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"FINAL" Final Komag DVDs till May 31, get 1100 FMs


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Due to MANY requests over past couple years, and also due to webhosting bills for my Thief sites, I've completely revamped and updated the Final Komag DVDs for one last release. I really mean it, this won't happen again after May 31, 2012.


If you don't already know, the Komag DVDs contain my "Complete Thief Fan Mission Archive" of all the FMs ever made, over 1100 of them! They also contain other Thief support files, such as loaders, editors, videos, patches, upgrades, etc


As usual, you can get everything completely free by sending me blank DVDs (see my site for the instructions), or you can make a donation to help with the web-hosting fees and I'll send you out a set as a bonus/thank-you.


PS - I removed most of the "junk" from the last batch (such as the silly movies/pictures, the big play-through videos, the various game demos that weren't Thief, etc), and have added a TON of FMs from the past three years. So the DVDs are MOSTLY FMs, with some other essential Thief related stuff as well, no fluff. :thumb:


PPS - This is open to anyone anywhere in the world (except Nigeria)


more details at The Keep


note - I sincerely believe this thread is appropriate for this forum, but if moderators/admin don't think so then I'll be happy to move or edit or delete it as you see fit

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shadowdark50.gif keep50.gif
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Having an archive of the missions is definitely something I am interested in. Just the other day, I made a DVD with my small (compared to yours) collection of missions. Then I realized that I forgot to include darkloader on the disk!


For those of us who appreciate user-made content for games, it is a good idea to have a hard copy because you never know when it will disappear from the net. I made myself a TDM FM DVD as well.

--- War does not decide who is right, war decides who is left.

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Well someone should put up a torrent of this DVD archive & commit to sitting on it as a seed on top of the physical release too, I agree. You can never have too much redundancy for something like this.

What do you see when you turn out the light? I can't tell you but I know that it's mine.

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Well it's also important to have a lot of individual torrents (for FMs created after these DVDs) since less people will grab a new torrent for an updated mass archive (even though all the torrent client has to do is verify existing overlapping contents).

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Well it's also important to have a lot of individual torrents (for FMs created after these DVDs) since less people will grab a new torrent for an updated mass archive (even though all the torrent client has to do is verify existing overlapping contents).


In my humble opinion it's much much better to have one master torrent, and to cover new releases maybe every year or so version it up adding the new content (v1, v2, etc...). Then all people have to do is check the box for the individual FMs they want to torrent (so the FMs shouldn't be trapped in a .zip or .iso file but just the files to check individually), and if people want the full archive, they know with v2 they are getting exactly what was in v1 with the new stuff, so no worries about gaps or doubling content (because of 2 different names for the same file, which is always a problem with individual torrents); and if they just want the new ones they just check the FMs below the line from their last download. Mixing it up with different individual torrents outside a master one is bad news IMO.


Edit: Well maybe if there were specific Part1 & Part2, and part2 was exactly built on top of Part1 without gaps... The problem with that is sometimes it's hard to track down all the parts and if one goes down for some reason it's worse. It's also a pain to have to distinguish the legit parts from outsider-parts (there are already incomplete FM archives on TPB now). With a master torrent that gets versioned up you don't have this issue, or it's not as bad.

What do you see when you turn out the light? I can't tell you but I know that it's mine.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Out of interest , how many on here still play the old Thief 1 and 2 fan missions? I had great fun with these five or six years ago and indeed built up my on little collection on dvds. But i haven't dug them out again and revisited them since that time.

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I still play FMs for the 1st two Thief games. Currenty playing Darkstone Gem by DarkMax. I definately recommend checking it out. There's actually been some really good FMs for T2 this year.

"I believe that what doesn't kill you simply makes you... stranger"


The Joker

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Also, Shadow Politics for Gold, which may be just the best city mission in a while.


I do play missions for the Thief games, but not all of them nowadays - I'll download and play something if it really appeals to me. Haven't been disappointed in a long time.


