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  1. same problem for me... but i dont think that doom3 is replacing the dm-cfg... cause the darkmod folder is READ-ONLY on my sys. after downloading and extracting the "newest" tdm file from moddb ("2009_10_18_thedarkmod_v1.0_beta.zip") into my doom3 directory (D:\doom3), i start the "tdmlauncher.exe"... all i get is a black screen and a mouse button (the normal d3 mousebutton, not the tdm one). i can hear sounds and melodies (even the "click" sounds when moving over buttons - as it seems) but nothing more will happen... tried anything, but can just quit via "alt+f4" or console. in console there are some red errors, that the game couldn't load the background images and stuff. some screens are below.. system: vista home premium 64, 4 gig ram, 8800 gtx (using driver 86.18 cause newer ones got problems with some older games i still play) don't have any problems with other mods for d3 or the original game... PLEASE HELP!!! wanna play (waited for YEARS, and just got d3 because of your mod) thx. edit: i checked your FAQ and other forums, no help.
  2. I've seen press releases on at least six different sites as of yesterday, not counting forums posting the info.
  3. I think I heard about it a year or two ago on the Something Awful forums. That said, what's with the lack of press coverage concerning the beta release? The only place I've seen it mentioned is on Rock Paper Shotgun. You guys need to brush up on PR skills.
  4. Hi everyone as im new to the darkmod forums but am an active member or the doom3 community. First of all well done and very impressive. yet I've had a diffucult spot I've run into. on the third floor room with the chalice and dome the safe on the wall contains items, like a key,loot and such, however they are not retrevable and I cannot pick them up. I shot an arrow in at the cup to knock it out of the safe and was still not able to pick it up. (nice cubemapping by the way) is it supposed to be that way? I'm thinking not but if I need the key in the safe to progress I can't take it. so I guess I'm stuck. Thanks. JV
  5. I'm not sure linking to an alternate walk cycle in the TTLG forums is a good idea. Swapping animations is a pretty detailed exercise, and not something we want to encourage 24 hours after release. Where is the md5anim file for this animation, btw? I haven't even seen it yet.
  6. No, most sounds are atmospheric ambients. The archive is in Dario's donation thread in the public forums. Personally, I'd just go ahead and push almost everything into SVN (after converting them to OGG), but I'd rather have a second opinion beforehand.
  7. http://forums.thedarkmod.com/topic/9924-darkradiant-1-0-0-released/
  8. Thanks peispud. As Yigg suggested. But if you already have done that then someone else reported another problem and I could never duplicate it. My best guess is Thanks Yigg: Another bug we found at the last minute and no easy fix. BTW please use spoilers. I know they are not very obvious in these forums. Select your text. Click 'Other Styles' and you will see the spoiler feature.
  9. Broken Glass Studios is proud to announce the first public beta release of The Dark Mod, a medieval steampunk stealth game inspired by the Thief series. The Dark Mod team started work on the project in September of 2004. Their goal was to take id Software's Doom 3 (id Tech 4) engine and completely transform the sci-fi / horror shooter into a medieval, steampunk, stealth experience. With the release of The Dark Mod: Beta 1.00, we are offering the modding community a powerful, easy-to-use editing suite for creating stealth missions. All the assets and resources necessary to build playable missions are included, plus a customized editor called DarkRadiant. A branch of GTKRadiant, DarkRadiant has been designed specifically to cater to the needs of Dark Mod mapping. In addition to the editing tools, the release also includes four playable missions (including a Training Mission) to help demonstrate the full potential of the mapping kit. The Dark Mod is in a beta release stage at this time, which means that some minor bugs and incomplete features are to be expected. To see screenshots, or to download The Dark Mod, please visit http://www.thedarkmod.com/ . Or visit our forums at http://www.modetwo.net/darkmod/ . We hope you enjoy it!
  10. Heya people! I just played Mirror's edge. Nice game.. but could be a lot better in my opinion! Anyway, there are some very good stuff going on there that would fit seamlessly into thief gameplay. Like bouncing off walls and moving while grabing an edge. None of this is new, of course, but it's nice By the way, I thought I mentioned this here before, but I searched the forums and found nothing!
