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I wonder if its possible to allow the player to use the dagger I've seen some enemies use (like from the Too Late fm), and if its possible to make it throwable. As a knife lover this would allow me to play my favorite way, perhaps some console command could switch between the short sword and knife for those who prefer it.


I would like to make stiletto skins.

Edited by TheUnbeholden
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I'm sorry but this sounds like a bad case of feature creep. The player has a shortsword, what's the point in adding a knife that has inferior properties to the sword? What's the benefit if throwing and losing the knife when you got a bow?

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-The mapper's best friend.

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You could make them throwable just by making them a moveable you can inventory (don't forget the inventory icon) and then put an inventory frob action that puts it in front of where the player is facing & puts a force on it, shooting it out, or something like that. As for replacing the sword, would probably need animations. But maybe you could just replace the sword model with the knife locally on your game so you can play it the way you like. That's the advantage of an open source game after all.

What do you see when you turn out the light? I can't tell you but I know that it's mine.

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I'm sorry but this sounds like a bad case of feature creep. The player has a shortsword, what's the point in adding a knife that has inferior properties to the sword? What's the benefit if throwing and losing the knife when you got a bow?


Character buildup. A lot fan maps have the player start with no weapons at all, forcing him to either stealth his way out, or explore until he find one. Having a knife could be a way to ensure minimal self defense, other than a blackjack, until a short sword is found. A knife could be thrown or used for stabbing, but it should be unable to used for parrying attacks, hence having the player adopt a hit-and-run combat approach. Throwable knives would also be an interesting addition to assassination missions, enabling the player to strike foes from mid distance without having to use the bow.


So all in all, before considering a feature superfluous, I believe one should instead analyse it's potential to expand the current gameplay, especially when TDM operates mostly on user-created missions. Allowing the player to use long swords doesn't make any sense in this case, since it's a weapon that's too cumbersome for a thief, and doesn't do anything that the short sword can't do already. Knives, on the other hand, seem like a perfectly rational addition that could, in fact, add a whole lot of diversity to gameplay.

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Character buildup. A lot fan maps have the player start with no weapons at all, forcing him to either stealth his way out, or explore until he find one.


That should be handled in those individual missions then, not as a core game mechanic. Just like garrottes, blowguns, whips, grappling hooks, soft-soled shoes, mechanical rats, pepper bombs, smoke bombs, disguises, and numerous other tools that could theoretically be added.

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Maybe a bit off topic but I believe the current "newbie" contest is a big enough boost for the community for the moment. Those guys are NOT beginners! :D Superb missions, the two I've played...


Was it a month ago a thread was created in fear of the end of the mod...? I remember Springheel's depressing yet realistic update some time ago about how fragile the future is... I'm still relieved that 1.08 is going to be released :)


Don't push the dev team!

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If you believe the average mapper is able to handle that, then lovely. I stand corrected.


A person who is willing to implement something like that can learn how to do it. The community is also generous with comments, suggestions and help.


The thing is that it is easy to write suggestions and demands for other people that they should do work in order to get this and this new feature implemented.


Anyone can learn almost anything, it is only a matter of how much effort they want to see to get it done.


-The mapper's best friend.

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      briefing_video.mp4 You can test it ingame by making a copy of the core tdm_gui.mtr and place it in your-tdm-root/materials/ , then edit line 249 of that file into the location where you placed the new briefing.mp4 file.
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