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Everything posted by STiFU

  1. Thanks. This is basically what I was asking for in that frob outline thread. Nice to see some cleanup happening on our materials and a default frob highlight as well to fix missing frob highlight definitions. In what way are your macros broken? Can you post screenshots? Does the default frob highlight work?
  2. I have been an advocate for mission ratings a long time. I understand both sides of the coin of course, but the casual player likely prefers to just pick one of the best rated missions and start playing instead of reading through all the mission descriptions, potentially digging through forum entries to find a suitable mission. Things like average playtime, general mission type and player rating would be really helpful here. Or maybe instead of rating, something neutral like "number of times played / downloaded". I think that would be way too elaborate. How about rating on the mission finished screen?
  3. Well, illegal "PC-Ports" have existed a long time using regular emulators. But I guess this is a bit more convenient.
  4. I've been out of that area of research for quite some time now, but to me, the findings of that paper are no news. It was always known that vergence is the primary factor to drive accomodation, but that defocus also drives accomodation. It was never stated that defocus alone drives accomodation. So, that XR community was wrong right from the start. Every stereoscopic content drives vergence. If your stereoscopic stimulus is located 1m behind the display, your eyes will perfectly converge on that point, and they will try to accomodate to that distance. Then your brain realizes "wait a minute?! when I try to accomodate to that distance, everything becomes blurry? What is going on?", and there you have that darned unstable sytem again. How can you solve it? You pretty much mentioned all possible solutions already, except the first one in this list: Move the focal distance so far away that you don't get defocus cues. --> This is the hyperfocal distance and at that distance, we sadly do not perceive any vergence cues anymore, i.e., you see a 2d display! Varifocal distance with perfect eyetracking. --> Make vergence distance and focus distance match and combine that with artifical defocus. Multifocal or lightfield / holographic displays.
  5. Hm, that DOES look a bit extreme. Are we sure we don't have to do anything about that @Springheel, @stgatilov?
  6. For sure, it was @AluminumHaste. He always posted skillful blackjacking videos.
  7. I think a much simpler and more elegant solution would be to require the player to climb up to the vent, considering the player cannot jump or mantle while shouldering. Sidenote, it is still being discussed whether low obstacles should become mantlable while shouldering, so make sure to make the vent entry high enough.
  8. STiFU

    Free games

    To be fair, FC 3 was still amazing back then, when the ubisoft formula was not yet so massively overused.
  9. I worked on unshouldering in tight spaces a while back. In the current implementation, the unshouldering-algorithm will try to spawn the body in a small set of predefined angles. If the body does not intersect with other geometry, it will be spawned.
  10. STiFU

    Free games

    I liked the general idea of that game, but the controls were so horrible that I stopped playing eventually.
  11. Anyone here clocking in some times in Neon Light?

  12. Sorry about that. Please don't take it personally, I did not want to imply that you might be doing something unethical. When I posted that, I operated under the following thoughts: 1. it could also have been Biker's Words instead of yours 2. you could just have missed the thread about grayman's will 3. I did not know that some of grayman's other FMs had been adopted and my alarmbells just went off. Sending some from Bochum to Ingolstadt right here! By the way, I never ever assume bad intentions in social interactions unless facts show otherwise ("innocent until proven guilty"). Some might call this type of thinking naive, but positive thinking is a key ingredient to a happy life.
  13. Ok, my bad then. Thanks for clarifying that.
  14. I am a bit appalled about this supposed "will". What is the reference you base this on? Grayman explicitly told us not to release his works. His exact words were: "If I die, the story of William Steele ends with me. No handing off my FMs to others".
  15. STiFU

    Free games

    And FYI, the console equivalent to that site is https://www.dekudeals.com/ .
  16. STiFU

    Free games

    The coolest thing about that site is that you can also link your steam wishlist there and also add games not on steam to your "waitlist" (which is what they call the wishlist).
  17. The most critical stuff has already been deleted, as we don't want to foster a harmful environment in these forums. We want to be as welcoming to newcomers as possible.
  18. A sad and heartwarming topic... ...but I have to just take a moment and appreciate, that these quotes are probably gonna turn into a running gag on these forums.
  19. Be honest: Who of you have actually finished Cuphead? This game is freaking tough! It might even be harder than Sekiro. Dark Souls is a joke in comparison to Cuphead! :-Dย 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Shadow


      Cuphead is one of the toughest games you can play. The bossfights are absolute insanity. I did finish it, but not without cheating. It was a beautiful game and worth a play tho, if only to put cocky bragging gamers in their place.

    3. STiFU


      I am on the final level now. Gonna try it saturday or so... ๐Ÿ™‚

    4. STiFU


      Ok, I couldn't wait until saturday! ๐Ÿ˜„ย @AluminumHasteย the final boss was pretty bullet-helly though. ๐Ÿ˜• Still, you might get into it. I hate bullet-hell games normally as well.


  20. STiFU

    Free games

    Supraland, the best first person puzzle game of the decade, is free on epic right now. I had a blast playing it a few years back and I am still waiting for the DLC to finally become afordable. My Steam-Review: <<This game is so fun! You frequently feel like "is this the intended solution or am I glitching this puzzle?". Brilliant! The mechanics are awesome and open the game up massively towards the end. So many possibilities!>>
  21. I wouldn't just call it "maginally better", considering the crappy image quality of the screenshots you've been posting. I guess some people just don't wanna be helped?
  22. IrfanView. The VLC of image viewers / converters / editors. Super lightweight. Supports almost all formats, and the remaining ones (e.g. dds) can be added via plugins. And there is batch processing of image files. I use it on a daily basis in my job as a software developer in image processing.
  23. Just use JPEG and you're good.
  24. That picture would be worthy of our Facebook site, @Springheel. (If @refl3ks grants permission of course)
  25. Finished Deathloop yesterday. My verdict:

    Arkane Studios showing off once again that they are one of the best in game design: Pick the timeloop mystery adventure mechanics of Outer Wilds and remix them, add "Dark Souls"-like invasions in the form that other players can play your antagonist Juliana, and wrap it all in 60s-stylized first person shooter with abilities and upgrades, and an interesting story to unravel. This culminates in such a unique gameplay experience that "Deathloop" would have deserved Game of the Year 2021 WAY more than "It Takes Two". Especially the invasions add so much tension to your playthroughs, it is absolutely exhilarating. That is, unless your opponent lags incredibly, which sadly happens quite often. Combine this with the performance issues many players experienced, and you know why the game did not win game of the year. It is really sad to see technical issues hinder such a masterpiece of a game from doing well. The only criticism I have with respect to gameplay is that the first shot of any weapon is apparently always 100% accurate, which enables you to headshot enemies hundreds of meters away using your submachine gun, but other than that the gun play is on point. All in all, just 9/10 due to technical issues.

    1. madtaffer


      I wonder why Arkane is not using id tech 7 which is running Doom Eternal since is far better optimized.

    2. STiFU


      I wonder why they didn't use Cry-Engine or Unreal-Engine? Both were apparently used in Prey and its Mooncrash DLC respectively.

    3. Xolvix


      Arkane are all over the place when it comes to the engines they use for their games. Dishonored, Prey and Dishonored 2 all use completely different engines which seems like a unnecessary challenge for their programmers/designers, but whatever. As for Deathloop, I haven't played it yet since I became less interested in it after hearing that it's not actually an immersive sim, and that's what I like most from them. Apparently it's more of a shooter with a unique puzzle element which sounds cool as is probably the reason why I'll eventually play it, but once I found out how it's not really a sim my enthusiasm dropped.

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