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Everything posted by Amadeus

  1. Yeah, I agree with chakkman. Modpacks can easily break a lot of the scripting that has been done for this particular FM (and it could break other FMs as well). That crystal teleport also uses a lot of custom scripting. I'd try playing the FM without the modpack and see if you get the same issue. I myself just downloaded the FM fresh off the servers and have had no issue with the crystal teleport
  2. Yeah, that is a serious problem. What TDM version are you using?
  3. It's TDM Christmas! Gonna be hard to keep up with all these new FMs. Congrats on the release, can't wait to play it!
  4. Yes!!!! A huge congratulations for getting this beautiful beast out the door!
  5. Moody remote winter setting - Check! Really cool snowy mountain skybox that I'm super jealous of - Double Check!! Fun wizard-based gameplay - Triple Check!!! This was a ton of fun to play, and I'm a total sucker for atmospheric wintery FMs like this. Great work!
  6. Congrats on the release! This looks like a very cool setting, I'm excited to play it!
  7. Congratulations on the release!! I'm 100 years old though, can I still play it?
  8. Hey, sorry about that. I have been changing some things with my Google Drive account and this fell through the cracks. I'll restore the link within the hour. In the meantime, this FM is available via the in-game downloader if you want to get it there. EDIT: Link restored, it should be working now. I guess I'll go check the other ones now
  9. I don't know if this will affect restoring previous saves, but for bugtracker 6552 I had to write save/restore methods for the new follow_actor spawnargs. These changes show up in the dev17095-10833 build.
  10. Yeah, I agree with joebarnin, I really like the curves on the roads and bridges, and I really like your use of mixing natural elements with city infrastructure, like the stream, the forest, etc. I hope you ramp up the natural elements a bit more because I think you have a cool mountain scene going on here. Great work!
  11. Way to go!!!! Congrats on getting this behemoth out the door!!!
  12. This would definitely be a cool feature to have. There is the FM Inn Business, which has a story spanning three difficulties (First Night, Second Night, Third Night), where each difficulty is a different night at an inn but each difficulty must be played in a specific order for the story to make sense. (It was actually this difficulty structure that inspired Eye on the Prize). It seems like an FM like Inn Business would benefit from locking players out of the higher difficulties until they finish the first one; that way you prevent players from selecting the Third Night difficulty first and then have them wondering what is going on. In the very early development of Eye on the Prize, I tried looking into ways to block the player from playing Frigid and Sodden difficulties out of order, but that quickly fell to the wayside. I also wanted unique loading screens for each difficulty but that was also not possible.
  13. Thank you! glad you enjoyed that! All those little details were super fun to work on even if they did take up a bit of time.
  14. Ha! I'm glad you enjoyed that bit!!! I decided that pretty much all of my future FMs are gonna utilize breakable glass; it's just so fun to blow up. Hint: But thank you for playing though and leaving feedback, I'm really glad you liked the mission.
  15. I think it's worth mentioning here that as of dev17095-10833, there are now several weather materials with static collisions enabled available for mappers to use. These are found in the textures/darkmod/weather/ folder and are called "rain2_downpour", "rain2_light", "snow2_flurries", "snow2_light", etc. You still have to run the "runParticle <mapname>" command after dmap (this must be done every time the proc file changes), but at least now you don't have to mess around with making custom materials. I've also added instructions in the material descriptions. More info can be found at the bugtracker here: #6545
  16. Wow, awesome work!!! I haven't the slightest clue as to what a cube like that is for, but I know it's cool!
  17. Okay, that's good to know, thanks. I do hope you give the other difficulties a chance too!
  18. Out of curiosity, did you manage to supreme ghost it on Frigid difficulty?
  19. I'm happy to be corrected if I'm wrong, but I don't think so. There are some limitations with particle collisions for particle models, as shown on the wiki article here, but it might be worth testing anyway just to see what happens. I should also note that that visportal glitch is something I haven't been able to replicate, and I've really tried to
  20. Thanks so much for playing! I'm glad to hear that you did manage to supreme ghost it; I was worried it might have been too hard, especially on the later difficulties
  21. It's not often you get a mission where finishing it leaves you with more questions than answers
  22. It seems that Shadows of Northdale 1 doesn't work on this new build (dev17056-10800; I haven't checked earlier builds though). I get an error that says: "Error during initialization. Error: file script/tdm_report.script, line 22: unknown value "getPersistantfloat"
  23. Thanks! I'm hoping to have some time this weekend to polish it up and then if I have something nice I'll share it
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