  11. To my knowledge most of the industry awards are all web based, ie. gaming review websites giving out goty awards or something whereas what I'm thinking of with an Academy Awards of Gaming is something on the lines of the hollywood version with all the glitz and glamour. Though already i can see holes in this idea; mainly because the protagonists of games aren't real people who can show up but pixels on a screen. And that therefore means any such industry wide awards would have to be given to the developers and I dont think I'd spend valuable time watching the likes of Cliffy B or Derek Smart take the stage. I guess what I'd like to see is an independent body reviewing games based on their artistic merits; I mean I rarely watch the academy awards but I do hear about which movies win and any time I see a movie that has won awards i'll generally rent it out, if for no other reason than i trust the academy's review board that the film is well made both from an artistic and technical standpoint. I think that such a body in the gaming industry (lord knows how its membership would be formed or how it would remain independent) could give much needed mass marketing appeal for lesser known titles that don't include mute, amnesiac space marines. I don't think current review websites and the like really cut it. Of course this also opens up a whole can of worms as to what exactly constitutes an 'artful' game; cos various games like serious sam which had no plot really at all were nevertheless great fun! As to protagonists speaking, i've always found it completely immersion breaking when they dont say anything, for a number of reasons. Firstly is that most if not all the dialogue therefore has to be stilted in such a way to not allow the player interaction. Most of the dialogue then seems to revolve around NPCs asking rhetorical questions or questions which they answer for you; and giving orders. Secondly, whilst I would agree with that article and Ken Levine that cut scenes are'nt always a good way to advance plot, if done properly I think they can be quite entertaining. Failing that allowing the player some interaction, like for example Mass Effect, even if this seems less natural, is better than having a mute character. In my own experience with Half Life 2, I generally spent the dialogue scenes like the professor's lab just acting like a complete asshole, jumping on tables, kicking shit over and playing with the little gizmos. This was simply because i had no input for any of the dialogue and therefore was not invested in the scene. I've always preffered or invested more in Rpg's than other genres for this exact reason, but then i guess that's the whole point of roleplaying Most of the older games i've enjoyed the most tend to be the most dialogue heavy or have creative and interesting plots. Thief is definitely a prime example, not only for its very innovative gameplay mechanics like stealth; but also because of its interesting plot and narrative. Garret was truly a character i liked playing as; because he was a complex character and an anti-hero. I think thats what alot of older games had going for them, since the technology was not as good at suspending disbelief or being immersive as it is today developers relied much more on plot and good storytelling. Though of course i might just be nostalgic about my youth Be wary of this one. It is more realistic than you average fps but not as realistic as the original Op Flashpoint games or Arma (alot of users on the forums are complaining it isn't realistic or hard enough). It does however have alot less bugs than its main rival Arma II and is much more polished. Multiplayer however is a little screwed atm with no dedicated servers (its a console port) but i think theres a patch coming soon. Also there will be fan made missions (pc version has an editor) and maybe mods too i guess but don't quote me on that last one
  12. Uploaded. Same goes to you Greebo. You and the other programmers have made it crystal clear why programmers make a higher wage than other game development positions. Forums seem pretty quiet lately though, hope it doesn't stay that way.
  13. Getting an unresponsive script warning (reproducable) from page 7 of this thread: http://forums.thedarkmod.com/topic/9106-contest-entry-the-crown-of-penitence-by-jesps/page__st__150 Firefox 3.5.
  14. I'll ask in the internal forums, and someone will contact you (imagine a dark and rainy night, a knock on your door, and a well, we leave that to your imagination
  15. Someone needs to figure it out then write a wiki entry on it so anybody that wants to try it can do it themselves. (Maybe in a new, separate section for "Fan Contributions & Tweaks"). I see there's a spawnarg that controls the amount of blur. I wonder if that is a global setting or custom to each object. If it's for each object, that's cool because then you can vary the blur by shadow-casting distance and even split up an object so the places closer to the ground get sharper shadows. It might actually be good to have this come so close to release because then it encourages us to think about custom improvements that aren't part of the release. One response is just to say "It's not officially sponsored" and leave it to people talking about it in forums. But I think it might be better in the long run to set up a repository of custom additions, or like a self-contained separate part of the wiki like I mentioned -- custom objects, textures, AI, gameplay tweaks that people make or find from other Doom3 stuff out there. I think (eventually) we should house this stuff in a central location, links to stuff people can download and instructions on how to set it up in-game. It's still not official. But it sends the message that we are still friendly towards people contributing unofficial tweaks, with the footnote that users will have to set it up in-game themselves and "not officially supported" really means that (i.e., the game won't be changed just to make some fan tweak possible or easier). And then it will be like any fan tweaks that are added to commerical games. But being hospitable to tweaks will encourage a lot of fan participation in the Mod, I think. Well, I'm just thinking aloud anyway...
