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TDM Modpack v2.0 released in the opening post

What's new?


The highlight of this update is the inclusion of the "Quiet Object Handling" mod: moveable items will not make any noise when in contact with the environment for as long as you are holding them. Exception: bodies.

You can find more information in this topic: No impact sounds while holding an object




I succumb: The ability now supports modded flames. We are talking a few missions and not very relevant flames but there you go.

New small flames supported / missions impacted:

  • "volta_candleflame" // Various missions
  • "volta_candleflame_unlit" // Various missions
  • "welli_light_candleflame_sp" // Iris
  • "light_candleflame_redheart" // The Heart of Saint Mattis
  • "light_candleflame_sp_redheart" // The Heart of Saint Mattis
  • "light_candleflame_sp_red" // A House of Locked Secrets
  • "light_candleflame_sp_shortradius" // A House of Locked Secrets
  • "light_candleflame_long_red" // A House of Locked Secrets
  • "outpost:light_candleflame" // The Outpost
  • "outpost:light_candleflame_large" // The Outpost
  • "outpost:light_candleflame_unlit" // The Outpost
  • "sotha_light_candleflame_sp" // TP6: Lich Queen's Demise




I noticed Penumbra's damage counts against the "Damage Received" mission stats and decided to review the ability.

With this update not only the "self inflicted" damage does not count against your stats but I decided to slowly but steadily auto-heal the player: as soon as you stop using Penumbra a slow regenerating process begins, and the health you consumed will eventually be restored. It really is a slow process that, to put it into perspective, can take longer than 15 minutes if we are talking full health regeneration.

This way you can now use Penumbra a few times during a mission without the need of health potions or sanctified fountains.



I hope you enjoy this set of mods. You can find the download in the opening post.


Edited by snatcher
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6 hours ago, snatcher said:

The highlight of this update is the inclusion of the "Quiet Object Handling" mod: moveable items will not make any noise when in contact with the environment for as long as you are holding them. Exception: bodies.

I assumed this was enabled all the time since the last releases, but it seems it only works if you are creeping and you made it work always? This might be something I could add to my patch too, if it isn't too illogical in the end.

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My understanding (from this post) is:

The matter was a "long-standing" point of controversy and for v2.10 @stgatilov made an attempt to decrease the noise (among other changes) and, in addition, included extra configurations to accommodate different modes.

v2.10 was shipped with stgatilov's noise reduction effort but none of the "silent mode" variables are enabled by default. The current problem with his "silent mode" implementation (cvars higher than 0) is:

On 5/15/2021 at 6:39 AM, stgatilov said:

if the manipulated item is blocked by something, you won't be able to move it. For example, if a crate has a candle on it, you won't be able to move crate vertically unless you remove the candle.

The "Quite Object Handling" mod takes a different route and it is not impacted by the above issue.

@wesp5, if you are interested you can grab a copy of the script from the pack or from here.


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On 7/30/2022 at 11:07 AM, snatcher said:

Go to your TDM root folder and double click on JSGME.exe (yellow icon). The first time you launch JSGME, it will ask for the "Mods Folder Name". Leave "MODS" and click OK.

Is this modpack Windows only?

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Definitely not, however...

I am not familiar with Linux but this guy managed to run JSGME in Wine (7:55 onwards):

If you cannot make JSGME work or simply cannot be bothered:

  1. Download the Modpack
  2. Search inside for *.pk4 files
  3. Move the *.pk4 to your TDM root dir

As of today there are three (self describing) *.pk4:

  • x_Classic_Blackjack_v1.0.pk4
  • x_Footsteps_Water_v3.0.pk4
  • x_TDM_Modpack_v2.0.pk4

The *.pk4 are independent from each other. Try one, two or all at once. Your choice.

Edited by snatcher
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3 hours ago, snatcher said:


Is this the old version of the blackjack for 2.11? I still haven't tried the new one with the raising blackjack animation yet...

P.S.: I just tried the Quite Object Handling and I don't like it. The Unofficial Patch is mostly about making the game more realistic and now the items seem to stick to each other without a sound which has the complete opposite effect on me!

