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Mr Retarded

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Do not speak ill of the Shatner!


He'll hunt you down and do stuff. Really bad stuff. Like knock on your door then run away and if you're really mean about him he'll make you listen to one of his albums! Just watch your step.

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I prefer Patrick Stewart, but then, he was the captain of my childhood. To be perfectly honest, I always preferred Babylon 5 to some damn Deep Space Franchise. :)


Hey, maybe we could turn this thread into an argument of B5 versus Star Trek! :laugh:


I grew up on Kirk, but preferred Picard. Next Gen was just a better fit for me I think. I liked the more thoughtful approach it often took.

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I also grew up with an older brother who loved Trek and watch Kirk reruns whenever they were on, so he's my true captain. But I liked Picard equally well I have to say, in a very different way. Picard was more authoritative and wise, whereas Kirk was "the man".

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Yes... "thoughtful". That's certainly one way of describing it.


Worf: Captain, the aliens have opened fire and blown a hole though ten decks.

Picard: Oh, well, open hailing frequencies.

Deanna: I sense hostility.

Data: They aren't answering our hail.

Riker: Return fire!

Worf: (fires exactly one shot) No effect.

Riker: Run away!

Geordi: We can't. Their first shot disabled every system on the ship.

Wesley: Hey guys I [tech]d into their [tech], disabling their [tech]-[tech]-[techitytechtech]. We're saved!

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Yes... "thoughtful". That's certainly one way of describing it.


Worf: Captain, the aliens have opened fire and blown a hole though ten decks.

Picard: Oh, well, open hailing frequencies.

Deanna: I sense hostility.

Data: They aren't answering our hail.

Riker: Return fire!

Worf: (fires exactly one shot) No effect.

Riker: Run away!

Geordi: We can't. Their first shot disabled every system on the ship.

Wesley: Hey guys I [tech]d into their [tech], disabling their [tech]-[tech]-[techitytechtech]. We're saved!


Really? I got a hell of a lot more out of it than that. There was some great character exploration on that show.

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Hey, maybe we could turn this thread into an argument of B5 versus Star Trek! :laugh:

Save precious time -- watch "Star Wreck: In the Pirkinning" instead. (for free on starwreck.com)


Been a Trek Fan for years, but i ended up liking the parody stuff as well or even more.


TNG sure had "character exploration" and some real interesting philosophical arguments in it. But they spoiled it for me in the movies.


And in the next movie they're going to... -- oops! It's not the OT-forum. Well good night then.



Edited by plasticman
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I also grew up with an older brother who loved Trek and watch Kirk reruns whenever they were on, so he's my true captain. But I liked Picard equally well I have to say, in a very different way. Picard was more authoritative and wise, whereas Kirk was "the man".


Yeah, that's right. I also liked Picard, because he is really a great actor. Never associated him with the Enterprise though. It should have been it's own franchise. :)


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Yes... "thoughtful". That's certainly one way of describing it.


Worf: Captain, the aliens have opened fire and blown a hole though ten decks.

Picard: Oh, well, open hailing frequencies.

Deanna: I sense hostility.

Data: They aren't answering our hail.

Riker: Return fire!

Worf: (fires exactly one shot) No effect.

Riker: Run away!

Geordi: We can't. Their first shot disabled every system on the ship.

Wesley: Hey guys I [tech]d into their [tech], disabling their [tech]-[tech]-[techitytechtech]. We're saved!


That dialogue sounds quite strange. So the captain tells the crew to open the frequencies to make contact, and Riker (1st Lieutenant?) overrides him and orders to fire back? If that is the whole dialogue wouldn't this mean that some kind of mutiny, or at minimum insubordination? :)


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That dialogue sounds quite strange. So the captain tells the crew to open the frequencies to make contact, and Riker (1st Lieutenant?) overrides him and orders to fire back? If that is the whole dialogue wouldn't this mean that some kind of mutiny, or at minimum insubordination? :)

1st Lieutenant?!?! That's it, hand over your nerd badge!

Loose BOWELS are the first sign of THE CHOLERA MORBUS!
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Kirk was more the brash action hero. Picard felt more believable as a strong-minded diplomat a space organization would actually let run an expensive flagship.


But remember that in Kirk's time it was still pretty early and they needed adventurous daring leader to help "tame" the wild unknown

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There are way too many Star Trek parodies. There is a german one called "Star Dreck" (Dreck is german vor dirt) which just presents new voicerecordings over the older motion picture. In one episode the spend about half an hour talking about black coffee. Hilarious!! :D I have spent more time watching this than the real Star Trek aparently. We just didn't receive the right TV-channels at that time.


(Maybe we should move this thread to off-topic ;) )

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There are way too many Star Trek parodies. There is a german one called "Star Dreck" (Dreck is german vor dirt) which just presents new voicerecordings over the older motion picture. In one episode the spend about half an hour talking about black coffee. Hilarious!! :D


Think it was called "Sinnlos im Weltraum" (=senseless in space) originally. But yes, too many parodies. When it's just comedy and a cheap way to entertain you, or even worse some kids copying that = no good. But SiW is great and so is Star Wreck (IMO).


And BTW if you put milk in your coffee it's no longer black anymore.



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