  16. It's his forum, why would he need to ask anyone else if he should do whatever to his own forums?
  17. So maybe just on the internal forums (sorry public!)
  18. It's not "broken". You just don't like it. That's not the same as "broken". All decent browsers scale "pixels" these days anyway. And the gap above the content div is not a "bug". It's clearly a deliberate move to create a gap, adding a bit more whitespace to make it look better. You personally may disagree with that decision, but calling it a "bug" is a bit rich. Riiiight, because the forum theme changes every week. This is the first time it's changed since I joined the forums, over three years ago. And it would take you literally about 15 minutes to update your custom style each time it broke. 15 minutes in 3 years is hardly an onerous time burden. But whatever. You'd obviously rather whine about it than do something proactive about it, so I'll leave you to it.
  19. After the initial period of adjustment, I have to say I like this. Apart from the colour combinations already mentioned. @Tels: Maybe you can use a user CSS file to make everything look smaller (or hide it entirely). Probably wouldn't be too hard. In fact, here's a starting point for you. It pretty much destroys the visual appeal of the forums in the name of ruthlessly squashing everything down, but them's the breaks. It also needs more work; there are plenty of opportunities for more space-saving. ul.topic_buttons {font-size: 80%;margin:0;padding:0} ul.topic_buttons img { height: 1em; margin:0; padding:0 } ul.topic_buttons a {padding: 0.5em} div.topic_controls .pagination {padding:0} #header #branding a:first-child img {height: 70px} #user_navigation, #user_navigation .logged_in {margin:0} div#header div#branding {height:50px} #primary_nav{font-size:80%;height:20px} #primary_nav ul li, #primary_nav ul li a {padding:0} #content{padding-top:0} .post_controls li a{padding:0;margin:0} .post_wrap ul{padding-top:0em;padding-bottom:1.5em;margin:0} div .rep_bar {display:none} div .author_info .user_controls, .user_fields {font-size:90%} Your other option is to set font-size:80% on everything, and then override it for post content so you're not squinting to read.
  20. Hello there, I am working for a german online entertainment magazine known as gamona. As I am a Thief-Fan myself (been lurking around these forums for a while now, after learning about your project via ttlg.com) I thought this project deserved more attention. So here is my request: Is someone of your team available for an interview via e-mail? I would like to write an article about the outstanding work done by these creative modders for my magazine. gamona focuses mainly on mainstream audiences but with a focus on "unique content" to spice up our coverage. If you would like some examples from the one who wants to write about you...here you go: A "Machinarium" Preview A "World of Goo" Review A Special about the upcoming Gothic-successor "Risen" Unfortunately, all of these articles are written in german, but as far as I know you have some german team members as well, so they could help you decide if you would be willing to appear in our online mag. There is no need to hurry, as I am going to be out of office for three weeks now. Maybe you will have released "The Dark Mod" by then already. By the way, our magazine could host "The Dark Mod" files eventually. Best regards, Jakob Heiden
  21. These are a lot of linker errors you're getting. The offending symbols should be coming from ui/einspector/PropertyEditor.cpp and checking the Makefile.am file it seems this is properly included. If you weren't getting these linker errors before, I'm assuming something went wrong with the makefile generation. But I see the compiler error went away, so it seems my fix did the trick. Sorry. I don't have an IRC channel, nor have I ever been using one. I'm usually around these forums anyway.
  22. Solis, we currently have pretty much everything that we need for the 1.0 release, but here are future projects that we could start on: 1. Some "sitting" animations. Currently, AI can sit, and look great doing it, but they don't actually look like they're *doing* anything while sitting. Animations that simulate the character doing something a sitting person might do, like "eat", "drink", "write in a book" or "turn page" would be useful. http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showtopic=9763 2. Female animations. Right now, we cannot have any female characters in a mission because we are lacking animations for them. Female characters will use the same default humanoid skeleton as males, apparently. 3. Creature animations. We have a few creatures right now with limited animations-- the spider, the revenant, and the steam-beast. All could use their own set of animations. We may also want a couple new idle animations for rats.
  23. No need to restore the file, here's some info on the replacement. The model shader needs to be updated, I guess. http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?s=&am...st&p=192561
  24. Yes, for certain materials. See here: http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showtopic=9736
  25. Unfortunately, even the titles would show a plethora of spoilers. And we don't want that, now, do we? Even better than forums: the darkmod bugtracker. A massive tire fire is what that is... No sense in alienating robert. Why don't you create your own thread outlining your problem? Every detail helps us help you help us all.
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