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Really Old Menu Concepts


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Also, a complete set of which screens we need would be good.


Well, there's no need to redesign the actual menus (as in what menus there are and what options they include). They'll be the same as what Napalm has already coded. Just the appearance will be changed.


As for Odd's suggestion about the text, it made me think it might be neat if the words appeared to 'burn' themselves into the page on load-up, rather than just being there. Then the words could vanish into smoke when an option is selected.


And please do upload them if you have time, I wouldn't mind playing around and seeing what effects look good on the models.

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I'm not sure we want to have the entire backgrounds as movie files. They would be huge since we're doing them in 1024x768.


Spring: I meant all the screens, including the loading, startup, restart etc. I don't think we ever did any concepts for them. And then we have the mod-specific screens such as view objectives, purchase screens etc.


You can grab the psd's here:

Main menu




I would suggest starting with the loadingscreen, since it's the easiest to (re)do (in high-res), and we can try out some stuff with animating the background and maybe the clock and stuff. And when we know how to create these effects and get them into Doom 3, we can start working on the more complicated main menu screens. (burning smokin text sounds cool!)

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I would suggest starting with the loadingscreen, since it's the easiest to (re)do (in high-res), and we can try out some stuff with animating the background


I like the loading screen less than I like the menu concept, personally.

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I think there should be no pictures in the behind the text. The spinning cog is enough for the parchment area. Having sketches coming up there as well as on the left, and the spinning cog, plus animated text, is just far too busy. We don't need that much going on.

AS for the loading screen, there shouldn't be a specific one. It should be dynamic, and depend on the mission you're about to play.

Civillisation will not attain perfection until the last stone, from the last church, falls on the last priest.

- Emil Zola


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There's a game loading screen and a mission loading screen. We certainly need the first one. The second could come from the FM, but we should have a default one just in case.

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I don't mind the background as much, but the figure doesn't work for me. And I'd like to see more of a city motif instead of so much focus on the clock-face. I do like the sepia-style, though.

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I don't mind the background as much, but the figure doesn't work for me. And I'd like to see more of a city motif instead of so much focus on the clock-face. I do like the sepia-style, though.


It's a little busy. What might look cool is if the glass on the clock fase was semi-transparent and you could see some buildings off in the distance...very faintly.

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The loading screen doesn't really fit with the other screens since it is done in a slightly different style, and was made much later etc. It might be possible to tweak it around a bit. I'll try adding the city in the background as suggested.


Spring: Do you have a high-res copy of the gear in the logo? And also, do you have a high-res picture of a parchment/paper. The one I have been using for the background looks like this:


Res: a whopping 461x346! Doesn't look very good when stretched to 1024x768...


I tried some different things with the text here (another "gear" as well since the other was so low-res):


(another version here)

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WHat about something like this for a loading screen- continuing the clock motif. THis could either be a prerender, or the cool thing with doom, is that is could be a realtime animated model.

Obviously some knd of loading bar or indicator would be added.


Civillisation will not attain perfection until the last stone, from the last church, falls on the last priest.

- Emil Zola


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No, it's from a screensaver, but I thought it was appropriate and just darn cool. I'd be making ours based on something like this. The numbers can be changed to the thief Mason font.

Civillisation will not attain perfection until the last stone, from the last church, falls on the last priest.

- Emil Zola


character models site

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WHat about something like this for a loading screen- continuing the clock motif. THis could either be a prerender, or the cool thing with doom, is that is could be a realtime animated model.

Obviously some knd of loading bar or indicator would be added.



That looks fantastic. :) I think it still misses something to make it more interesting, but the clock itself is WOW! :)


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It would be neat if we could combine Odd's avi with pak's most recent image. The clock could be in the center and the title raised to the top, and perhaps some city images could be incorporated into edges.


We will also need to replace the little splash screen that first appears when you start D3.

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No, the little one with the big demon on it that first appears on your desktop.

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I thought the same :)


I couldn't open it with AE, otherwise I could have animated it. What codec is it saved with Odd?


Oh, and this is intended to be the splash/startup/load screen, hence the "initializing menus" text which appears when you fire up Doom 3


Edit - Oh, you mean the splashscreen when you pop in the CD? Otherwise I'm not quite sure what you mean.

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It's the picture on this site: http://www.doom3.com/


But it is only like 400x200 pixels in size. It appears for a few seconds after you first start D3, before the main loading screen kicks in.

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