your graphics card drivers, don't forget to uninstall them completely first, use CCleaner to delete any stray registry entry. Second did you overclocked some part of your machines? If yes put everything to their default values. third always check the temperatures to see if they are not overheating.
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