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Announcement: Lost Places Contest


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I'll have to think about this. I'd love to participate, but I'm currently juggling 3 TDM WIPs as it is.


If I can come up with an interesting mission, I'll see what I can do to make room.


Thanks for doing this, brethren. It should be fun for those who participate, and fun for everyone to have a new batch of missions to play.

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am already working on 2 lost places maps, have been for 6 years on and off, a lot of off though, if I finish them during the competition, I don't want them included in the contest, probably wont finish them though. Ones set 5 years before 'Lord Dufford' and the other one set a few days after 'Lord Dufford' although they are connected to each other in some obscure way they aren't connected to 'Lord Dufford'.

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oh... i'm going on a wild-camping trek along the coast for a few months that will take from late april-august...

Idk if it would be completed in time, but it is a story in the thief world that I have wanted to tell for a year more using TDM, 'cept they don't have the skins for pagans and what-not.

Make do, I reckon.

// Apologies... I ought to have edited this into my last post, I know...

Edited by teh_saccade
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It might be worth adding a link to the original thread on ttlg, just to keep everyone in sync.

Announcements: Lost Places Contest (ttlg)


Oh, and there was an addition to the rules, as seen in the OP:


Edit: Late addition to the rules - you are allowed to build your mission off of work done prior to the start of the contest. This would likely be in the form of an old/abandoned mission that was never finished. You cannot however use any completed missions (such as an OM or FM) as a base.

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Love competitions but I just started a new map and I'm really inspired by the idea. :)

I have an eclectic YouTube channel making videos on a variety of games. Come and have look here:



Dark Mod Missions: Briarwood Manor - available here or in game




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Love competitions but I just started a new map and I'm really inspired by the idea. :)


Me too!


I'm gonna do just something small for this contest. Dunno if I'm gonna finish in time, though.


-The mapper's best friend.

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Edit: Late addition to the rules - you are allowed to build your mission off of work done prior to the start of the contest. This would likely be in the form of an old/abandoned mission that was never finished. You cannot however use any completed missions (such as an OM or FM) as a base.


So if my mission was in early testing (playable but asking for suggestions for further changes and direction) about last Halloween does it count as finished or not?

Edited by ERH+


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Yeah, I don't really know where to draw the line on this stuff tbh, but if your mission was basically finished and was/is going to be released anyway, I tend to think that's not really in the spirit of the contest. We want the playing field to be relatively even for all participants, and most people will be starting from scrach. So I guess I'd have to say no to this one.

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