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3 hours ago, wesp5 said:

Is this the old version of the blackjack for 2.11?

Kind of? @Obsttorte set the scripting basis of the mod and when he moved to the source code I completed his take based on my interpretation of the blackjack.

3 hours ago, wesp5 said:

P.S.: I just tried the Quite Object Handling and I don't like it. The Unofficial Patch is mostly about making the game more realistic and now the items seem to stick to each other without a sound which has the complete opposite effect on me!

An that's perfectly fine. My main concern was about the noise propagation although some sounds bothered me as well to some extent. I give the instructions and my thief deals with objects with no fuss. Go Team! 😊


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On 7/30/2022 at 11:07 AM, snatcher said:


  • Credits: kcghost, Dragofer, snatcher.
  • Description: Display some stats and the stealth score during a mission. Just bring up the "Loot" inventory icon and press "Use".

I wonder why you use the inferior inventory based version, instead of the one from here:


Edit: I added this modpack to the wiki in place of the Decrease volume of open/close door sounds triggered by player addon, like you suggested.

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Hi datiswous,

3 hours ago, datiswous said:

I wonder why you use the inferior inventory based version, instead of the one from here:

The Stats Inventory Mod is based on the good work by @kcghost and @Dragofer but implemented in a different way. Inferior or not we now have 3 different versions.

3 hours ago, datiswous said:

Edit: I added this modpack to the wiki in place of the Decrease volume of open/close door sounds triggered by player addon, like you suggested.

Thanks for keeping the Wiki in good shape!

1 hour ago, datiswous said:

I found that afaics the only thing jgsme does is copy the pk4 files in the subfolders to the root directory. I guess this is relativelly easy to reproduce..

In essence JSGME creates/overwrites/restores/deletes files and folders on demand but it also checks for conflicts among different mods and warns users when a conflict is found (I moved from plain files to pk4 not to trigger any warning).

1 hour ago, datiswous said:

Btw. Wouldn't it be more useful if ALL the mods are each a seperate pk4, so that they can be installed seperatly?

It would! Unfortunately as of today there can only exist one tdm_user_addons.script file and that limits the number of standalone mods we can have.


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kcghost's Loot Stealth Stats

  • Pros: Pioneering idea!. Always on screen.
  • Cons: Permanently replaces the loot inventory item with the stats meaning players cannot know the loot they currently have but as datiswous points out loot info is still available in the inventory screen.

Dragofer's Stealth Statistics

  • Pros: Different approach. We get to keep the loot inventory item.
  • Cons: Takes up one slot in the inventory, partial use of the screen to display the info.

Snatcher's Stats Inventory

  • Pros: We get to keep the loot inventory item. It does not take up extra slots in the inventory and does not get in your way.
  • Cons: "Bodies found" counter removed. Non-intuitive / Obscure feature.
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13 hours ago, datiswous said:

It's pretty good actually, but it was not clear to me. Should be made more clear in the mod file and in the first post.


You have to click on the row under the tittle to activate. Then the "use"-key to switch between the two modes.

I see... the feature is even more obscure then.

I don't use that screen but the arrow keys to navigate the inventory:

  • Up arrow: Next category
  • Down arrow: Prev category
  • Right arrow: Next item
  • Left arrow: Prev item
11 hours ago, wesp5 said:

Nice :)! But you need to explain this somewhere...

Noted. Thanks!


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19 hours ago, snatcher said:

Cons: Replaces the loot inventory item with the stats meaning players cannot know the loot they currently have.

14 hours ago, datiswous said:


If you open the inventory screen you can see the loot. So it just depends how you use inventory. I always use this inventory screen (+ specific keys, like K for keys, I for docs, p for lockpics, etc.) and never the cycle through inventory with keys method.

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TDM Modpack v2.2 released in the opening post

What's new?


This mod changes on the fly the sounds of a vast number of stock door (and lid) sounds with more subtle audio clues but only when a door is manipulated by the player.

