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Status Replies posted by grayman

  1. Server is still on shaky legs while I arrange a disk replacement. More downtime to be expected when that happens.

  2. It's been fun, but I am no longer able to dedicate time to DR. Thanks to everyone for all your help over the past few years and to the team for keeping alive what I call, "the golden age" of stealth play. After much consideration, I am quitting the games industry. This includes all indie projects.

  3. I finally managed to put my foot in the door and switch careers. That means no more pressure of getting into game industry and steady work on models and maps for TDM! :)

    1. grayman


      Good luck, Judith. My non-game computer science career ended a while back, and the 35 years I spent in it was Most Excellent.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  4. I caught a flu, so won't appear here in the nearest days/week. As a matter of fact, playing beta207-05 is the best thing to do right now =)

  5. NBohr, you must have Bugtracker Wallhack! ;) Thank you for cleaning up!

  6. Hurricane Florence is knocking on our door. She's due Thursday evening. Atm it's a direct hit. Ouchie!

    1. grayman


      None. Some leaves and pine straw on the ground.

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  7. Hurricane Florence is knocking on our door. She's due Thursday evening. Atm it's a direct hit. Ouchie!

    1. grayman


      Florence almost gone. Should be clearing up sometime tomorrow.

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  8. Hurricane Florence is knocking on our door. She's due Thursday evening. Atm it's a direct hit. Ouchie!

    1. grayman


      Light rain. Florence's track moved way south last night, landfall 2am. Heavy rain and tropical winds expected overnight. Hope she doesn't change track and head for us tomorrow.

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  9. Hurricane Florence is knocking on our door. She's due Thursday evening. Atm it's a direct hit. Ouchie!

  10. Hurricane Florence is knocking on our door. She's due Thursday evening. Atm it's a direct hit. Ouchie!

    1. grayman


      Florence's track has shifted well south of us overnight. We'll get high winds and rain. She _could_ decide to shift back, though. It happened with Fran 20 years ago.

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  11. My son Nolan was born on Friday 10:51 PM. Everyone healthy and half and tired. I won't be around for the next few weeks.

    1. grayman


      Congratulations!! One day off of the arrival of my youngest!

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  12. Going to vacation until the end of August. Do not break trunk too much, please =)

  13. As it's spring, it's only fitting I'd do some spring cleaning at our YT channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCd-Aq3Jm6gzYbNiC7TVz2qA Hopefully you'll find the refurbishment worth it. I think the place does look much more like an official community channel now.

  14. Just for general information... If any mapper would like to use any of my mapping stuff (modules, geometry, etc) please feel free to use them! Just be sure to mention in your mission credits you use stuff made by me. Thanks and be my guest!

  15. As I have been getting a few requests for vocals recently I just wanted to inform everyone that I am no longer doing vocals for any project regardless of whether it's related to thief/tdm. I plan on fulfilling my old agreements but after they're done then that's it from me.

    1. grayman


      Thanks for your contributions. I guess I'm going to need to find the voice of "our friend" in William Steele's remaining missions elsewhere.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  16. I am now an official member of the Tinitus club, and It sucks. I have trouble sleeping on that side, because I hear faint "ringing" in the ear. Lower the volume before this happens to you too.

    1. grayman


      Tinnitus here, too. 25 years now. Mine showed up after a particularly nasty session at the dentist.

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  17. I guess it's a good sign when you manage to freak yourself out while testing your horror WIP at 2 in the morning...

  18. There's been an addendum to a contract that says I can't spend time messing with DR and TDM until RoW release on another project, as "it's distracting me". So... Thanks for all the fun and games, but it's important to keep this as I need it on my CV. (fku pariah, you grass).

  19. Just got done watching The State of the Union Address. No regrets but 2018 looks like it's gonna be a packed year for sure. Pretty happy with what I heard overall.

    1. grayman


      He says whatever comes to mind to please the audience he's speaking to at the time. It's not about policy with him; it's about his brand and image. He's treating the presidency like a reality show. Grab the next day's news cycle with whatever it takes.

    2. (See 35 other replies to this status update)

  20. A full Slovak translation (as full as possible right now) for 2.06 is nearly finished. The monastery mission is still being worked on, and I will also make and release a smaller FM before it, for both level building practice and storytelling reasons.

  21. After an absence of many moons, I will be working on my maps again. The latest DR compiled properly and I can finally get back into mapping. :)

  22. Today (25-11) it is my fith year anniversary here at this forum!

  23. Preparing programming contests (until the middle of November). In case of urgent issues, especially related to my code changes, please PM me directly.

  24. Just noticed that last saturday was my fifth anniversary in the Forum. Wanna have cake :D

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