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Everything posted by AluminumHaste

  1. I'm sure there is, the original poster should open a bugtracker so a coder can take a look.
  2. Because the player didn't move/make noise, the code that AI uses to "listen" for the player wasn't triggered. Because the AI weren't on the same team, the alert level wasn't propagated to the other AI. There's so much that goes on to make AI SEEM like a facsimile to real people, but there's always going to be edge cases where's there's no code to handle it.
  3. I noticed he has a bow but no melee weapon. He's probably trying to run away to get space to fire arrows, but that might be around the corner and out of range. So he comes back then runs away again.
  4. Yes AI in combat or search alert other AI. Are these AI on the same "team"?
  5. Sorry he was banned, that seems to have expired.
  6. He was banned after what happened last time.
  7. What? There's been an FOV slider in the game for years now.
  8. That bug has been around for over a decade though. In some missions, changing FOV in console would only work when frobbing an item. I always assumed it was a bug in the game, but it's possible it's a bug in certain missions due to scripting. But I've definitely encountered it a LONNNNNNNG time ago.
  9. So you set the AI to be blind and deaf and are surprised when they act the way they do. EDIT: Also makes sense that when a guard sees you far away, and shouts, then you duck back into cover, that he would start searching his general vicinity as he's already "lost" you.
  10. AI specifically have code to test the attack vector I think, so they should generally know where it came from. They're also supposed to prioritize possible hiding places and investigate them first. If you're playing with AI acuity turned down, it might cause them to lose you in darkness faster. I have them both on Challenging and they go to alert almost instantly even when I'm just a little lit up. It's very challenging on open maps when you are on a balcony.
  11. Clearly not the same model, just HEAVILY inspired by..................... Completely different hair style........
  12. You've had almost 20 years of random people submitting assets to the mod. Would be nice to assume everything is done properly, but what are the chances that some things weren't? I don't know if it's even possible to find that out at this point.
  13. So you forgot how to use the new system AND forgot how to use the original system? So either you had a stroke or you're arguing in bad faith.
  14. Have you tried attaching a debugger with VS like you can with any running process? I know it won't show much, but it might find something.
  15. There's a few areas in Wrath Aeon of Ruin that felt Skacky to me. Like his influence if not outright level making was present. I wish him all the best in anything he does.
  16. Can you shoot yourself in the face?
  17. Lots of neat stuff in this. Just finished playing the first mission, and it's very Skacky. Lots of crazy verticals. Pretty impressive effort.
  18. The mission is great, like all your works. My personal issue was that after dying and losing 30-40 minutes of progress for the third time, I gave up.
  19. So all brush data fits into 1 entity.
  20. Everything except worldspawn is an entity AFAIK
  21. A poll with such a small number of respondents would always be considered not representative, so using it as a barometer for change is usually not a good idea. That's all
  22. Yeah, respect the 17 people who actually care about this topic, and ignore the 10s or thousands of other people who simply don't care!
  23. Open console, type noclip, fly to empty area, type noclip again. Losing progress isn't necessary with access to dev commands
  24. All of those items should be static models, not entities with collision.
  25. Maybe I misunderstood what you wrote, but caulk does not block light.
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