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STiFU last won the day on September 10

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About STiFU

  • Birthday 07/12/1986

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    Germany, Dortmund

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  1. Damn, Sekiro is way too addicting! :D Hopefully, I'll be done with it by the end of the week! ^^

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    2. STiFU


      Can't compare Tenchu (which is amazing on its own) to Sekiro 'though. Sekiro is really awesome, but I feel like FROM Software are overdoing it towards the end. I am in the final world and the bosses get really extreme now. Each battle is a test of endurance, because the fights take really long at your current rate of damage.

    3. teh_saccade


      It was fun for a while, I admit - but I was hoping for more stealth and less the Dark Souls level frustration with bosses - some parts were nicely made and the characters were good. I guess my reactions and patience levels simply aren't up to the challenge :P

    4. STiFU


      There is some stealth, but you usually only use it to open a fight with a bigger group of enemies. Except at the beginning, when you're still so weak that you try to avoid some enemies completely.

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