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STiFU last won the day on June 13

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About STiFU

  • Birthday 07/12/1986

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    Germany, Dortmund

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  1. Bought Vampyr today. Have to resist to start it right away or I will be sucked in to much and can't help beta testing! ^^

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. teh_saccade


      I enjoyed it, stealth was ok and the story and "detective" talk was good. Combat too a while to get used to but - in the end - it was far too easy and the massive conversations mean I probably won't be replaying it any time soon. Recommended, but not at full price - 75% off at best. Really nice graphics and ambiance, few scary bits - bit addictive - and somewhere I used to live in on the map. Nice moral choices and AAA mapping errors/zfighting.

    3. STiFU


      I got it because the atmosphere looked awesome... Judging from your comments, my assumption seems to be correct.

    4. teh_saccade


      It's a great atmosphere - very absorbing and immersive with excellent attention to detail. You will barely notice any repetition in the location design - it's as impressive in that regard as Alice: Madness Return's version of WW1 London. The story is on par with V:TM bRPG level - really good. Learn to fight before you try to sneak though - you'll need it. Luckily you can respec at any time. I never killed an NPC, but farmed enemies. I wish I did a few things different...

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