Some remarks / clarifications:

  • Custom door sounds a mapper may have selected or introduced are respected. This mod alters a limited number of stock sounds but since these default sounds are widely used in most missions the impact is relevant.
  • This mod only applies to the player. AI will keep triggering whatever default or custom sound a door initially has. It is at this point worth noting that - in TDM - AI does not care the slightest for door sounds and this mod is a kind of immersion gimmick to make our protagonist sound more sneaky or graceful.
  • Doors get to keep their original sound when manipulated while running.
  • From time to time you will get to hear a creaky sound... (bonus feature)

Known issues:

  • I am unable to detect double doors set to auto open/close therefore manipulating double doors remains a little noisy.
  • I am unable to intercept the moment a door gets unlocked therefore unlocking locked doors remains a little noisy.

Despite these "issues" the mod works pretty well for the vast majority of doors out there and will hopefully improve your overall experience. Just play missions normally... it all should feel natural!

You can find the download link in the opening post.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Dear taffers,

The next version of the TDM Modpack will include (yet another) player skill. That would make it five in total.

Since there can be many inventory items, and many inventory categories, I have been using locally the autocommands.cfg file to bind F1 to the "Skills" category and F2 to the "Tools" category (neither of these categories can be set to any hotkey in-game currently).

I would like to offer a similar configuration right out of the box to TDM Modpack users. Before someone tells me I shouldn't toy with user configuration files please know I am fully aware of it. Regardless, and thinking of the less tech savvy users, I would like to provide a better TDM Modpack experience.

I can think of two alternatives:

  • Provide my own autocommands.cfg, which would override any custom autocommands.cfg the user may have (not good)
  • Provide an ad-hoc autoModpackCommands.cfg (good but I don't know how to "auto run" it)

Any ideas regarding the latter?

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TDM Modpack v2.4 released in the opening post


autocommands.cfg file included.

Starting with TDM Modpack v2.4 the F1 and F2 keys are reserved for mods. If you have any key bound to F1 and/or F2 please use a different key.

Since the number of skills keeps increasing the F1 key is now a shortcut to the" Skills" category. And since the Tools category sometimes includes useful custom items (such as the "Peculiar Lenses" in Iris) the F2 key is now a shortcut to the "Tools" category.

Neither of these two categories can be set to any hotkey in-game currently, so we are using the built-in autocommands.cfg file to set up the keys. It may be the case you already make use of the autocommands.cfg file to configure other things to your needs or liking therefore consider yourself warned. The autocommands.cfg file included in the Modpack can be easily deleted by accessing the Modpack in the MODS folder.


What's new in TDM Modpack v2.4?

Ever wanted to know what was going on on the other side of the door before attempting to intrude?


The peek is a built-in feature that mappers must setup individually in every door. Unfortunately, as good as the idea is, it is put to use only on a handful of missions.

The new "Peek Door" Skill allows you to virtually peek through any door (*). Just get close to a door, select the "Peek Door" Skill, and press the "use" key.

(*) by "any door" we mean any standard, human-sized door. A normal door, if you like.



Thanks to the invaluable help of @Dragofer the mod works extremely well but mind you, we cannot test each and every door out there and, from time to time, you will get to see a weird view. Let us know which doors don't quite work and we shall take them to the lab for further analysis. In the same line, you may stumble upon a door you think you should be able to peek through, let us also know about these cases.

You can find the download in the first post.


Edited by snatcher
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  • snatcher changed the title to Snatcher's Workshop - Mods for The Dark Mod

TDM Modpack v2.5 released in the opening post

Maintenance update:

The Peek Door ability gets upgraded to v1.1 and we can now reliably peek through the "sliding door" type.

The Loot Animations mod has been reviewed and improved and a nasty bug in the Fast Doors mod has been squashed.

The rest of the code received minor changes in some areas.

Oh, in case you didn't notice, the TDM Modpack has a new logo:


You can find the download in the first post on this topic.

Time to kick off the next project...

Edited by snatcher
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