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Everything posted by JackFarmer

  1. You mean "when they are looking in the direction of the open door?"
  2. The invasion has already begun!
  3. Can't see anything wrong there. What does "not working" mean? Does the player fall through the water brush or can the player not "jump" into the water and stands on the surface as the Builder's Jesus? If the latter is the case, then check whether there is another worldspawn brush covering your water entity.
  4. Yeah, that is definitely the singer. I have their 1988 album. @datiswousEDIT: Still available as download!
  5. I also think it looks worse in the new screenshots and like Frost, I do not understand the fundamentals behind this change.
  6. My stone-cold heart has been broken many times. Recently again, when I discovered this band from Holland on DLK (German Public Radio). Why isn't it played up and down on the radio? The EP is called “Holy Ground” and contains at least three other remarkable songs in the style of the New Romantics in addition to this track.
  7. I got myself the apple tv trial subscription. I have to say, “Foundation” (season 1) is very exciting. Shall I read the books as well?

    1. Frost_Salamander


      I'd say so.  I remember my Dad had them and he was a big sci-fi fan, but I was a teenager (or even younger) at the time and thought they looked really boring. however I read them for the first time a few years ago and really enjoyed them. I'm not sure what the experience will be like watching the TV series first though (I've never seen it). 

    2. nbohr1more


      The Foundation books are one of my favorite series. I especially like Prelude to Foundation because of it's cultural archaeology story-line. The show is quite good but heavily diverges from what's in the books.

  8. Yeah, schöne Weihnachten to you, too.
  9. I am afraid this is a rare bug that did not show up during beta (another player reported the problem here). I can provide you with a workaround, however, that requires two things: 1. You need a working save game (best would be a save game as close to mission end as possible) of mission 4. 2. You need to replace an in game file within the pk4/zip folder. If that does not work for you, I can provide you with a save game the continues AFTER the conversation in question. Then please let me know about your inventory (then I will make sure that you have ca. the same resources as you had before the problem), and what you have done so far (I anticipate you have not been to the "deep tower" till now?) and the mission version number you are playing under.
  10. Did you put properties on a worldspawn brush (which then will b e present on all wordpsawn brushes)? If so, then remove it. Objects of the worldspawn class must not include properties such as "clipmodel" or "rotation".
  11. @datiswous: Will you do that?
  12. Where is the "Game Connection" element in the Linux version of DR? I could swear, I saw that in an older build (which I conveniently deleted a few days ago).

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. OrbWeaver


      Make sure you have the darkradiant-plugins-darkmod package installed if you are using the PPA/DEB package. If it's the FlatPak I have no idea; someone else builds that.

    3. JackFarmer


      @OrbWeaverYou are right; the plugins had been missing. Thank you for your help.

    4. datiswous


      I'm currently using the Flatpack version. I think there are 4 install options in Linux.


  13. Examples? Edit: NVM, just understood how it works. Way too advanced for what I have in mind.
  14. Damn, this standing light in the front and the first on the wall to the left would fit perfectly into mission 4 (the inventor`s facility) of HHBAM. Anyways, thank you very much!
  15. Dragofer will add an improved entity to the core game.
  16. I am afraid there are a few more problems. info_conversation is only used to define conversations and the "director's commands" (talk, walk, look, talk, etc.) with allocation of the required sound files. The entity does not have any other purpose and thus its location is uncritical. Some may also place the entity in a blue room. The conversations themselves get activated via "atdm:target_startconversation" entities. Mappers can go on with the suggested names "[...]...conversation_X", but mappers can, of course, choose better fitting names like "start_convo_builder". Location of these entities does not matter as well. On top, you need some sort of trigger - trigger_once for example or maybe a trigger_count if the mission maker wants the convo only to start when several other actions have been completed and counted. So, to find out where a certain convo is located one must maybe know where and how triggers have to be activated to get the "start_convo" entity activated. Probably a non trivial task if you are not familiar with the map structure.
  17. Yep, I cannot speak for the others, but I am always defining all conversations in one entity.
  18. I have to say, your Deux Ex Steampunk Mod (=DESM) is really taking shape!
  19. @MirceaKitsune To add random sounds files between defined sound files with the ghost actor method described above, you could use a trigger random. See below an example with three given random sounds:
  20. If you don't rely on speakers, you could try the convo system for that. However, I do not know how that would work with random sound files, you might have to figure out a way for that: 1. Create a ghost actor in a blue room. Mute the ghost actor and give it an invalid vocal set. Then give the ghost actor a "snd_global - 1" property. 2 Create a convo with the ghost actor only. Then add commands, for example: a - ghost actor - play sound shader x1 (tick property: wait till sound shaders finishes) b - ghost actor- play sound shader x2 (tick property: wait till sound shaders finishes) By doing so, the sound shaders will be played one after the other. However, the problem remains with your random sound files. Alternatively, you could try so script that (and I think it would be easier to implement some random sound file through scripting). Maybe somethink like that: 0. Choose sound shader (defined or random) 1. Get length of sound shader x1 2. Activate sound shader x1 3. Wait (lenght of sounder shader x1) 4. etc.... I have never tried that and I do not know whether it works...
  21. Yeah, if I recall correctly, this happens when the game detects too large an area for AIs to walk/fly around. You have to limit the aas area calculation with vertical/horizontal MC for guards/elementals.
  22. You think the missions in question were too difficult - other think they are easy. Both perceptions are valid because that is a subjective thing. In its core this is a stealth game and thus I design the missions for sneaking and there are multiple possibilities to do so by using moos arrows, water arrows, throwing items, extinguishing candles, looking for alternative ways, learning patrols, etc. . But we are going too much off topic here and as stated above I am with you when it comes to saving the game.
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