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Airship Ballet

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Airship Ballet last won the day on August 18 2022

Airship Ballet had the most liked content!


1039 Deity

About Airship Ballet

  • Birthday 02/13/1988

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    Oulujärven pohjalla

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  1. I just tabbed out while testing and died in an empty room with no entrances and no guards within hearing distance. I have so many questions.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Melan


      IMO, The Seven Sisters is the best T2 mission series ever released (Calendra's Legacy is more ambitious, but more uneven). You should definitely try it.

    3. Sotha


      The Phantom Killer has started killing players! It used to be the scourge of all AI until grayman shut it down.

    4. lost_soul


      There used to be a TDM bug where the player was able to stab himself with the sword by swinging it at a certain low angle. It cracked me up when I found it and I spent the next few minutes doing it to myself just for fun. It was fixed though.

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