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18 hours ago, Oktokolo said:

just quickload when someone draws a weapon


12 hours ago, AluminumHaste said:

I very much dislike redoing sections in games, especially more than a few times, so I quicksave scum in almost all games that support it.

That sounds like fun. 😕

@AluminumHasteIsn't what you are saying contradictory? You hate redoing sections but quicksave scum, which will inevitebly lead to you redoing the same stuff over and over again (assuming you fail).

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14 hours ago, AluminumHaste said:

I very much dislike redoing sections in games, especially more than a few times, so I quicksave scum in almost all games that support it.

Same here. Nothing "scummy" about that anway. ;) That just originates from people who think their way is the only way, and anything different has to be smited.

It's especially annoying in games like TDM, because the alert cool off time is very long.

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2 hours ago, Obsttorte said:


@AluminumHasteIsn't what you are saying contradictory? You hate redoing sections but quicksave scum, which will inevitebly lead to you redoing the same stuff over and over again (assuming you fail).

You'll have to do it again anyway, regardless of quickloading or not. The difference is that when you quickload, you have to wait a shorter time, compared to the time it takes for the guard to cool off.

Actually, it can be even longer if the guard alerts other guards as well. Not to mention the chaos it creates. I don't like chaos.

I usually only quickload though if my KO's fail because of the (subjectively observed) flaws of the blackjacking system. If I don't have an idea what I did wrong (once again), then I will quickload. If I know what I did wrong, I will most likely live with the consequences. I quicksave about a 150 to 200 times per mission, and quickload 30 to 40 times, just as an indication.

Edited by chakkman
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No, what I mean, if I'm doing a section and it takes 2 minutes, and I screw it up, I have to do it over again.

If I save every 20 seconds, I only have to redo the last 20 seconds.

And having a recent quicksave has given me the confidence to try daring and risky stuff, and has allowed me to better learn the games mechanics instead of always playing it safe, in fear of screwing up an entire game session.

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On 7/4/2022 at 2:25 PM, chakkman said:

I blackjacked helmeted guards from the side.

Actually, for some strange reason, it even works better from the side.

Yeah, it's not a rigid type of thing.  There is a cone that extends outward from the back of the AI.  It fans out wide enough to offer some allowance for error, which makes it possible to come from the side somewhat. 

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2 hours ago, New Horizon said:

Yeah, it's not a rigid type of thing.  There is a cone that extends outward from the back of the AI.  It fans out wide enough to offer some allowance for error, which makes it possible to come from the side somewhat. 

The cone thing explains why it works better the more sloppy you do it. If you actually try to hit the head, you miss all the time but if you miss the head, you get a higher chance of hitting the cone as it covers more volume further away. The system seems to actively discourage actually hitting the head.

I suggest turning that cone into a sphere fully containing the head - so blackjacking just works.
Wouldn't care that much from what direction the jack comes. If the AI doesn't see it coming, it should be fair game.

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