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Airship Ballet

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Airship Ballet last won the day on August 18 2022

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About Airship Ballet

  • Birthday 02/13/1988

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    Oulujärven pohjalla

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  1. How would I go about outsourcing patchwork? I thoroughly regret deciding to make caves.

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    2. Airship Ballet

      Airship Ballet

      Haha, read up a bit!

    3. Goldwell


      I think the caves were built 4295 years ago in the great wars of Malkanu vs Zanziu (which was a tough war enough) but after the cat lord Draven decided to try and defeat but alas settled on a mutual surrender with the Dog king Talendore they decided to create a monument to celebrate the end of the eight thousand year war. Whilst building the monument they had a rather.. unforunate conflict underground and whilst they were trying to just create the base there were some arguments and an all out...

    4. Goldwell


      war took place. Now most would say why would they have a war undergound? well thats simple ever since the treaty of Juana 3200 there have been an outlaw on specific mining mechanicals and they are only allowed to cut at exact 90 degree angles with certain variations (thanks to the Zumbiea tribe) and THAT is why the caves look like they do.. basically they look great is what i'm saying...

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