And yes, I ordered a set of these DVDs. I'll put them in my Thief Gold box for the ultimate Thief treasure chest and keep it under guard and key at an undisclosed location. :D

Come the time of peril, did the ground gape, and did the dead rest unquiet 'gainst us. Our bands of iron and hammers of stone prevailed not, and some did doubt the Builder's plan. But the seals held strong, and the few did triumph, and the doubters were lain into the foundations of the new sanctum. -- Collected letters of the Smith-in-Exile, Civitas Approved

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Still play em occasionally. I've got lots of favorites, especially for Thief 1. I think my problem is that there are so many FMs, I have a hard time finding ones that I really like (I'm sure there are many I don't even know about that I would love). I wasn't constantly watching for and playing new Thief FMs back in the day, so a huge catalog accumulated, where as I played every single TDM mission as they came out.

--- War does not decide who is right, war decides who is left.

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Thanks for your work. As you already know (I still remember the PMs some years ago) I loved this site. Still got many FMs to play. I reccomend T2 missions to play online in multiplayer with your friends!

"Einen giftigen Trank aus Kräutern und Wurzeln für die närrischen Städter wollen wir brauen." - Text aus einem verlassenen Heidenlager

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When I moved out of my parents house T2 hadn't even been released. It was only 4 years ago that I was eventally able to afford my own PC. The very 1st thing I did was buy T2. Once I had finished it I went online to see if I could find anything Thief related. You can imagine my suprise when I discovered TTLG and the hundreds to Thief FMs available!


I played the classics lite T2X, calendras Legacy, 7 Sisters, The Broken Triad etc. There's still plenty I haven't played. I made a donation to Komag so now I can take my time and play all of them over the upcoming years.

"I believe that what doesn't kill you simply makes you... stranger"


The Joker

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I still play FMs for the 1st two Thief games. Currenty playing Darkstone Gem by DarkMax. I definately recommend checking it out. There's actually been some really good FMs for T2 this year.

After reading the above comments in response to my recent post I decided to resurrect my early gameplay with the above mission.. Unfortunately , I'd forgotten what an absolute pain in the bum they are to get running on a Win 7 machine. At least they are to a late sixties older fella like me ! Adding bits and bobs plus the latest Garrett Loader version haven't got them going , I'll have to leave it until I've more time and patience. i did get it all running way back when but that was when I was younger and with XP!!

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my burner is getting a workout today, last few batches in the queue for the last day.


I still occasionally play a classic Thief mission. I really enjoyed Rose Cottage a few months ago, impressive work and fun play. I tried my hand at some of the reloaded maps, it was pretty cool to see the Thief 3 city in Thief 2 engine, not bad! Next up I'll probably try Finals at the Academy - I've always been a sucker for boarding school adventures (if that's even what it is, I'm not sure)


As far as running on Win 7, I have a Win 7 64bit laptop, and all I did was use the latest beta TafferPatcher 1.0.3 and it took care of everything, runs perfectly!

shadowdark50.gif keep50.gif
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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, finally I'm trying to get the torrent started, not sure if I did it right but here is a link:



(you may need to right-click and "save file as" or "save link as" or "save target")


or you can download a zipped version of the torrent file here:



let me know if it's working or needs to be fixed somehow




Also, I made a handful of extra DVD sets, so if anyone missed the deadline but still wants a set they can make a donation and I'll send them out, until they're gone.

shadowdark50.gif keep50.gif
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Seems to be working for me. What's great about this is that a person can download individual FMs, like a quick one-stop FM shop.


Edit: It's going for me, but it seems hung up & I'm getting the notice "Flushing to Disk" on uTorrent, something I hadn't seen before.

Google says:

"Writing a buffer to disk is called buffer flushing. When a user thread modifies data in a buffer, it marks the buffer as dirty. When the database server flushes the buffer to disk, it subsequently marks the buffer as not dirty and allows the data in the buffer to be overwritten."





"uTorrent 3.1 added that state information. It was happening before, but user was not notified.


As to why it does not stop, there were some users in the beta of 3.1 who had that issue. I did not see any thing further.

Try stopping it and right-click select Force Re-check and then re-start.

You can also enable diskio.smart.hash at Options>Preferences>Advanced (it may already be enabled - I am not sure of the default setting)"



I don't know where that's an issue though...


Edit2: Stopping & Force-starting it over made it go through just fine, no pause at all. I just got a couple of FMs off of it, and they're in working order. Good work man.

What do you see when you turn out the light? I can't tell you but I know that it's mine.

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